how to get a ce course approved for physicians

by Skyla Heathcote 3 min read

Steps to take for Standard Accreditation

  1. Assign a developer from your organization to complete the CE proposal (a required document) and ensure it meets requirements.
  2. Establish a planning committee. The planning committee must include CDC representatives of the health practice for which CE is requested. ...
  3. Complete this CE Request form [DOC – 126 KB] or CE Request Form ...
  4. Wait for a call from your CE consultant. ...

Full Answer

What continuing education is required for a physician?

What Continuing Education Is Required for Physicians? All states and medical boards require physicians to participate in continuing medical education (CME) activities in order to maintain their medical licenses. Read on to discover what CME requirements you would need to fulfill after becoming a licensed physician.

Are your CE courses AIHCP approved?

“Dedicated to insuring the quality of continuing professional education in healthcare” This process does not mean any of your CE courses have the same State Board Approvals as AIHCP. The AIHCP is NOT an accredited agency or a state approval board. None of AIHCP’s state approvals will apply to your CE courses.

Do I need to take CME courses?

According to the American Medical Association (AMA), CME requirements for physicians vary by state, so you'll need to check with your state board to make sure that you follow its guidelines ( ). Some states mandate the content of CME courses.

How can I Advance my continuing education?

Be a champion for change in your organization and embrace new ideas to advance continuing education Explore. Innovate. Learn Well. ACCME Academy, an educational home for the continuing education (CE) community, offers multimedia, interactive courses, and resources designed to help you enhance the value of your education.

What is a CHES?

Can nurses receive continuing education hours in California?


Is CDC accredited by ACCME?

Is CDC a continuing education provider?

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What is the difference between CE and CME?

At its simplest, the difference between CME and CE is that Continuing Education applies to all licensed medical professionals, whereas Continuing Medical Education applies primarily to physicians. In essence, all CME is CE, but not all CE is CME.

What are CME's for doctors?

CME is the abbreviation for Continuing Medical Education and consists of educational activities which serve to maintain, develop, or increase the knowledge, skills, and professional performance and relationships that a physician uses to provide services for patients, the public, or the profession.

What are the CME requirements for physicians in California?

In order to ensure the continuing competence of licensed physician, you must complete a minimum of 50 hours of approved Continuing Medical Education (CME) hours during each biennial renewal cycle. CME courses must have been completed during each two-year period immediately preceding the expiration of your license.

What is the difference between category 1 and category 2 CME?

Category 2 credits are credits that you can document on your own. These credits are earned for activities that are not certified for Category 1 Credit. Although these credits may be of value to some licensing, credentialing or professional organizations, earning them is not typically required.

How do I create a CME?

Develop a CME ProgramDevelop online course.Develop budget.Apply for continuing education credits i.e., CME and Nursing.Develop program evaluation.Summarize program evaluations and provide copy to conference director.Develop program brochure.Handle printing/copying of brochure.Order mailing labels.More items...

How do you get CME credit hours?

Apply for CME Credit hoursLogin to TNMC Account.Click Apply for CME Credit hours.Show required credit hours for each block years (2012-17, 2017-2022).Start adding certificate details, Teaching faculty, PG details, Sick details, . ... Calculate the amount and preview the information then click Proceed to Payment.More items...

Do CME credits expire?

Each accredited CME provider is required to keep records of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ claimed by physicians who participate in their activities for six years from the date of completion of the activity.

Can residents earn CME?

Many websites offer free CME sponsored by drug companies. Usually, medical students and residents are allowed to complete the courses.

Does Fellowship count as CME?

In the 2022-2024 CME cycle, certified residents and fellows are not exempt from their CME requirements, however, they will earn 20 credits of CME for each year of postdoctoral training completed.

Does UpToDate count as Category 1 CME?

UpToDate is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™.

What is Category 2 CME physician?

AMA PRA Category 2 Credit™ is self-designated and self-claimed by individual physicians for participation in educational activities not certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ that meet the following criteria: Comply with the AMA definition of CME. Comply with relevant AMA ethical opinions. Are non-promotional.

Is CPD the same as CME?

"Continuing Professional Development and Continuing Medical Education are frequently used interchangeably, most literature has now defined CME as being an ingredient of CPD. CPD is a process that includes continuing medical education.

Why is CME important?

CME is crucial to the prosperity of health care providers—it allows a practitioner to learn and discover viable ways to improve on the patient care they deliver and effectively manage a career in the ever-changing landscape of the medical industry.

What is a CME medical exam?

A compulsory medical examination (CME) is an exam requested by the defendant in a personal injury lawsuit. The exam is often used to gather more information regarding a plaintiff's condition and injuries.

What does CME mean in science?

Coronal Mass Ejections. Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are large expulsions of plasma and magnetic field from the Sun's corona.

What is the value of CME?

Performance OutlookPrevious Close191.56Day's Range188.72 - 190.7952 Week Range185.79 - 256.94Volume795,110Avg. Volume1,323,0463 more rows

Continuing Education Program - American Public Health Association

Welcome to APHA's Integrated Continuing Education Program for public health professionals and those interested in public health. This page is the portal to APHA's education, career and professional development activities.

12 Types of Continuing Education |

Learn more about continuing education, and read through a list of list 12 different types of continuing education and tips for choosing between them.

What is a successful completion of a CME activity?

Successful completion of a CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the learner to earn credit toward the CME and/or Self-Assessment requirements of the American Board of Surgery's Continuous Certification program. It is the CME activity provider's responsibility to submit learner completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABS credit.

What is MOC in CME?

It is the CME activity provider’s responsibility to submit participant completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABP MOC credit. Please see individual course details.

What is part 2 CME?

Participants will earn Lifelong Learning (Part II) credits equivalent to the amount of CME credits claimed for the activity for the American Board of Pathology (ABPath) Continuing Certification Program.

How to contact NetCE?

As always, please email [email protected] or call us at (800) 232-4238 with questions or concerns regarding your continuing education.

Is NetCE accredited?

Back to Accreditations & Approvals. In support of improving patient care, NetCE is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

What is CE program approval?

Please note that CE Course and CE program approvals are a testament by the AIHCP that the course/program meets our high quality standards for the offering of a CE Course/Program. These courses/program have undergone a rigorous review according to our established standards for course/program development and delivery. All courses/programs that are approved by the AIHCP are approved for our certified members to use for their Recertification CE requirements.

How long does an AIHCP program approval last?

All program approvals are for a five year period.

How to apply for AihCP?

All providers must submit to the AIHCP a written application for consideration of approval. An online application which can be printed may be accessed here. Providers may also call the AIHCP administrative offices to obtain an application. Completed applications can be mailed to the AIHCP or faxed to the administrative office. Applications which are incomplete will be returned to the provider with an explanation and recommendation for submitting needed information. Incomplete applications will significantly delay the review and approval process. TIME FRAME FOR APPLICATION REVIEW All applications will be reviewed by qualified members of the AIHCP, and providers will receive a written notification of the results of the review process within 14 days of the AIHCP’s receipt of the application. If approved, the provider will be notified of such, and instructions regarding requirements for printing an approval statement on the participants certificates will be provided. Approved programs will also be assigned a provider number, which will be used in any future correspondence regarding the program/offering.

What is AIHCP approval?

Again to clarify, AIHCP’s approval is an endorsement for any AIHCP certified members who may take your courses to receive re-certification hours with AIHCP. The AIHCP approval is none the less a valuable and effective endorsement from a reputable organization that can help market your courses to other professionals.

What is the AIHCP?

The AIHCP’s division, the Center for Continuing Professional Education, sponsors this professional service. Applicants submit a detailed proposal and completed application according to quality standards as developed by the AIHCP. Programs which meet the defined standards are then granted “approval” by the AIHCP and its Center for Continuing ...

What is a defined program of study?

To provide a mechanism that demonstrates to employers, professional organizations, licensing boards, accreditation bodies, certification boards, etc., that participants have completed a defined program of study which provided a quality and appropriate offering to participants, based on a pre-evaluation of applicable standards.

What is the American Institute of Healthcare Professionals?

The American Institute of Healthcare Professionals, Inc., through its division, The Center for Continuing Professional Education, provides an approval process for the following types of continuing education programs and offerings: Seminars. Lectures. Staff Inservice/education. Video learning programs and online Webinars.

November 2021 Meeting education sessions

Review the education sessions and CME credit for education sessions of the November 2021 HOD and Sections Meetings.

Why physician competence should be top of mind, every day

It undergirds professional autonomy and the privilege of self-regulation. Learn with the AMA about self-assessment and self-awareness strategies.

AMA commits to helping reshape continuing board certification

The AMA Council on Medical Education will continue working with the American Board of Medical Specialties on alternatives to high-stakes, 10-year exams.

AMA PRA Credit System requirements

Access resources and guidance for CME providers and the AMA PRA credit system.

How to verify CME accreditation?

Initial applicants are asked to verify that their CME activities are in compliance with ACCME accreditation requirements through the documentation review process. The initial applicant will present evidence to the ACCME for documentation review from at least two recently completed educational activities.

How long does it take to get ACCME accreditation?

For first-time, or initial applicants, the accreditation process takes twelve to eighteen months. To begin and support your process, please review the educational information about ACCME accreditation and expectations, found in the FAQ and Video Resources pages of this website.

What is an ACCME?

The ACCME is the organization that sets educational standards for CME activities, and monitors its accredited providers’ adherence to those standards.

What is ACCME accreditation?

ACCME accreditation is a mark of quality continuing medical education (CME) activities that are planned, implemented and evaluated by ACCME accredited providers in accordance with the ACCME’s Accreditation Criteria, Standards for Commercial Support, and policies ( accreditation requirements ).

What is the ACCME self study report?

The self-study report is an opportunity for you to tell the “story” of your CM E program to the ACCME and provide background ...

What are the expectations of ACCME?

Expectations. The ACCME has several expectations of those who apply for ACCME accreditation: Eligible organizations that decide to apply for ACCME accreditation should be prepared to both describe and furnish evidence that demonstrates compliance with the accreditation requirements.

Is ACCME a CE provider?

It is not accredited as a CE provider or recognized as an accreditor by the ACCME ®. For more information, please see this news release.

What is the CME requirement for 2020?

The Board and Commission recognize the difficulty licensees may have meeting the annual CME requirement in 2020 due to the public health emergency. Consequently, all licensees are exempt from the continuing medical education requirements for the calendar year 2020, and no audit for 2020 will be conducted. This includes the annual requirement of 25 credits for license renewal, the biannual requirement of 2 credits for ACSC renewal, and the biannual requirement of 4 credits for QACSC renewal. Credits earned in 2020 may not be rolled over to 2021 to meet the 2022 license renewal requirement.

How many CME hours are required for a physician license in Ohio?

This includes, but is not limited to, the requirement for Ohio physicians to obtain 50 hours of Category 1 CME at the time of their license renewal. The exercise of this enforcement discretion is effective the day the State of Ohio declared an emergency, March 9, 2020, and will apply to renewals due by March 1, 2021.

How many CMEs do you need to get a PRA?

Earning an average of at least 50 CMEs per year will allow you to apply for the AMA's Physician's Recognition Award (PRA), which demonstrates your dedication to growing as a physician to colleagues and patients.

What is CME in medical?

The AMA describes CME activities as educational activities that are designed to improve your medical knowledge and practice , particularly in regards to serving patients. Hands-on clinical work, mentoring, charity work, committee work and non-CME examinations are not considered CME activities.

What are CME activities?

The AMA describes CME activities as educational activities that are designed to improve your medical knowledge and practice, particularly in regards to serving patients. Hands-on clinical work, mentoring, charity work, committee work and non-CME examinations are not considered CME activities.

Does the course list change yearly?

The course list changes on a yearly basis, so some topics may have limited availability.

Does CDI College respond to information requests?

CDI College responds quickly to information requests through this website.

How to create a CME provider account?

To create a CME provider account: Click the “Request an Account” button. If you are logged into your individual AAFP account, you will be taken directly to the “Request a CME Provider Account" webpage. If you are not logged into your individual account:

What happens if you don't log into AAFP?

If you are not logged into your individual account: You will automatically be re-directed to the AAFP’s individual account creation page and you’ll be prompted to log in to your individual account first. If you do not have an individual AAFP account login, you will need to create an account.

What is a CHES?

Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES®) and Master Certified Health Education Specialists (MCHES®) CDC is a designated provider of continuing education contact hours (CECH) in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc.

Can nurses receive continuing education hours in California?

Registered nurses in California and Iowa can receive continuing education contact hours.


CDC is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education (CPE).

Is CDC accredited by ACCME?

Physicians. CDC is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME®) to provide AMA PRA Category 1 Credit (s) ™ for physicians.

Is CDC a continuing education provider?

CDC is accredited as a provider of Continuing Nursing Education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s (ANCC) Commission on Accreditation.


Objectives of The Aihcp’S Center For Continuing Professional Education

Types of Program Approvals

  • The American Institute of Healthcare Professionals, Inc., through its division, The Center for Continuing Professional Education, provides an approval process for the following types of continuing education programs and offerings: 1. Seminars 2. Lectures 3. Staff Inservice/education 4. Video learning programs and online Webinars 5. Skills workshops 6. Distance education progr…
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Standards For Program/Offering Approval

  • Each submitted application for program/offering approval is reviewing by qualified educators with expertise in the content for which the program is designed. The following standards are evaluated for each submitted application: 1. Course Description – there is a course description which provides an overall abstract of the proposed education program, detailing the core content to b…
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Submitting An Application For Program/Offering Approval

  • All providers must submit to the AIHCP a written application for consideration of approval. An online application which can be printed may be accessed here. Providers may also call the AIHCP administrative offices to obtain an application. Completed applications can be mailed to the AIHCP or faxed to the administrative office. Applications which ar...
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  • All providers are required, as a mandate of approval, to provide all participants with a written statement or certificate which shall include a required statement of program approval, as well as; the title of the program, the number of contact hours received, the date of the offering, the place of the offering, and a signature of an authorized representative of the provider. The approval nu…
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Fees For Reviews and Approvals

  • The fee for program/offering review and approval is $ 75.00 for all programs and offerings up to 100 hours of instruction/study. The fee for programs/offerings over 100 contact hours is $100.00. There is no limit to the number of contact hours that may be applied for. Payment must accompany all completed applications. Checks which are returned from a bank or financial instit…
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Length of Program Approval

  • All programs which are approved by the AIHCP shall be deemed “approved” for a period of 5 years from the date of approval as detailed in the written letter of approval to participants. Expiration of this date means that the program is no longer approved by AIHCP and providers may not continue to advertise or promote such. Providers who elect, may apply for re-approval of the program/off…
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Quality Audit of Program Evaluations

  • The AIHCP shall promote a program of quality audit on a yearly basis. The AIHCP shall randomly select 25% of all programs/offerings which it has approved, for audit of completed evaluations. Those providers who are randomly selected for audit, shall be responsible for submitting queried, completed evaluation forms for review by the AIHCP. Those providers who are unable to produc…
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Violations of The Conditions of Approval

  • Providers who violate the terms of agreement of the approval process or who are fraudulent in the advertising of a program/offering as it relates to all and any of the approval process, shall have their approval of the program/offering permanently revoked. The AIHCP reserves the right to enforce such procedure as deemed appropriate and necessary. Providers whose approval has b…
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Failure to Achieve Approval

  • In the event that the AIHCP denies program approval, the participant will receive a written communication to such, as well as the reason or reasons for the denial. The participant will be refunded 50% of the submitted fee. The other 50% will be retained to cover the costs of program reviews. Participants may reapply for review and approval of any denied program. They must de…
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