385149. Fee: $250.00. Online. Enroll. ENROLL BY: May 9, 2022. See Details. Notes. Select "CEU (appears on transcript)" as the credit and grading preference to have this course applied toward a certificate program’s ethics requirement (if applicable).
Effective January 1, 2021, all certificants must fulfill one ethics credit as part of the total 45/60 recertification credits requirement. This requirement ensures our certificants remain aware of crucial ethical practices and behaviors in the workplace. There is NOT a specific “Ethics Credit” designation to select from when entering the activity. Simply include one ethics-themed …
Ethics Courses. Students must complete 3 credits in ethics (one 3-credit course, or a series of 1- or 2-credit courses) from this approved list of University offerings. Students may choose from a variety of courses in several liberal arts disciplines. Students who wish to propose another course for consideration should write to the Director ...
Jun 19, 2013 · Business Ethics exposes students to the companies that have thrived due to living ethical principles. Both Boardman and Bakhsheshy agree the basic principles of ethics are inside a person far before they ever walk into a college classroom. That being said, you can teach, through case studies, how to practice and look at ethical behavior.
Introduction to Ethics. Course description and objectives: This course is an introduction to the philosophical study of morality, including the theory of right and wrong behavior, the theory of value (goodness and badness), and the theory of virtue and vice.
Diversity. Courses in this category focus on significant cultural, economic, historical, political, and/or sociological aspects of one or more underrepresented groups in the United States.
Diversity courses provide opportunities for students to learn about such matters as the history, culture, values and notable achievements of people other than those of their own national origin, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, age, gender, physical and mental ability, and social class.
Examines race, gender, ethnicity and class in 20th century American society. Introduces students to methods for studying the changing nature of our society and explores ways in which our increasingly urbanized and technological culture affects all aspects of professional and unskilled work.
These courses are meant to help you understand the perspectives and ways of life of people in societies located primarily outside of the United States.
There are four different types of diversity: internal, external, organizational, and worldview—and you should aim to represent them all. Keep reading to learn more about each one and how diversity affects the workplace.Feb 26, 2021
The courses focus on sociocultural, political and/or economically diverse perspectives of the human experience at local through global levels and are designed to help you develop an understanding of the complexities of living in different socio-environmental systems.
Employers have an obligation to provide employees with a safe work environment free from discrimination, harassment and intimidation. Without the proper training and management, a diverse workplace can become a breeding ground for behavior and actions that rise to the level of unlawful and unfair employment practices.
Ultimately, studies show that diversity in education, particularly on college campuses, improve the “intellectual engagement, self-motivation, citizenship, and cultural engagement, and academic skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and writing – for students of all races.May 20, 2020
Education within a diverse setting prepares students to become good citizens in an increasingly complex, pluralistic society; it fosters mutual respect and teamwork; and it helps build communities whose members are judged by the quality of their character and their contributions.
The cultural diversity course will explore the many dimensions of diversity, which will include study of many case studies, cross-cultural models and theories etc. If one is aware of cross-cultural relationship, he or she can apply these concepts to their own prospective professional circumstances.
Effective January 1, 2021, all certificants must fulfill one ethics credit as part of the total 45/60 recertification credits requirement. This requirement ensures our certificants remain aware of crucial ethical practices and behaviors in the workplace. There is NOT a specific “Ethics Credit” designation to select from when entering the activity.
The HRCI Code of Ethics has been adopted to advance and uphold the highest standards of service and conduct recognized by all certificants using any of the following credentials : aPHR®, aPHRi™ PHR®, PHRi™, PHRca®, SPHR®, SPHRi™ and GPHR®.
An HRCI certification implicitly obligates the user to comply with the mandates and requirements of all applicable laws and regulations . Certificants are required to act in an ethical and professional manner by adhering to these standards and ensuring public confidence in the integrity of their professionalism.
Now, let us look at some of the most common examples of Business Ethics:
There are various underlying principles that drive the development of various business ethics among companies. Let us look at some of the most common underlying principles.
The importance of business ethics for any company can be broadly divided into two major categories – Internal organization and External perception.
So, it can be seen that business ethics are a critical aspect of any organization. They help businesses trade and interact in an honest and fair manner and keep the employees committed to the organization’s goals and objectives.
This is a guide to Business Ethics. Here we also discuss the definitions, principles, importance, and examples of Business Ethics along with the advantages and disadvantages. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –
AFAM / HIST / PLSC 431 Black Liberation and American Foreign Policy (3) This course examines efforts by African Americans to carve out a space with regards to international affairs from the Second World War to the present building on efforts by this non-state actor from slavery, colonial and Empire-building stages of the development of the world system..
This list is not all-inclusive, so if you have questions about a particular non-Liberal Arts course, please write to the Director, Cathy Wanner, [email protected].
Both Boardman and Bakhsheshy agree the basic principles of ethics are inside a person far before they ever walk into a college classroom. That being said, you can teach, through case studies, how to practice and look at ethical behavior.
It was once taught that a businessperson’s only responsibility was to make money. Bakhsheshy adds, “There was no accountability. Businesses were immune because no one was being held accountable.”. Now it’s essential to show students the rewards of doing business ethically while still achieving financial reward.
In Lesson 3, you will learn how ethics play an important role in both large and small organizations. Also, this lesson covers the ethical issues in the workplace and the code of conduct. 35 Total Points
Today's managers must necessarily concern themselves with ethical issues, because unethical behavior creates legal risks ...