how to fulfill the exercise science course in the mntc

by Prof. Greg Fritsch 4 min read

What GPA do I need to complete the MNTC?

Associate of Science Degree General Requirements for Exercise Science Transfer Pathway. A minimum of 60 semester credits. A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0. A minimum cumulative MnTC GPA of 2.0. A minimum of 20 semester credits applied toward the degree must be taken at Minnesota State College Southeast.

Will my MNTC course transfer to another Minnesota State Institution?

To complete the entire MnTC, you must earn a minimum of 40 credits in the ten goal areas, as well as the requirements for each of the goal areas. Passing grades (A-D) for MnTC courses apply including transfer courses; however, a cumulative MnTC GPA of 2.0 is required to complete the entire 40 credit package.

What if I have any questions about MNTC?

Completion of the MnTC requires at least 40 credits and a specified number of courses or credits taken from each of the 10 MnTC goal areas. The MnTC must be completed with a minimum 2.0 GPA. While each Minnesota State institution may have slight variations in the requirements for each goal area, any goal area that is completed at one Minnesota State institution is …

Do all 4-year majors require completing the MNTC?

Exercise Science Transfer Pathway. The Exercise Science transfer pathway program trains you for health and fitness careers and prepares you to take certification exams offered by national associations. About Transfer Pathways. Transfer Admission Requirements.

What is exercise science class in college?

Exercise science centers on the effects of training and physical activity on the human body. Students will study the physiology, biomechanics, and motor control of exercise and how training can improve human function including health, disease, and performance.

Is a bachelors in exercise science worth it?

Is a degree in exercise science worth it? A degree in exercise science is not worth it unless you want to go to graduate school or genuinely care about the knowledge. There aren't too many lucrative jobs available to people with exercise science degrees, and most of the jobs you can get don't require a degree.

Why should I study exercise science?

Your physical health is the driving force behind your day-to-day actions. ... By understanding the human body and its adaptive responses, exercise science professionals can assist individuals to improve their physical fitness, reduce risk of injury and disease, and enhance functional performance.

What does exercise science teach you?

It involves understanding the human body's response to exercise, but it primarily focuses on the development of exercise plans to improve health and help clients reach their fitness goals. Sometimes, exercise science will also focus on sports nutrition.

How can I make more money with an exercise science degree?

The most common way to make money with an Exercise Science career path is personal training. While personal training doesn't require a degree, those who get certified are able to put money into their pockets quickly and build a strong foundation for further career advancement.Jan 13, 2022

Is exercise science the same as kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a broad field dealing with the study of movement, function and performance and how that movement affects overall health. Exercise science is a subfield of kinesiology that focuses on human response and adaptation to exercise and focuses on the underlying mechanisms that affect exercise.

What is an example of exercise science?

Exercise Science includes such subjects as biomechanics, exercise physiology, exercise psychology, cardiac rehabilitation, athletic training, and fitness for special population groups.

What is sport exercise science?

Sports Science (and Exercise Science) is an academic subject that includes the scientific study of Physiology, Psychology, Motor Control/Learning, and Biomechanics. There is as much science in good sport and exercise sciences degrees as there is in good chemistry, biology or psychology degrees.

What is the difference between physical therapy and exercise science?

While physical therapy focuses on restoring movement to the restricted parts of the body, exercise physiology seeks to relieve symptoms through the cellular effect of exercise on the body.

What is the difference between exercise science and exercise physiology?

Exercise science is a broader term that encompasses areas such as physical education, strength and training, human performance and sports nutrition, while exercise physiology is primarily focuses on the body's response to physical activity.

How does anatomy and physiology play a role in exercise science?

Exercise Physiology has evolved from this study of anatomy and physiology, and examines how the body's structures and functions are altered when exposed to acute and chronic bouts of exercise.

What is the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC)?

The Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) is the basis for the general education requirements at institutions that are part of the Minnesota State system. Completion of the MnTC requires at least 40 credits and a specified number of courses or credits taken from each of the 10 MnTC goal areas. The MnTC must be completed with a minimum 2.0 GPA.

Historical Listing of MnTC Courses

The links below provide listings of the courses assigned within each MnTC goal area during the time period noted. Courses will meet the goal area (s) assigned at the time a student took the course.

What is the Minnesota transfer curriculum?

The Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) is the general education curriculum for the Minnesota State Coll​eges and Universities system. Completion of this defined transfer curriculum at one institution enables a student to receive credit for all lower division general education upon admission to any other Minnesota public institution.

How many credits are needed for an associates in science?

The Associate of Science degree requires 30 MnTC credits; the Associate of Applied Science degree requires 16 MnTC credits. All college level courses in which a student has received a grade of A, B, C, D or P/S will be considered for transfer evaluation. No F grade courses will be accepted.

What is transfer curriculum in Minnesota?

The Minnesota Transfer Curriculum is a collaborative effort among all Minnesota two and four-year public colleges and universities to help students transfer their work in general education. Completion of a defined transfer curriculum at one institution will enable a student to receive credit for all lower-division general education upon admission to any other institution.

How many credits are there in the Associate of Arts degree in liberal education?

The Associate of Arts Degree in Liberal Education includes a general education portion known as the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) and additional elective coursework (including Health and Exercise Science) for a total of 60 college-level semester credits. See the following 2020-21 MNTC Course List and the AA Planning worksheet.

What is an AA degree?

The Associate of Arts Degree (AA) meets the general education requirements for graduation from Minnesota State Universities and the University of Minnesota. The following schools also accept the AA Degree as satisfying their general education requirements: