how to force add a course uc

by Prof. Rosalia Aufderhar 3 min read

What can I add to my UC application after submission?

Log in to find your assigned enrollment times, add classes to your enrollment shopping cart, add or drop classes, and more. Prior to initial registration for each academic year, students are required to complete a Bursar Pre-Registration Agreement, which you will find on your Catalyst To Do List. For assistance with the agreement, view the tutorial or contact the One Stop Student …

How do I send a signed and completed form to UC?

Students who add credit hours over 18 will be charged additional fees for those excess hours. In addition, the credit hours over 18 must be dropped by the drop deadline (noted in the Dates and Deadlines Calendar) in order to have 100% of the charge for the excess hours removed. After the 100% refund deadline (noted in the Dates and Deadlines ...

How do I add my UC to my catalyst account?

Students wishing to add a class after the term has ended will need to submit a completed Add/Drop Form with the student signature, instructor signature, and offering college signature. Additional paperwork from the instructor will also need to be submitted separately in order to record the grade for the class.

What do I do if I don’t get my UC application?

If you change schools or add or drop a course after you submit your application, you should notify all the campuses you applied to except for UC Berkeley or UC Santa Barbara. If you failed to earn a C or better in a course after you submit your application, you should notify all the campuses you applied to except for UC Berkeley.

What is catalyst in university?

Catalyst is the student information system at the University of Cincinnati. All registration transactions must happen within Catalyst for them to appear on a student's transcript. The drop–down menus below outline the steps necessary for the various registration transactions to take place.

Do dropped classes show up on your academic record?

Dropped classes do not show up on your academic record nor are you charged for a dropped class. You will need to be aware of the last date to drop as listed in the Dates and Deadlines Calendars. Depending on the date, the drop action in Catalyst can be counted as a drop or a withdrawal.

1. Print a copy of your application

You'll want to keep a record of your application ID and a summary of your application for reference.

2. Update your application

You can log in to your application to review and, if necessary, change your telephone number, email, mailing address or SAT, ACT, TOEFL, or International Exam Scores. You can also apply to additional campuses if they're still open.

3. Await the decision

Each UC campus will notify you of its admission decision, generally by March 31.

4. Order official test score reports

Currently, UC will not consider SAT or ACT test scores when making admissions decisions or awarding Regents and Chancellor’s scholarships.

5. Submit transcripts and AP, IB and A-Level exam scores after you accept an offer of admission

You must have final, official transcripts and official AP, IB and A-Level exam scores sent to the campus where you plan to enroll.

Who is responsible for submitting courses to UC?

Course and reference list managers are responsible for submitting courses to UC for review via the A-G CMP. All A-G CMP users with basic permissions must forward courses to their course or reference list manager, who must review each course before making the final submission to UC.

What is a brand new course?

Brand new courses are courses created by your institution. Before you start writing a course, review the A-G subject requirements to ensure course meets the criteria and guidelines of its respective subject area.

When will schools add online publisher courses to their A-G list?

As of February 1, 2020, schools add online publisher courses to their A-G course lists by certifying and self-reporting courses from UC-registered online course publishers. More information about certifying and self-reporting courses can be found in the summary of the updated online course policy.

Where can I see my timetable?

Your timetable is available to view in a number of places, the My Timetable application. Your timetable is also displayed in the timetable module in Learn. Individual course timetables can be seen on the Course Information System. You can see the timetable of any combination of courses using the Timetable Planner.

I have a clash, what do I do?

Contact the course coordinator, Lecture recording may be an option. Unless the clash impacts a large number of students, rescheduling of either activity is unlikely.

I was allocated yesterday, but not today, what going on?

There are a number of reasons why the system may drop allocations. Simply reallocate yourself.

What is Timetable Planner?

Timetable Planner allows you to see the timetable of any course or combination of courses. This will come in handy if you don’t currently have access to My Timetable.

How do I import my timetable into my other calendars?

You can use the webcal link on the My Timetable homepage to import your calendar into your other calendars (ie. Google calendar or Outlook). Instructions on how to do this are on this iCalendar page.

How should I decide which course to take?

Contact your Student advisor. You can see how courses would fit together in a timetable by using our timetable planner.

What is Echo 360?

Some of the lectures at University of Canterbury are recorded using the Echo 360 lecture recording system. The recordings are available on the courses Learn page. Contact your course coordinator to find out if your course is being recorded or not. A student guide to Echo Recordings can be found here (PDF).
