how to find your teacher's course on canvas

by Camila Predovic 3 min read

Log in to Canvas from using your UBC CWL. This action will open your Canvas Dashboard. On your Dashboard, you will find all the courses you are teaching.

Full Answer

How do I view my Canvas courses as an instructor?

How do I view all my Canvas courses as an instructor? After logging into Canvas, you can view your current courses. You may also be able to view past and future enrollment courses in Canvas.

How do I access old courses in canvas?

To access an old course: Log in to Canvas. Click the Courses tab on the garnet global navigation menu on the left of the screen. Click the All Courses link from the menu that appears.

What are the different features of a canvas course?

Each course includes various features where you can share course content, hold discussions, assign coursework, grade student submissions, and much more. View the lessons below for some of the basics of Canvas courses. How do I use the Dashboard as an instructor?

Can I view past and future enrollment courses in canvas?

You may also be able to view past and future enrollment courses in Canvas. Note: Some institutions may restrict the option to view or access future enrollment courses before the start date and/or access concluded courses after the course has ended. In Global Navigation, click the Courses link [1], then click the All Courses link [2].

How do I view all my Canvas courses as a teacher?

In Global Navigation, click the Courses link [1], then click the All Courses link [2].View Courses. Courses are organized into All Courses [1], Past Enrollments [2], Future Enrollments [3], and Groups [4]. ... View All Courses. ... View Past Enrollments. ... View Future Enrollments. ... View Groups.

How do I access a course on Canvas?

How do I begin my course? To access your courses, on and after the course start date, log in to then use the dropdown menu that appears below your name to access the Dashboard or go directly to Canvas.

Why can't I find my course on Canvas?

You are not registered for the course. Check the detailed class schedule to confirm whether you are registered for that course. The Canvas course site is not yet published by the instructor. A course site isn't visible to students until the instructor manually publishes the Canvas site.

How do I find my Canvas course link?

Define a URL in your course for student self-enroll:navigate to your course in Canvas and click "Settings"scroll down to the bottom and click "More Settings" just under Description.check the box next to "Let students self-enroll by sharing with them a secret URL"click "Update Course Details"More items...•

How do I join a class code on Canvas?

Complete RegistrationEnter the course join code in the Join Code field. ... Enter your name in the Full Name field.Enter your username in the Username field.Set your password by typing in the Password field.Confirm your password by typing your password in the Confirm Password field.More items...

How do I accept a course invite on Canvas?

If you have been invited to join a course in Canvas you should have received an email stating so with a link to it. Or, if you simply log in to your school's Canvas site you should see text across the top of your Dashboard page asking you to join the course. Click the Accept button to join it.

How long does it take a course to show up on Canvas?

After you have added the course to one of the two worksheets, your enrollment will be processed in up to 2 hours. Check back after 2 hours to ensure that the course is listed on your Dashboard page.

How do I share a Canvas course?

Method 1: Share a Course Export PackageCreate a course export file from the settings page of the Canvas course you wish to share. ... Send the course export file to the desired recipient. ... The recipient downloads the course export file to their computer and then imports it into their Canvas course.

How do I share a Canvas course link?

How do I share Courses content using Canvas?Log in to myPLTW.Select the course you're interested in sharing.Using the table of contents, navigate to the part of the course you plan to share. ... Right-click and select Copy Link Address.Go to Canvas and select the class you wish to share the course with.More items...

How do I get a join link in Canvas?

If you are not using Canvas through your institution, you can create your own account. Your instructor will provide you with a join code to link you directly to the course. This code will be sent to you separately from the Canvas email that invites you to join the course.

How many lessons are there in Canvas?

The Canvas Instructor Guide has over 600 lessons that each answer a question that relates to using the Canvas interface as an instructor. Included below is a selection of lessons that will introduce you to the basics of Canvas usage. Each lesson also includes Next and Previous links so you can easily navigate to related content.

Is Canvas free for teachers?

Canvas also has a free mobile app available for iOS and Android that is specifically tailored to instructors. View information about the Teacher app below.

What is view all courses?

View All Courses. All Courses are courses that are part of the current semester or term. However, depending on access settings for a course, My Courses can also display courses that have not yet started or are unpublished. Active courses that are available to you are listed in blue text [1]. These courses have been published ...

What is the blue text on a course?

Active courses that are available to you are listed in blue text [1]. These courses have been published and include a link to the course. To open a course, click the name of the course. Courses that are within the current term dates but are not yet available are listed in black text [2]. These courses have not been published.

Can you view a future course before the start date?

However, some institutions may restrict you from viewing published courses before the start date. If a future course includes a link [1], you can view course content but cannot fully participate in the course until the start date.

Where is the term date in a course?

If a course includes a term date [4], the term date displays next to the course name.

Can a future course be viewed until the start date?

If a future course does not include a link [2], the course cannot be viewed until the start date.

Can you view future enrollment courses before the enrollment date?

Note: Some institutions may restrict the option to view or access future enrollment courses before the participation dates and/or restrict the option to access concluded courses after the course has ended.

The Canvas course number is located at the end of the course URL

To locate your course's Canvas course number within the course URL (browser address), navigate to your course's homepage. For example, from your Canvas dashboard, click on a course name. On the course homepage, the course number will appear at the very end of the browser URL. In the example below, the Canvas course number is 71164.

Hover over the course name to locate the course number

You can also locate a Canvas course number by hovering your cursor over a course name. This method works within the Courses pop-up menu (seen below), on the All Courses page, or on your Dashboard.

How to access old courses on canvas?

To access an old course: Log in to Canvas. Click the Courses tab on the garnet global navigation menu on the left of the screen. Click the All Courses link from the menu that appears. On the All Courses page, scroll down to Past Enrollments.

Why do my courses disappear from Canvas?

In Canvas, your old course sites may disappear from your dashboard and your current courses list at the end of the semester. This happens only once a course is completed, and you can rest assured that your course has not been deleted from the system. Rather, the course has been moved to "past enrollments" in order to keep your course list organized and to prevent confusion.

How long do you have read-only access to a course after it has ended?

Please note that Instructors will continue to have full access to old courses for up to a year after the course ended, while students will have read-only access to the course after it has ended. This prevents both students and instructors from making any additional changes to the site.

Can you edit old courses?

Though old course sites cannot be edited, instructors' ability to copy content from old courses into new course sites is not impacted by this read-only status. You can still import content from your "past enrollment" sites into your new sites.

When will SIS send course invitations?

Users added via SIS import will not receive an invitation. Course invitations will not be sent until after the course start date. (The start date is commonly the term date, unless the term is being overridden by a specific course or section date in Course Settings.)

What is publishing a course?

Publishing a course is a course permission. If you cannot publish your course, your institution has restricted this feature. Publishing your course will send invitations to any users who were manually added to your course. Users added via SIS import will not receive an invitation.
