how to find your course id trident tech

by Jacklyn Armstrong 7 min read

You can find your student ID# by logging in to the TTC Portal ( and clicking on the Navigate link in the Navigate box. After you are in Navigate, select Account. The student ID# will be under your name.

Answer. You can find your student ID# by logging in to the TTC Portal ( and clicking on the Navigate link in the Navigate box. After you are in Navigate, select Account. The student ID# will be under your name.Apr 13, 2022

Full Answer

What is my Trident Tech username?

Login using your username and password. Your username is your Trident Tech email address, which is normally your first and last name with no spaces (e.g. [email protected]).

How do I get my unofficial transcript from Trident Technical College?

If you completed courses through Workforce Training (formerly Continuing Education), please reach out to their office for your transcript by emailing [email protected] or by calling 843-574-6152.

How do I drop out of Trident Tech?

To withdraw from a course, the student must complete and submit a Course Withdrawal form to the Registrar's office by the official last date to withdraw or complete a withdrawal request using TTC Express or Navigate.

What GPA to go to Trident Technical College?

A final, official high school transcript with a weighted GPA of 3.0 or higher from the last five years. Qualifying SAT (480 Critical Reading; 530 Revised SAT Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing) Qualifying ACT (19 English) Take the TTC Placement Test.

How do I get my Trident transcript?

You can order your official transcript by going to the Parchment website. The cost is $10 per transcript request. Requests are generally processed within an hour or less time. An official PDF will be emailed to the recipient of your choice.

Where do I send transcripts to Citadel?

Transcripts and test scores sent in from the student are unofficial. Official documents should be sent directly to The Graduate College and must be sealed and stamped by the issuing institution. or via certified electronic submission to [email protected].

How long is a semester at Trident Tech?

Fall Semester is packed with possibilities: Open labs. Varying course lengths, including 7-week, 14-week and 3-week Minimesters. Affordable tuition with free tuition offered for 70+ programs.

How do I change my major at Trident Tech?

16-7-5 Student Major Updates - Trident Technical College. PURPOSE: To outline the requirements for a student to add, change or close a major. A student desiring to update his/her major goes to the student portal and submits a Student Change of Major request in the Academic Profile.

What letter grade is a 3.00 GPA?

B letter gradeA 3.0 GPA, or Grade Point Average, is equivalent to a B letter grade on a 4.0 GPA scale.

What letter grade is a 3.5 GPA?

B+So, what is a 3.5 GPA? As you can see, a 3.5 GPA falls in between a B+ and A- letter grade.

What does GPA only mean?

Answer: GPA stands for Grade Point Average. It is a standard way of measuring academic achievement in the U.S. Basically, it goes as follows: Each course is given a certain number of "units" or "credits", depending on the content of the course.

Benefits of Digital Course Materials

Access your digital textbooks and course materials on the first day of class via D2L.

How do I Opt-Out of the digital course materials?

Opt Out/Opt In: You can choose to not use the digital course materials. Visit the Opt In/Opt Out page for more information.

Things You Need to Do

Take care of the items below and you will be well on your way to being college-ready!

Things You Need to Know

Counseling and Career Development - Career decision-making assistance and counseling help.

Admissions, Registrar and Student ID Cards

Apply for admission to Trident Tech, submit official documents and receive your student ID. For more information about applying for admission, click here.

Financial Aid

Get help applying for and understanding financial aid. If chosen for verification, you can turn in required documents here. For more information about financial aid, click here.

Student Life

Join one of the more than 40 student organizations at TTC. Click here for more information.

Bookstore and Business Office

The Palmer Campus Bookstore/Business office has textbooks as well as supplies, accessories, snacks and CARTA bus passes. You can also pay tuition and fees here.

Student Success Center

The Student Success Center (SSC) provides assistance with college, work and life. We can help you get started at TTC, improve your grades, choose a career, juggle classes, and prepare for life after college. The SSC also offers workshops on a variety of topics including student success, leadership and more.

Counseling and Career Development Services and Disability Services

Receive academic, career and personal counseling from trained professionals. Opportunities to learn more about communication, assertiveness, stress and time management, problem-solving, conflict resolution and crisis intervention and prevention are also provided.

Orientation Center

Learn more about Trident Tech, set up your college email account and get the name of your academic advisor. For more information about orientation, click here.


Admissions, Registrar and Student ID Cards

  • Apply for admission to Trident Tech, submit official documents and receive your student ID. For more information about applying for admission,click here. Rm. 226 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 843-722-5516 Fax: 843-722-5523
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Financial Aid

  • Get help applying for and understanding financial aid. If chosen for verification, you can turn in required documents here. For more information about financial aid,click here.
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Bookstore and Business Office

  • The Palmer Campus Bookstore/Business office has textbooks as well as supplies, accessories, snacks and CARTA bus passes. You can also pay tuition and fees here. Rm. 141 Tuesday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 843-720-5604
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Student Success Center

  • The Student Success Center (SSC) provides assistance with college, work and life. We can help you get started at TTC, improve your grades, choose a career, juggle classes, and prepare for life after college. The SSC also offers workshops on a variety of topics including student success, leadership and more. Rm. 226 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 843-722-5516
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Counseling and Career Development Services and Disability Services

  • Receive academic, career and personal counseling from trained professionals. Opportunities to learn more about communication, assertiveness, stress and time management, problem-solving, conflict resolution and crisis intervention and prevention are also provided. Disability Services assists students with a documented disability beginning with admission and continuing through …
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Orientation Center

  • Learn more about Trident Tech, set up your college email account and get the name of your academic advisor. For more information about orientation,click here. Rm. 226 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 843-722-5518
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Testing Services

  • In addition to instructional testing, Testing Services provides TTC and remote placement test exams, credit by examination (CLEP and DSST) and proctored distance learning exams. Call for an appointment. For more information about the placement test and other testing,click here. Rm. 226 Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 843-722-5516
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Trio Programs

  • Take advantage of these educational outreach programs targeted to serve and assist low-income, first-generation college students, veterans and students with disabilities: Educational Opportunity Center and Scholars Network. Eligibility requirements apply.Click herefor more information. Educational Opportunity Center Rm. 112 Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. 843-722-5509
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