how to find people from your course on moodle

by Annetta Hamill 8 min read

Click the top left Menu icon to toggle open the sidebar, and click Participants. To just see the students, select All Students from the Current Role pull-down menu on the right. All Students includes both students, and those in the course as petitioners.

How do I find my course in Moodle as a student?

All courses are loaded into Moodle as unavailable to students. Once the instructor is ready to share the materials and begin the instruction process, they will make it available to students. (Instructors – can’t remember how to change your course’s visibility? Follow these instructions on making your course available to students .)

Unable to Locate Course

If you still cannot locate your course, please check double-check to see if you are listed as enrolled in the course in Self-Service, If you can see the course in Self-Service and the course has already met at least once, please submit a Moodle Support Help Ticket.

Do you need to calculate time spent in each course resource?

No need to calculate the time spent in each course resource. All I need to do is to calculate the time between opening of the course main page and closing of the course main page.

What is report?

at we have a report called Student Performance report. Attached is the image. Total time of presense on the course is calculated for each course for each student. is designed to support Moodle reporting.

Students can see other students enrolled in a course

I'm an admin for a Moodle course and I'd like to make it so students enrolled in a course can't see what other students are enrolled. I found this tutorial below.

Re: Students can see other students enrolled in a course

I just stopped by your query when I was searching for a solution for the same thing. Any luck?


Java 5 or higher (a.k.a. 1.5.x), PHP 5.1.4 or higher, moodle 2.5 or higher.

Installing admin tool

1. Download the admin tool from here. ( )

Installing Solr & placing the plugin Schema

Download the latest Solr 4.4.0 release from:

Track Progress Using the Activities Block

If your instructor has included the Activities block in your course, you can use it to monitor your work.

Checklist Activities

Some instructors add a Checklist activity to one or more Sections down the middle of a Moodle course. Checking off work isn't the same as submitting. Rather, these activities are memo tools for you to manage your work.

Checklist Block

If a course includes Checklist activities, you may also see a Checklist block on the side of the main course page if your instructor has chosen to add it. This block gives you a current count of how many activities you have completed out of the total.

What is editing in Moodle?

Tools for editing. Moodle allows instructors to quickly edit dates and group modes of multiple activities or resources in a course. Edit dates allows you to quickly edit the dates associated with any activity or resource in your course. For example, you can change the submission, due dates, and cut off dates for all your Assignments.

What is a course participation report?

A Course participation report provides an easy way to monitor general participation in your course, and it is particularly useful for monitoring activity in forum s. You can see if students have viewed readings or forums, and if (and how many times) they have posted in the forum or activity.

What is activity report?

An Activity report is a simple report with no filters. It will show all activity in the course. On your course page, in the Course Management panel (black gear icon , top right) under Reports, click View activity report. The A ctivity report page will open listing course activities.

Why is Moodle used?

It has created online learning platforms that can be used in many different fields; because of that, it will continue to be updated and used. For more information on Moodle check out this article:

Is Moodle a good learning platform?

Moodle can be one of the best options to use for an online learning platform, and depending on what you need can be relatively budget-friendly. It allows you to create a class that has every part correctly setup, like discussions, quizzes, and any external links that need to be used for reading. It is straightforward to use ...

Is Moodle open source?

There are many different types of people who choose to use Moodle. Open-source learning can be one of the best things for specific fields, and if the price isn’t an issue, it can have excellent benefits that the instructor and students can use and learn from.
