how to find out if college course is equivilent to other college

by Mrs. Zita Sauer 7 min read

If you don't find course equivalencies on CollegeTransfer.Net or the selected institution's website, that does not mean they don't exist. You should check with your target school's enrollment/transfer office for course equivalency maps or tables with your prior colleges and universities.

You should check with your target school's enrollment/transfer office for course equivalency maps or tables with your prior colleges and universities. If they don't have any, that will signal they may not be as transfer friendly as other institutions.

Full Answer

How do I find equivalent courses at other schools?

Simply enter your courses to find equivalent courses at other schools. Matches are ranked by awarded credit, so you can eliminate the guesswork and maximize your transfer potential. School Profiles offer quick access to program information, school size, and tuition & fees cost.

Why can't I find course equivalencies on collegetransfer?

If you don't find course equivalencies on CollegeTransfer.Net or the selected institution's website, that does not mean they don't exist. You should check with your target school's enrollment/transfer office for course equivalency maps or tables with your prior colleges and universities.

How are courses evaluated for admission to college?

At most schools, the evaluation process is usually three steps. The first is performed by admissions, where they maintain a database of prior courses already evaluated called course equivalencies. Sometimes this database is shared with other departments, and sometimes it is standalone.

How can I find out how my courses transfer to another school?

Search for courses to take at another school based on the courses needed to complete your degree at the school you currently attend. Transferology has helped more than 1 million students from all 50 states and 177 countries who have searched to see how their courses transfer.

How do I know my college course level?

There are standard formats that many colleges use to signify dates, levels and titles. Most college courses are identified by three to four numbers. For example, the first digit may indicate the class year, the middle two digits may identify the subject and the last digit may indicate the number of credit hours.

Are all college courses the same?

No two courses at a college will share the exact same course number. The most useful thing for students to understand about these numbers is how to distinguish between upper-level credit and lower-level credit. Remedial courses do not count for college credit.

Is it possible to test out of college courses?

Perhaps one of the most popular ways for testing out of a course is by taking a CLEP (College-Level Examination Program) exam. CLEP is a College Board testing program that is designed to give students course credit based on test performance.

How do I check my course equivalency CUNY?

View Course EquivalenciesStep 1: Select Colleges.Step 2: Select Disciplines.Step 3: View how courses transfers.

Are courses the same as classes?

Courses represent an area of study pertaining to a specific subject, grade level, and rigor. Classes differ from courses in that they represent sections of a course that are scheduled for a specific academic year, they are assigned to teachers, and they include a roster of students.

Is 5 college classes too much?

Taking 12-15 credits is considered “full-time” in college lingo. That amounts to 4-5 classes, and for young students, that course load is really heavy (let's be honest, it's heavy for MOST students of any age).

What is the easiest degree to obtain?

Here are the 16 Easiest College Majors for 2022:Psychology.Criminal Justice.English.Education.Religious Studies.Social Work.Sociology.Communications.More items...•

Are CLEP exams worth it?

Even with added costs, such as $10 study guides, the CLEP remains a bargain. These exams can also help you to get a degree faster. While a college undergraduate degree can often take students four to six years, CLEP exams can cut that time substantially to as little as one year.

Can you CLEP an entire degree?

8. Can you CLEP your way to a degree? Yes, it is possible, though passing CLEP exams will not get you a degree by itself. To get a degree, you need to find a university that will allow you to transfer the credits you earn through CLEP tests.

Are CUNY credits transferable?

General Pathways Transfer Facts Courses passed for credit at any CUNY college will transfer for credit at any other CUNY college. Courses that fulfill a Required Common Core requirement at any CUNY college will transfer for Required Common Core credit at any other CUNY college.

Can I take a course at another college CUNY?

A student must obtain approval in advance to take courses at another college if they are to be credited toward their degree requirements.

How do I transfer colleges?

How to Prepare to Transfer CollegesFirst, Ask Yourself if Transferring Is Really Necessary. ... Choose Your New College. ... Make Sure Your Grades and Extracurriculars Are Up to Scratch. ... Talk With Your Advisor. ... Get Recommendation Letters From Current Professors. ... Confirm Which College Credits Will Transfer.More items...•

What to do if you don't find equivalency maps?

You should check with your target school's enrollment/transfer office for course equivalency maps or tables with your prior colleges and universities. If they don't have any, that will signal they may not be as transfer friendly as other institutions. In any case, request a course transfer equivalency map in writing and validate it with your advisor before applying.

What is the second process of a course?

The second process is performed by the academic departments and faculty, who must approve any new course that is brought forward for acceptability and mapped to the comparable course. The third is generally called articulation.

How many credits can you transfer to associates?

Some states also provide up to 60 credits in transfer frameworks, listing courses approved across all majors or a restricted set of majors.

What is residency qualification?

The term "residency qualifications" means you need to take a certain number of courses with the school from which you are seeking the degree and major. Check the school's transfer policy on their respective Transfer Profile page. College transfer has many forms and flavors.

How many steps are there in the evaluation process?

At most schools, the evaluation process is usually three steps. The first is performed by admissions, where they maintain a database of prior courses already evaluated called course equivalencies. Sometimes this database is shared with other departments, and sometimes it is standalone.

When do transfer students see their report?

Typically transfer students don't see this report until the end of their first semester, making it difficult to question or appeal articulation decisions. It is a good practice to meet with the academic departments in advance, and get into writing any commitments on how transfer credits will be handled.

Can you transfer credits to a four year degree?

Depending upon how selective the school and department are, they may still not grant transfer credit for some courses because of academic reasons. Finally, many colleges and universities have a cap on the number of credits they will allow to transfer to a four-year degree.

Transfer Profiles

Thinking of transferring? Search over 1,200 of the best transfer colleges and universities. Select by source and/or destination. Link to transfer policies, institution websites, social media and more.

Course Equivalencies

Find out how specific courses taken at one institution will transfer to another. This data is published by institutions and updated to help you see how your prior learning will transfer.


Explore majors or programs of study offered by colleges and universities. Programs of study are established with a set of rules and requirements, such as how many credits you will need to graduate.

Exam Equivalencies

Find out how specific exams taken at one institution will transfer to another. This data is published by institutions and updated to help you see how your prior learning will transfer.

SOAR Programs

Find articulation information for Pennsylvania Career and Technical Education Programs of Study. You may view all of the postsecondary institutions offering credit awards for your particular POS and graduation year.

Open Education Resources

Discover course information including Id, titles and descriptions for any degree-granting institution in the United States. Find, compare and check free online course transferability.

Transferable Credit Hours Calculator

Find courses offered at other schools that are pre-approved to transfer as Liberty University courses.

Common Exams

See eligible exams and tests including ICE (Institutional Challenge Exam), AP (Advanced Placement), CLEP (College-Level Examination Program), IB (International Baccalaureate), CIE (University of Cambridge International Exams)

Credit through Experience Plus

Experience Plus (EPlus) (certificates, licenses, job training, experience)

Liberty University Online Academy

Liberty University Online Academy (LUOA) offers dual enrollment toward college credit. Learn more about EDGE.

How can I take summer courses at another college?

Find comparable and equivalent courses and get approval first. If you simply want to find courses with equivalencies back to your home institution (where you are presently enrolled in a degree program) either full-time or part-time, follow these general steps after you meet with your academic advisor and before you register.

How to transfer credits back to home school?

To properly transfer credit back to your home institution, you must request an official transcript be sent from the transfer institution to your home institution. Remember, this is not an automatic process and your coursework will not transfer until a transcript is sent and evaluated!

Do you need a guest student form to register for a college?

Complete all appropriate forms. Some institutions require guest students to complete a guest student course approval form before registering. Check with the transfer college Registrar or Registration Office and complete any forms that may be required.

Do you need to get written approval to be a guest student?

As a guest student, you will most likely need to receive written approval from your home institution before scheduling courses at your transfer institution. If required, apply for admission. At some institutions, students must apply for admission before registering for classes.

Do you have to submit your enrollment deposit if you are a freshman?

You’re in! Review the Admitted Student Checklist for a list of next steps. And if you’re a freshman, don’t forget to submit your enrollment deposit.

Does UCF have a plus/minus system?

UCF currently uses a plus/minus system in calculating a grade point average for transferred coursework. In addition, grade forgiveness is only honored if it has been awarded in conjunction with an A.A. or statewide articulated A.S. degree from a Florida public community college, state college or university.

Does UCF have a transfer equivalency portal?

UCF has created a convenient transfer equivalency portal to access a database of established course equivalencies from other institutions. While actual awarding of transfer credit occurs after official transcripts are received from the sending institution, the portal can provide guidance as you plan your transition to UCF.

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Save time and money with Transferology’s quick, intuitive way of getting your college transfer credit questions answered. Create your free account now.

Have other types of credit?

Standardized Exams Discover how the exams you’ve taken (including AP Credit, CLEP, and International Baccalaureate) may be awarded credit from any number of schools.

Check out our videos

Transferology is a fast and free way to explore your transfer options. Whether you’re planning to transfer or need to take a course somewhere else, we’ve got you covered.