how to find different course areas for pdis colorado shines

by Lonnie Schoen III 9 min read

How do I get help with the Colorado shines PDIs?

To register, you must have a Colorado Shines PDIS account. Search for “Relationship-Based Professional Development” in the course catalog. Registration is limited to 25 participants. If a training reaches capacity, coaches will receive priority who: will be providing Colorado Shines quality improvement coaching and Expanding Quality for Infants and Toddlers RELATE Coaching.

What is the new Colorado shines PDIs early childhood professional credential?

Different combinations of points from the four component areas allow you to meet the requirements for one of these six Levels. Changes to the Early Childhood Professional Credential The new Colorado Shines PDIS introduces some important updates and changes to the Early Childhood Professional Credential.

How does the PDIs work for licensing specialists?

To register, you must have a Colorado Shines PDIS account. Search for “Relationship-Based Professional Development” in the course catalog. Registration is limited to 25 participants. If a training reaches capacity, coaches who will be providing Colorado Shines quality improvement coaching, Expanding Quality for Infants and Toddlers RELATE Coaching, and coaches who …

How do training sessions appear to users in the PDIs?

Enter your PDIS username and select the "Forgot Password" link. We're glad you're here! On the Colorado Shines PDIS, you'll be joining other early care and learning professionals throughout Colorado to complete training, apply for credentials and qualifications, and more. Together, we can support families and communities so every young child ...

How many points do you get for experience?

Experience — One point for every 1,820 hours (one year) worked in the field for a maximum of 20 points. Note that you will now need to provide documentation for your experience.

How many points does a clock hour of professional development give?

Now, one clock hour equals one point for any approved ongoing professional development.

What is a Colorado coach credential?

Aligned to the Colorado Coaching Competencies for Early Childhood Coaches, the Colorado Coach Credential provides statewide recognition to early childhood professionals who have the foundational skills and dispositions necessary for effective coaching in the early childhood field. Credentialed coaches participate in department approved, coaching-specific training and engage in ongoing professional development with a trained reflective supervisor to maintain their coach credential.

How many points do you need to get an ECE degree?

Formal Education — a maximum of 50 points, based on your degree, area of study, ECE coursework, and courses of special recognition. For example, an ECE Doctorate earns 50 points; an ECE Bachelor degree earns 30 points, and a non-ECE Associate degree earns 5 points. View the Early Childhood Professional Credential 3.0 Scoresheet for a list of qualifying Early Childhood degrees.

How to appeal a Colorado early childhood program?

If the individual chooses to pursue a final appeal, the request can be made by writing an email to the Director of the Early Childhood Work force Development Team . The final appeal will be heard by the Credential Appeals and Evaluation Committee within 45 days of the receipt. Individuals submitting a final appeal may attend the meeting during the portion in which their appeal is discussed. Members of the Appeals and Evaluation Committee represent higher education, early childhood programs, school districts, Clayton Early Learning, the Colorado Department of Education and the Colorado Department of Human Services.

How long are demonstrated competencies valid?

Ten points can be earned in this component. Once verified, your demonstrated competency points are valid for three years ( from the date of the observation ).

How to appeal a 3.0 award in Colorado?

Individuals wishing to appeal a decision related to a Colorado Early Childhood Professional Credential 3.0 award may do so by writing an email to the Director of the Early Childhood Workforce Development (ECWD) Team and describing the decision that needs a second look. An initial review will be completed within 14 days of receipt of the email using the following steps:

What is the difference between PDIS 2.0 and 2.0?

The difference is that the new PDIS clarifies the Credential requirements and offers more than one way to meet them . As before, when you apply for a particular Credential, you receive points for your formal education, experience, ...

Can you record training outside of PDIS?

You can also record training that you completed outside the PDIS. Your approved continuing education units (CEUs) and clock hours will be automatically inserted into your applications. Once you have submitted an application, you will be regularly informed about the status of your application.

Is credentialing now online?

Credential and Qualification applications are now handled entirely online, which will significantly reduce the review and approval time. Once you submit an application, you will be notified if additional information is needed. You will also receive regular updates about the status of your application.

What is RBPD in Colorado?

The Office of Early Childhood provides Relationship-Based Professional Development (RBPD) virtually to communities across the state at no cost to participants. This coaching-specific training meets the training requirement for the Colorado Coaching Credential. Topics covered include: characteristics of coaching in early childhood settings, working with adult learners, coaching skills, reflective practice and tools to support the coach and coaching partner in continuous quality improvement. To receive a certificate of completion for RBPD, participants must complete the 35 hour hybrid training including attending the live instructor-led sessions and engaging in self-paced, online assignments. If you must miss more than one hour of any scheduled instructor-led session, please register for a different training that better meets your scheduling needs.

Who is Pyramid Plus certified by?

Pyramid Plus Coach Certification, offered by the Colorado Center for Social Emotional Competence and Inclusion

What is a Colorado coach credential?

Aligned to the Colorado Coaching Competencies for Early Childhood Coaches, the Colorado Coach Credential provides statewide recognition to early childhood professionals who have the foundational skills and dispositions necessary for effective coaching in the early childhood field. Credentialed coaches participate in department approved, coaching-specific training and engage in ongoing professional development with a trained reflective supervisor to maintain their coach credential.

How many hours of training is required for a facilitator of RS/C?

Trained facilitators of reflective supervision and consultation (RS/C) must receive more than 12 hours of training specific to facilitating RS/C. Currently, both the Office of Early Childhood and the CO Association for Infant Mental Health provide a Department-approved training for new facilitators to attend. Join the OEC training waiting list for “Facilitating RS/C in Early Childhood” here .

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Colorado Shines is the state’s quality rating and improvement system. Colorado Shines rates Colorado’s early learning programs for children ages 0 to 5 years old, and connects families with child care and preschool programs for children of all ages. Colorado Shines is free for families to use.

New and Improved Credentials

Shorter Self-Assessment

Two-Step Application Process


Faster Application Review

User-Friendly Learning

  • In the new Colorado Shines PDIS, My Learning is easier to use and to find what you need. You can see and go directly to your completed, in-progress, and recommended training from the PDIS Dashboard. Searching for training is also easier. The Learner Home is updated and will quickly show you which courses are in progress and also highlight recommend...
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External Training

Training You Have Completed