how to find course descriptions uncg

by Miss Jakayla Schumm Jr. 9 min read

What is Schedule Hero?

This is the most convenient and advanced method to find the required courses and build them into a usable schedule quickly. Read more about Schedule Hero here.

How to search for courses in a course?

The course search tool allows students to search course listings for the current and future terms. Use the course search tool to: 1 Find courses that meet degree requirements from Degree Works . 2 Plan out courses that work within the student schedule. 3 See when a desired course is offered next.

Does UNCG offer every semester?

Note that all courses are not offered every semester. Students seeking a list of all the courses offered in their degree program can reference the UNCG Catalog for full details.

HIS 206-01: "The Rise of the British Empire"

The expansion of the British empire played a large role in the transition from the premodern to modern world. Once small and divided, Britain quickly grew to be a dominant force across the globe.

HIS 206-02: "The First Global Empires: Spain and Portugal, 1415-1648"

This course follows the history of the Iberian powers, Spain and Portugal, from the Conquest of Muslim controlled Ceuta in 1415 to the end of the Thirty Years War in 1648 as they fought to become the world's first imperial powers.

HIS 207-02 - "The Caribbean in World History: From Columbus to Haiti"

From Columbus's misguided attempt to find a route to Asia, to the outbreak of the Haitian Revolution (the world's only successful slave revolt) three hundred years later, the Caribbean was at the center of early modern world history.

HIS 211 - United States History to 1865

General survey of American history from colonization through the Civil War. Writing Intensive. Field: United States. Markers: GHP; GMO; MDEQ; CW; WI

HIS 212 - United States History since 1865

General survey of American history from Reconstruction to the present. Writing Intensive. Field: United States. Markers: GHP; GMO; MDEQ; CW; WI

HIS 212-05 - United States History since 1865

General survey of American history from Reconstruction to the present. Writing Intensive. Field: United States. Markers: GHP; GMO; MDEQ CW; WI

HIS 213-02 Topics in American History: "American Political Parties"

The Founders feared the formation of permanent political parties, and George Washington warned against them in his presidential farewell address.

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Looking for classes? In this section you can browse classes you find interesting

Looking for classes? In this section you can browse classes you find interesting.
