how to facilitate a hands-on course

by Jewel Kuhn DVM 3 min read

Here are seven steps to help ensure that hands-on training is successful: Demonstrate. Show learners how to perform the procedure, technique, or task.

Full Answer

Why do students learn better with hands-on learning?

Students learn better when they can relate to a subject, when it is personally meaningful. Learning happens when the brain is engaged in making connections and creating familiar patterns. Hands-on learning engages students of all ages in multiple modes of learning: kinesthetic, problem solving, and trial and error.

What is an example of hands-on activity?

Hands-on (also called experiential learning) can be activities like making an analog clock from a paper plate, brass fastener, and two strips of paper in the shape of arrows.

What is hands-on learning for Social Studies?

Here's a quick and easy summary of everything you need to know about hands-on learning for social studies. Starting with the basics, here's a definition for hands-on learning, from Merriam-Webster: "Learning gained by actually doing something rather than learning about it from books, lectures, etc."

How do you make a simple handwriting activity for kids?

This is another super simple activity that requires hardly any prep! Pour a little sand or cornmeal into the bottom of a shallow tray, just enough to cover the bottom. Children can use their index finger to write letters, numbers, or sight words in the tray. Wikki Stix are always a favorite with young children!

What do you need to deliver hands-on learning for online courses?

Here’s what you need to deliver hands-on learning for online courses: 1. Realistic Tasks.

When learning new skills and habits it’s useful for learners and for yourself to see if they can apply that knowledge?

When learning new skills and habits it’s useful for learners and for yourself to see if they can apply that knowledge in real life. This is also about holding them responsible for their learning process while offering some external motivation.

What is fun factor?

Fun Factor. If your learners need a little boost to complete a practical assignment, a fun contest will do the trick. Learners get to share pictures and videos of their work, while also getting a prize such as a discount code that they can use to take another course.

What are the rules of a learning journey?

These are simple rules such as: critiquing the work, not the person; offering arguments that help the person improve their skills; staying on topic; pointing out strengths as well as weaknesses. The overall tone should be that everyone is on a learning journey and feedback supports their growth. 6. Fun Factor.

Can you skip an assignment on a course?

Learners will skip your assignment or become frustrated quickly if important information is omitted. Just assume that they’ve never taken an online course before and that there’s no room for ambiguity when they read the assignment instructions. Most importantly, people should know what they need before diving into learning. So, be sure to mention that they will be taking a practical course and that they should expect to learn by doing before they click “purchase course,” otherwise it’s seen as misleading.

Can you do feedback on your own?

As an instructor, you probably can’t do it all by yourself, feedback included, which means that you’ll need a little help. This is nothing new, as many face-to-face and blended courses already employ peer feedback. For this, all you have to do is set up a group in your Learning Management System and ask learners to post their work. Encourage everyone to give constructive criticism as a way of developing their skills.

When showing physical skills and other actions that may be difficult to follow, go slowly and narrate what you are?

When showing physical skills and other actions that may be difficult to follow, go slowly and narrate what you are doing. Missing one critical step often impacts all subsequent steps. A particularly good example of this is often seen when demonstrating computer skills. The instructor may move the mouse/cursor and make selections more quickly than trainees can track.

What does the instructor offer before a trainee is ready to perform again?

Just before the trainee is ready to perform again, the instructor offers advice, suggestions, or tips on how to improve. These are based on observations of the preceding performance, and they must be very specific in order to be helpful. The instructor also may choose to show the trainee how to improve, rather than merely explaining this.

What does the instructor do when the trainee performs?

As the trainee performs, the instructor observes carefully and evaluates performance, noting what the trainee does right and also what needs improvement. The instructor does not interrupt unless the trainee performs an unsafe act or makes a very serious mistake. During the performance, the instructor offers encouragement when the trainee does a step correctly.

How to train people you don't know?

When training people whom you do not know, begin with appropriate welcomes and introductions. This is not necessary, of course, if you have been working together for a time. However, even within good working relationships, the trainee may feel some anxiety learning new skills and some sort of welcome can mitigate worries and unease. Ask the trainee how he feels about the upcoming task and then introduce the topics to be addressed. This is where the preparation begins to pay off. The task should be broken down into appropriate components that may include the work process itself, safety, quality, cleanliness, thoroughness, and so forth.

Why use hot potter?

Use HOT POPPER to cover each job procedure. If the job entails complex setup procedures, cover the normal operating procedures first , then return to the more complicated setup tasks. This way, the trainee will find the setup tasks easier to learn. Save troubleshooting tasks for later in this phase of training. Again, the reason is that it is usually easier for a trainee to deal with exceptions after he or she already knows how to do the job under normal operating conditions.

What is solo performance?

During solo performance, the trainee is required to build upon the framework of task training by proving that he or she can do the whole job, with minimum help from the instructor. In this phase, the trainee's role is to perform the work and the instructor's role is to evaluate performance in order to determine whether or not the trainee is qualified to do the job. The length of the solo varies greatly from job to job, but it always must be long enough to provide a fair opportunity for the trainee to accomplish the training objectives and a reasonable opportunity for the instructor to make an accurate evaluation. As this phase draws to a conclusion, the instructor usually tapers off his or her involvement, and the training process blends into the work.)

Why is hands-on learning important?

Hands-on learning engages students of all ages in multiple modes of learning: kinesthetic, problem solving, and trial and error.

What are some examples of hands-on learning?

Hands-on (also called experiential learning) can be activities like making an analog clock from a paper plate, brass fastener, and two strips of paper in the shape of arrows. Students make the clock face, then learn how to tell time. Or students can use money to count change and learn addition and subtraction.

What does "hands on learning" mean?

Starting with the basics, here's a definition for hands-on learning, from Merriam-Webster: "Learning gained by actually doing something rather than learning about it from books, lectures, etc.".

How can students use art to facilitate their learning?

Students can use art to facilitate their learning, such as drawing a map, writing a skit to describe a historical event, or writing a short biographical poem about an historical figure. And of course, the iconic volcano from papier-mâché with erupting lava ...

How can hands-on learning help students?

As students learn in different ways, tailoring their education to different learning methods helps to bring the best out of them. Mixing up education to incorporate these attributes hones into a students way of thinking and gives them a chance to explore their strengths in a happy environment. Some students may prefer to read while others may like making things, so providing an education where students can explore both aspects in the same classroom opens up a collaborative approach to learning. Ensuring pupils respect each other’s ways of learning also helps build better relationships in the classroom, which in turn can be transitioned into everyday life.

Why is hands-on learning important?

Hands-on learning is becoming increasingly popular in schools and colleges and has known to promote better learner engagement and success in real-life implementation. This type of learning also helps to people to explore the connection with concepts in the classroom and how they relate to situations on a deeper level and helps to promote critical ...

Why is it important to switch up learning style?

Switching up learning style with guest speakers, video, interactive lessons and field trips opens up a world of new situations which students can learn from indifferent and rewarding ways.

How to keep students motivated in the classroom?

Changing up a learning environment is key to keeping them motivated and alert. Long hours of sitting in front of a chalkboard and reading books to help with assignments often lead to boredom and lack of motivation to complete projects. This boredom not only affects classroom situations but also can affect later life situations, as students relate reading and parrot fashion learning as a waste of time. As discussed above, providing different experiences will open up this learning process and encourage interactivity, but there can be other ways to keep pupils interested. Simple things such as getting to know your students well and making sure you know their name is key to building a trusting relationship. If teachers show a valued interest in their class, they are more likely to succeed in education and view learning as an enjoyable experience. Making students feel appreciated and valued is also important when listening to their grievances and giving them feedback. If trust is there, you will have a personable bond, which in turn helps students to achieve long-term success.

What can be used as a learning tool?

Things such as using rewards for great achievements can also be used a learning tool and activities such as an Escape Game or getting everyone together for pizza open up communication and collaborative efforts in a fun way. There are many ways in which education can provide a rewarding experience for all students.

How can education be beneficial?

Identifying each type of learning method and mixing it up with new and fun ways to increase potential is vital to the success of the next generation. Making goals achievable, tracking progress, providing opportunities and managing expectations are all beneficial ways to not only improve learning environments for all students but give educators better tools and experience to cater for a range of learning styles for improved success. These attributes also pave the way for better communication between peers and educators that can be carried into everyday situations and improve overall life skills.

Why are rewards important in learning?

Some people are more competitive than others, but there is a common factor in everyone, that we relish rewards for a job well done. Something as simple as getting positive feedback from a peer or celebrating successes with token rewards can reap benefits for learning potential. This doesn’t have to be the case for every task that is completed but considering small, yet suitable rewards for students gives them a slice of healthy competition within the learning environment. These types of rewards shouldn’t focus on trying to be better than the next person as this can also lead to conflict but showcasing that in order to achieve the success they have to push themselves for greater achievements will test the competitiveness within their mind.

What do you learn best when you touch?

Some people learn best when they touch and manipulate objects, they are tactile learners. Others do better when they can see and imitate, they are visual learners. Then there are auditory learners who excel when listening to verbal instructions or audio books. Kinesthetic learners like to move.

What finger do children use to write?

Children can gently press their index finger in the bag to write numbers, letters, or sight words.

What finger do kids use to write letters?

Children can use their index finger to write letters, numbers, or sight words in the tray.
