how to export a course in moodle?

by Ford Rolfson 6 min read

Export Moodle Course Content

  • Log into Moodle with your NetID and password.
  • Go to your Moodle course and click the gear icon to select “Backup” from the drop-down menu.
  • In Backup settings, uncheck “include enrolled users” and any other items you do not wish to include in the file like, calendar events, groups and groupings, or competencies.
  • Click the “Next” button.

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Exporting Content From Moodle
From within a course, from the course Administration menu, choose Backup. Select whether to export as a Common Cartridge or a native Moodle file. Follow the succession of screens, to complete the process.

Full Answer

How do I export or back up a Moodle course?

Mar 16, 2022 · Download Course Content. Moodle can export all files using the Download course content feature. The export also includes a simple web page showing all the items on the main course page, including links to the downloaded files. Go to the course main page and click on the Gear Icon (top right of page) → Download course content. Moodle will download a zip file with …

Can I export a course from Swarthmore's moodle site to another institution?

Go to Settings>Site administration>Users>Accounts>Bulk user actions and select the users you wish to export. From the dropdown "With selected users", choose "download" and choose the type of file you wish to download from text, ODS or Excel. Another way is is to export a list from the gradebook in a course. The fields you seem to get are:

How do I save a course in Moodle?

Sep 02, 2014 · Otherwise, try the configurable reports block, which can assist here. For example, I have the following in my arsenal of reports which has exactly this. Select, c.fullname, c.shortname, c.idnumber, as category, c.enablecompletion. FROM prefix_course AS c. INNER JOIN prefix_course_categories AS cc. ON = c.category. Cheers. Peter.

How do I transfer a Moodle course from one institution to another?

Aug 10, 2016 · How to back up a course in Moodle so you can restore it later or import it in another Course Management System (like Canvas).Note: If you are using Chrome, w...

How do I copy a whole Moodle course?

Course copy from Course and category management screenFrom Site administration / Courses / Manage courses and categories, click to select a category.Find the course you want to copy, and click the duplicate icon to copy the course.Jun 3, 2021

How do I export a course from Moodle to canvas?

How to Backup your Moodle Course and Import to CanvasNavigate to the course you want to move.Select "Backup" from the "Administration" menu.Follow the steps to create the back file.You'll end up on a page that has "User private backup area" at the bottom.Click on "Download" to save the file to your local computer.

How do I export scorm from Moodle?

Wondershare PPT2Flash ProfessionalThere is a plug-in menu in PowerPoint, click "Publish" button and select "LMS"Select "SCORM 1.2" or "SCORM 2004"Click "Convert" button.Select "Open output folder" after conversion is completed.Choose the output .zip file and upload to Moodle.Done!Nov 25, 2021

How do I backup a Moodle course?

Backup Your Moodle CourseLog in to Moodle and click on the course you want to back up.Under Administration, click Backup.On the Course backup screen, leave all checkboxes checked to backup both your course materials and student work. ... On the confirmation screen, click Continue.More items...

What is SCORM package in Moodle?

The SCORM package is a zipped folder of files that are uploaded by the course creator directly into the LMS and are launched when the user decides to view this particular eLearning module.Oct 11, 2019

Is CourseLab free?

CourseLab 2.4 is impressive for a free e-learning/testing authoring tool.

How do I make a SCORM file?

A SCORM file is really an archive or compressed set of files. To view the content of the SCORM file with the extension “zip”, uncompress the file, by clicking on it, through a file menu, or tool such as Winzip on Windows and unzip on a Mac. If the file extension is not “zip”, rename it to “zip” first.

Where does Moodle store course backups?

To find the backup file for a course, go to the front page of that course, click Administration->Files, and look for a folder named backupdata. The backup file for the course should be found in that folder.Nov 28, 2006

How do I share a Moodle course?

You can display a link to your course on to Course administration > Share (only available to users with the capability moodle/course:publish)Click the button 'Share this course for people to join'Enter information about the course.Click the 'Share this course' button.Nov 28, 2017

How do I backup and restore a Moodle course?

Restoring a course backupGo to Settings > Front page settings > Restore or Settings > Course administration > Restore.Upload the backup file or choose a file in the course backup area or user private backup area and click Restore.Confirm - Check that everything is as required then click the Continue button.More items...•Jul 5, 2012

How to export a course in Moodle?

Exporting your Course. 1. Go into the Moodle course page that you want to back up. 2. Scroll down to the “ADMINISTRATION” block. Under the “Course administration” section click on Backup to begin the process. 3. Review the Initial settings and then click the Next button at the bottom of the right of the screen. 4.

How to restore a deleted file in a.shp file?

1. Scroll down to the “ADMINISTRATION” block. Under the “Course administration” section click on Restore to begin the process. 2. Under the “User private backup area” locate the desired file and click on Restore. 3. Click the Continue button at the bottom right of the screen.

How to import a course into a new course?

1. Scroll down to the “ADMINISTRATION” block. Under the “Course administration” section click on Import to begin the process. 2. The “Find a course to import data from:” page will appear. Select the desired course and click the Continue button.

How do I export a list of users?

Go to Settings>Site administration>Users>Accounts>Bulk user actions and select the users you wish to export. From the dropdown "With selected users", choose "download" and choose the type of file you wish to download from text, ODS or Excel.

How do I import and export database entries?

With the Database activity you have the ability to allow students to export the data in CSV or ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet from OpenOffice) format, both of which will open up in MS Excel.

How do I import and export questions?

Moodle XML converter Free online service to create quizzes and glossaries from existing files.

exporting a list of courses in csv format

Hi,#N#I have a Moodle site with over 100 courses on it. I would like to be able to add new users, having them enrolled on every course, but as it stands I don't have all the short names of each course to use in my import.

Re: exporting a list of courses in csv format

If you have direct access to the database, you can get the info from the mdl_courses table. Otherwise, try the configurable reports block, which can assist here.

What is anonymize user information?

Anonymize user information is a backup feature which "protects user identities" by making each user anonymous. If this box is checked in the backup initial settings, Moodle will substitute aliases for real names, substituting email addresses and so forth. For example "Max Manager" might become "anonfirstname4 anonlastname4".

How to backup a course?

To backup a course. Go into the course. Click the Backup link either in the gear menu or the Administration block (depending upon the theme). Initial settings - Select activities , blocks, filters and other items as required then click the Next button. Users with appropriate permissions, such as administrators and managers, ...

Can you save a course on Moodle?

Course backup. A course can be saved with some or all of its parts by using the course backup. Typically, the site administrator will set a schedule of automated course backups for the whole site. A teacher can create a backup or download an existing backup for safe keeping, or for use on another Moodle site.

Can you continue working while a course backup is being made?

Note: With large courses it is helpful to be able to continue working while a course backup is being made. To achieve this, you need to enable asynchronous backups in Site Administration / Courses / Backups / Asynchronous backup/restore .
