how to enroll in another course on grtep

by Nicholaus Daugherty 9 min read

Log into GRLContent with your existing account and click on the ‘ Enroll in Another Online Publication ’ link. You will then be able to purchase access to your new publication. I am getting an error when I try to register my access code.

Full Answer

How to enroll students in real time?

To enroll students in real time, enter one or more Usernames separated by commas, or use the Choose Students link to open the User Picker. The User Picker allows you to filter by Name, Organization, Position, Role, or User Group to compile a list of students you want to enroll.

How to notify students of LMS enrollment?

The LMS will notify students of their course enrollment via email and under the “Mail Center” section of their homepage . The course in which they are enrolled will also display on their homepage, under the “Self-Studies” section.

How to search for courses in LMS?

In the LMS header, in the Course Search field, enter all or part of the course name or course code. Click Search to produce a list of matching results. In the left navigation menu, click Courses > Search Courses. This also opens the course search page.

Can you enter all or part of the course name, description, or course code?

You may enter all or part of the Course Name, Description, or Course Code. You can also select a Major or Delivery Method to further restrict the results. Click Search. The system will display matching results.
