how to enroll in a course for internship uw madison sociology

by Dr. Tre Bruen MD 5 min read

Go to your MyUW and select the Course Search & Enroll app. Once you are in the app, click on Degree Planner on the grey banner at the top of the page. Choose and add degree plans.

Full Answer

Why study sociology at UW-Madison?

Some classes offered in Sociology are cross-listed and controlled by another department.) See the Registrar’s Office Demos on the Wait List procedure (among others). When a seat opens up for you, you will be authorized to enroll. You’ll receive an automatically generated email, and will have two days in which to enroll.

How many credits do you need to study abroad at UW Madison?

Current opportunities for research and internships are listed below. Most options are sections of Sociology 320, “Research Practicum”. Faculty and graduate students who are interested in creating a section of Sociology 320 should contact the Undergraduate Program Coordinator ( [email protected] ). Options vary greatly, ranging from simple but repetitive tasks done …

What internship programs are available in Wisconsin?

This course provides a sociology area equivalency for additional methods and statistics courses taken on Madison study abroad programs that do not equate exactly to existing sociology courses. Enroll Info: Enrollment in a UW-Madison resident study abroad progm. View details

How many credits do you get for study abroad in sociology?

Sociology, B.S. < University of Wisconsin-Madison. Sociology applies the methods of science to explain social behavior. The interactions of individuals in families, groups, or organizations, and the institutions, social class, or shared beliefs of a common culture are all subjects for sociological research. There are many career opportunities ...

How many credits do you need to be a resident at UW Madison?

Residency. Degree candidates are required to earn a minimum of 30 credits in residence at UW–Madison. "In residence" means on the UW–Madison campus with an undergraduate degree classification.

What are honors courses in sociology?

These include the special honors introductory seminar, Sociology 181, Sociology 380 Contemporary Population Problems, other special honors sections of 100- and 200-level courses, and courses that provide honors by arrangement with the instructor. Sociology also has courses that award automatic honors, including SOC/​C&E SOC 361 Statistics for Sociologists II, SOC 362 Statistics for Sociologists III and SOC/​C&E SOC 693 Practicum in Analysis and Research, and certain other upper-division courses designated by semester in the Course Guide. Sociology also makes special offerings of upper-level courses available to sophomores in the honors program for one semester at a time.

What is sociology in science?

Sociology applies the methods of science to explain social behavior. The interactions of individuals in families, groups, or organizations, and the institutions, social class, or shared beliefs of a common culture are all subjects for sociological research.

What does 300 mean in sociology?

Sociology course numbers over 300 indicate subject matter rather than level of difficulty. Unless indicated otherwise, prerequisites at the upper level are junior standing and an introductory course in sociology or consent of instructor.

Catalog Listings

The current UW-Madison Catalog/Guide for the College of Letters & Science, Department of Sociology.

Syllabus Archive

This archive of syllabi includes courses taught within the past 5 years and have been submitted to the department by faculty and instructors. It is not an inclusive collection. If you would like access to a syllabus that is not available on this site, contact staff to make this request.

Timetable Listings

All timetable and course catalog information can be found in Course Search & Enroll.

Research Opportunities

Current opportunities for research and internships are listed here. They vary greatly, ranging from simple but repetitive tasks done by untrained or inexperienced students in support of research, to opportunities for more advanced students to write papers or proposals about the research, either alone or with the supervising researcher.

Internship resources

Whether you’re studying liberal arts, life sciences, engineering, business, journalism, human ecology, or an agricultural discipline, your school or college can help you find an internship that matches your goals:


Many internships have funding available. See Scholarships@UW for information about scholarship opportunities, and review your school or college and department websites to learn about other possible funding options.

Featured internships

Badger Reach: This program places six students in public-sector internships in Chicago, Milwaukee and the Twin Cities.

Taking classes while interning

Summer Term makes it easier than ever to take classes while you’re interning. With online courses, you can study from anywhere in the world. Start the planning process by browsing online Summer Term courses and talking to your advisor.

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