how to enroll in a course at obu

by Mario O'Reilly 10 min read

Admission to the University

Admission of all undergraduate students to OBU is under the authority of the Director of Admissions.

Admission Documents

Admission to all undergraduate degree programs of the University requires the submission of the following documents:

Student Health Service Record

A student health form is sent to deposited students and is required prior to matriculation. A transfer student may submit a previous college health form if it was completed within five years of enrollment at OBU.

Recommended High School Curriculum

High school graduation is required, but in addition, it is recommended that students include the following in their high school program:

Freshman Admission Requirements

Applicants meeting the following criteria may be granted REGULAR ADMISSION:

Home-Schooled Student Admissions

Admission of home-schooled students will be based on ACT, SAT or CLT scores and a written description or transcript of the home-school experience. The standardized test composite score must be at the level OBU requires for regular admission, and subscores must meet OBU guidelines for regular class placement.

Pursuits Program

The Pursuits Program is designed to help incoming freshmen who may not meet the regular OBU admissions standards successfully navigate the transition from high school to college.

Enrollment Process

Submit the enrollment form (below) before every semester/session in which you would like to participate.

Additional Information

If you are unable to enroll online, please call us at 405.585.4329 and we will be happy to assist you.

Regular Admission

Applicants who meet the following criteria may be granted regular admission:

Conditional Admission

Applicants who do not meet the regular admission requirements but meet the following criteria may be granted conditional admission:

Pursuits Admission

Applicants who do not meet the criteria stated above may be admitted only by action of the Admissions Committee. Students wishing to be considered for admission by the Admissions Committee must submit the following materials:

Graduates of Unaccredited High Schools

Admission of unaccredited high school students will be based on ACT, SAT or CLT scores and a written description or high school transcript, respectively. The standardized test composite score must be at the level OBU requires for regular admission, and subscores must meet OBU guidelines for regular class placement.

What is CSCI 2103. Fall?

Study of the methods used in the design, development, implementation, testing and maintenance of software systems. Students will utilize the team approach in the development and management of software projects and will make use of modern tools to achive these tasks. Prerequisite: CSCI 2103. Fall.

What is a modular course in math?

A modular course for middle school mathematics education students including theories, purposes, activities, curricula, and new developments in teaching. The course may not be counted toward a major or minor in mathematics or for certification in secondary mathematics. Open only to Middle School Education majors.

What grade do you need to take algebra?

A beginning course in algebra for students needing a foundation for college mathematics courses. A grade of C or better is required before a student is eligible to enroll in a higher mathematics course. Fall, Spring.

What is math 1003?

An introduction to areas of mathematics not typically seen in high school. Topics include elementary symbolic logic, Boolean and matrix algebra, set and number theory, relations, graph theory, and an introduction to mathematical reasoning. Prerequisite: MATH 1003 or official placement.

What is peer instructor?

Peer instructors will engage in individual and small group instruction during course review sessions, will be prepared to answer questions related to weekly course exercises, and may assist in the preparation, administration, and grading of assignments.

What is the study of geometry?

A continuation of the study of the rational and real number systems. Basic ideas of geometry, including plane regions and space figures, measurement, relations, functions and graphs, linear equations, probability, and logic.

Independent Study Courses

These can be identified by a course number of 2999 or 4999. Fill out a form for an independent study course.

Arranged Courses

This is a regularly described course taken at a time or in a manner differing from the scheduled offering. These can be identified by a section letter R. Fill out a form for an arranged course.

Intensive English Program Courses

These are courses in the IEP discipline area. Only those admitted to this program may enroll in these courses. If you're interested in this program, please contact Graduate Admissions at 405.585.4601.

Which classes are free?

This course is intended to assist the student in the development of Biblical and Theological foundations to understand and interpret a Christian view of reality, a Christian worldview.

Are first time freshmen required to take a free course?

No. First-time freshmen may enroll in any J-Term course for which the student is qualified.

Are these free classes limited to first-time freshmen and transfer students?

No. Any student can enroll in J-Term classes. The list of free courses are only tuition-free to first-time freshmen. Upperclassmen will be charged J-Term tuition for enrollment in these classes.

Can first-time freshmen students take more than the free courses?

Yes. Students are encouraged to consider up to two classes during J-Term.

Does taking an online course satisfy the requirement to enroll in J-Term?

Yes, online courses may be taken to satisfy the J-Term requirement. Students who wish to live on campus during J-Term must enroll in at least one on-campus course.

What are the dates for J-Term?

Campus housing will open Sunday, January 3. Classes begin Monday, January 4. Final examinations are administered on Monday, January 25.

How many hours can a student take during J-Term?

Five credit hours is the maximum a student can take without permission from his or her academic dean.
