how to drop a course at hofstra university

by Jana Koch 8 min read

If you are taking Hofstra CE courses you may drop a course by completing and sending an Add/Drop/Withdrawal form, in writing, to Hofstra CE Registrar Office via fax at (516) 463-4836, postal mail, or in person. Certificate students must obtain their advisor’s approval regarding dropping a course and alternative program planning.

Once you have logged in using your Hofstra Network ID and password, click on the Hofstra Online link located on the left side navigation bar. Under the Student Services menu, click on the option titled "Registration" and then on the option titled "Add/Drop Classes." Follow the necessary links.

Full Answer

Can I take a summer course at Hofstra without being matriculated?

Yes, you can take a course at Hofstra without being a matriculated Hofstra student. You must apply using the Visiting Student Application. Please note that you must complete your junior year of high school before taking a summer course at Hofstra. How do I find out what courses Hofstra is offering over the summer?

How do I transfer my credits to Hofstra University?

You can attend Hofstra’s Transfer Day where you will receive an on-site admission decision and have the opportunity to sit down with an Admission Counselor in order to determine how your credits will transfer.

Can I transfer to Hofstra with a pass/D+/D/fail?

A student transferring to Hofstra with more than 30 credits graded on a Pass/D+/D/Fail basis must have the approval of the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee. For these students, courses graded on this basis shall not exceed fifty percent of the total credit hours required for the degree.

How do I sign up for Hofstra online?

To register via Hofstra Online, you must log in through the Hofstra Portal at (You must know your Network ID, password and Alternate PIN, if necessary.) Once you have logged in using your Hofstra Network ID and password, click on the Hofstra Online link located on the left side navigation bar.

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How do I withdraw from Hofstra University?

Go to the Hofstra Online tab and select "Academic Leave/Withdraw from the University." In addition, undergraduate students may contact the Office of University Advisement at 516-463-6770 and graduate students may contact the Office of Graduate Admissions at 516-463-4732 for assistance in processing the withdrawal.

Is Dropping a course the same as withdrawing?

Important Definitions. Course Drop: Removal of a course from your schedule prior to the end of the first week of class. Course Withdrawal: Any removal of a course from your schedule after the end of week one using the online form provided.

Does dropping a course affect you?

Dropping a class is much better for your GPA than failing a class or getting a C or D in it is because a dropped class does not affect your grade point average. Dropping a class may also raise your GPA because it can allow you to spend more time on other classes and raise your grades in them.

How do I drop a course over the counter?

Withdraw from ClassesStudents may withdraw from their classes by dropping all of them in myOTC. ... Submit the Change of Schedule and Withdrawal Form to Student Services via fax, mail, email or in-person.Send an email requesting to withdraw from all courses to [email protected] from your OTC Email account.

Is it better to drop or fail a class?

Failing & Then Re-Taking a Class Croskey notes that dropping a class is better than withdrawing, but withdrawing is better than failing. “A failing grade will lower the student's GPA, which may prevent a student from participating in a particular major that has a GPA requirement,” Croskey says.

Is it better to withdraw or drop?

Effective the Fall Semester of 2014, students who withdraw from courses before the semester's withdrawal deadline will receive a W grade....Dropping Courses Vs Withdrawing.Dropping a CourseWithdrawing from a CourseDropped hours do not appear on your transcriptWithdrawn hours appear on your transcript5 more rows

When should you drop a course?

5 Reasons You Can Drop a Course: The course isn't required for your degree, isn't relevant to your degree, or isn't an acceptable elective. You're too far behind in the syllabus and you can't fathom catching up. You bombed your first midterm and can't reasonably recover your grade. (Abort mission.

What are good reasons to drop a class?

There are various reasons to consider dropping a class, some of which include:Over-enrolled in courses: Maybe you just took on too much too soon. ... Not a good fit: ... Don't think you can get a passing grade: ... Class is too easy and want to advance faster: ... Your interests or decisions about the future changed:

Does dropping a class cost money?

Do You Have to Pay to Drop a College Class? You will not have to pay anything extra if you choose to drop a college class. However, the point at which you decide to drop a college class during the semester can impact your refund status.

How do I drop a class at University of Dayton?

Students may change their classes online prior to the first day of the term by selecting the Add or Drop Classes link under the Registration section of “My Resources” channel. More details about registering online are available on the Flyer Student Services tab at

How do I drop a course Sinclair?

To drop or withdraw from all classes for the term, students may also use the Communication Center, 937-512-3000, 1-800-315-3000. A copy of the processed Withdrawal Form will be mailed to the student. This is proof of withdrawal and should be kept for the student's records.

How do I register with Sinclair?

How to Register, Drop or Add sectionsOnline Registration. ... In-Person Registration. Prior to registration please refer to the Online Schedule Planner for available class sections for the current term. ... Changing Sections of a Course.

When will Hofstra start accepting freshmen in 2021?

Freshmen. March 28, 2021 at 10pm. Hofstra Online will be unavailable for registering or adding courses for the Fall 2021 semester after September 8, 2021. However, you may use the system after this date to drop courses and review your schedule.

What are some examples of Hofstra hold?

Examples of holds are: A Health Center hold, a graduate nonmatriculated hold, an arrears hold, an advisement hold, and an admissions hold. All of these holds will prevent a student from registering using Hofstra Online. Back to Top.

How to get the most results possible when searching for classes?

To get the most results possible when searching for classes, enter only basic information on the search page. To narrow the search to fewer results, enter more information. Be careful not to be too specific or the search may be unsuccessful.

How to contact the Office of Academic Records/Registrar?

As always, please call the Office of Academic Records/Registrar at 516-463-8000 (Option 2) for assistance during normal business hours, if you have any questions or problems.

Is Hofstra Online compatible with Internet Explorer?

Hofstra Online is compatible with Internet Explorer 7 or higher, Firefox 3.6 or higher, Safari 4.1 or higher. IMPORTANT: Be sure to use the "Submit Changes" button to process all web registration requests, to verify changes, and to view or print your schedule. Back to Top.

What time does Hofstra start classes?

Classes at Hofstra begin at 7 a.m., Monday through Friday. Classes are usually scheduled for meetings on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with 55-minute periods, Monday and Wednesday with 85-minute periods, or on Tuesday and Thursday with 85-minute periods. Laboratory sessions are scheduled separately from the regular lecture hours for a course.

How long does it take to confirm attendance at Hofstra?

At the beginning of each semester, students are expected to log in to the Hofstra portal to confirm semester attendance. Failure to confirm attendance within the first three (3) weeks of class during a fall or spring semester may result in the inability to access certain areas on the portal (e.g., Blackboard).

How long can a student be absent from class?

If for some reason a student will be absent for one continuous week or longer, it is advisable to inform each instructor.

When are laboratory classes scheduled?

Evening classes are normally scheduled on Monday/Wednesday and Tuesday/Thursday combinations. However, some 200-level and 2-semester hour courses meet once weekly as do courses scheduled on Saturday.

When can you withdraw from a course?

If a student withdraws from a course during the first three weeks of the semester; the first week of a summer session; the first three days of the January Session; the first two weeks of a 10-11 week trimester or the first week of a mini-course, there shall be no record of course (s) on the permanent record.

Does Hofstra use alphabetical grades?

Hofstra uses an alphabetical system of grades to describe the quality of the student’s work. The University reserves the right to change this system at any time. The implementation of a new system, however, will not occur for approximately one year after the change has been made and the students have been officially notified. The revised system applies uniformly to all students regardless of their initial date of entry. Alphabetical grades are further divided into plus and minus levels.

Can you miss a class at Hofstra University?

Hofstra University recognizes that students and/or faculty may miss class due to religious observances. Students who anticipate missing class for this reason should notify faculty members in advance. Likewise, faculty members who anticipate missing class for a religious observance should notify students in their classes in advance. As per Faculty Policy Series 12 (B): “No student shall be expelled or refused admission to Hofstra University because he or she is unable to participate in any examination, study or work requirement because of his or her religious obligations and practices. However, all students are expected to complete all assignments and examinations. It is understood that no adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student who avails him or herself of religious observances. The University, faculty, and student shall work together to achieve a reasonable accommodation concerning any conflicts between educational and religious obligations.”

Mid-Semester Courses

Twelve new 3-credit distribution courses are scheduled to begin the week of September 27, 2021. The registration period for the 12 mid-semester courses begins September 22nd at 1 p.m. and ends October 1st:

Late Semester Courses

Four new 3-credit distribution courses are scheduled to begin the week of November 1, 2021. The registration period for the 4 mid-semester courses begins October 21st and ends November 2nd:

Where is Hofstra University located?

Hofstra University is located in Nassau County on suburban Long Island, just 25 miles outside the heart of New York City. Where can I find general campus information?

How many residence halls does Hofstra have?

Yes. Hofstra currently has 36 residence halls. You have the opportunity to schedule an information session and tour to learn more about Hofstra, see our campus, and tour a residence hall. Please see our Transfer Student FAQ for important housing deadlines for transfer students.

Does Hofstra have a parking permit?

There is no fee, but you must obtain a parking permit through Public Safety in order to be authorized to park on campus. However, a car is not necessary if you reside on campus. Hofstra provides a shuttle bus to all students with both on- and off-campus destinations. Please view the Hofstra Shuttle schedule and map.

Does Hofstra accept fee waivers?

Hofstra does accept fee waivers in any written form as long as it is provided by the student’s high school guidance counselor. Please have the form or letter mailed or faxed to our Undergraduate Admission office. I applied to Hofstra in the past and am looking to reapply.

When are semester charges due for Hofstra?

Fall semester charges are typically due the first week of August.#N#Spring semester charges are typically due the first week of January.#N#Please check for specific due dates for each semester.

Where to mail a 529 check to Hofstra University?

Please mail checks to Hofstra University – Office of the Bursar or drop in the secure mail slot in Memorial Hall 205 during regular business hours, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

How long does it take to get a refund from Hofstra?

Refund requests typically take up to 15 business days to be processed and an email will be sent to your Pride account once it is completed.

What happens if you don't pay Hofstra?

Student accounts that are not paid in full are assessed late payment fees according to the published schedule and an Accounts Receivable Hold. This hold prohibits the student from participating in Hofstra’s Open Registration process and also may prohibit participation from the annual Fall Room Selection process. In addition, the University reserves the right to withhold diplomas, certificates, transcripts, and other University services until all financial obligations have been satisfied.

When is Hofstra payment due?

Payment for fall is generally due August 1st. It is imperative that students set up at least one Authorized User on the Hofstra Portal to receive important billing and payment plan information. Students and Authorized Users will be notified via email when a billing statement is available.

What is the FERPA law?

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to protect the confidentiality of student education records. The law states that no one outside the institution shall have access to a student's education records, nor will the institution disclose any information from those records without the written consent of the student.

Does Hofstra University require parent PLUS loan?

Hofstra University, in compliance with federal regulations, must obtain the voluntary permission from the student (or parent, if a Parent PLUS loan) to apply Federal financial aid proceeds to pay for charges related to a prior term, future term or charges other than tuition, fees, room and board on the student’s account.
