how to dress game + alaska course

by Prof. Candice Huel 10 min read

How long is a hunter education course?

The Instructor-led hunter education course is typically a one-day or two-evening event.

What do you need to take to become a shooting instructor?

The student must successfully complete the field course, shooting proficiency, and written test to be certified . If any portion is not successfully completed, the student must sign up to take a future course.

How long is a log book course?

Sign up in a log book for a course in your area. The Instructor-led course offerings are normally 8-hours long; typically a full Saturday or two evenings during the week.

What is the best rain gear for fishing in Alaska?

Coated waterproof raingear is the choice used by Alaska commercial fishermen for such conditions, combined with rubberized shin boots like XtraTufs. Helly Hansen brand rain gear is widely respected, but there are many other choices.

What to bring to Alaska in the summer?

Bring a lightweight, brimmed hat for sun and rain, sunglasses, and sunscreen. Interestingly, the intensity of the sun in Alaska on a peak summer day is probably equivalent to a spring day in the Lower 48, because of the lower angle of the sun in the subarctic regions. But due to the long summer days, there are twice as many hours of daylight, so you definitely want to protect your skin. Remember your sun exposure will be significantly amplified when you spend time near snow or ice, or a boat deck overlooking the water. Glacier excursions on sunny days are notorious for causing sunburns.

What is the outer layer of a suitcase?

The Outer Layer. The outer layer is the one you really need to get right. You want a shell that's waterproof and breathable to stay warm when it's windy and dry when it's rainy. These thin, outer jackets can be tucked into in the outer compartments of your suitcase and should be fully waterproof.

How to dress in Alaska?

From spring to early fall in Alaska, be prepared for temperatures in the 50 to 70 degree range, always with the possibility of a little rain and wind thrown in there . Your best bet is to dress in layers and bring a backpack—you'll stay warm and dry when it's chilly or wet, and you can peel off layers and stow them as the weather changes.

What to wear when hiking?

If you’re going to be doing any hiking or kayaking, pick up a pair of nylon pants (some have zip-off legs to convert to shorts) so that your legs will dry faster if you get rained on or splashed. Synthetic fabrics have the added perk of being pretty wrinkle-proof, so you can roll them up tight in your bags.

What is the middle layer of a sweater?

The middle insulating layer could be expedition-weight long underwear, a fleece jacket, or even a sweater. Synthetic materials usually have the edge over wool or cotton because of their lightness and warmth. This layer should be a bit looser than the inner layer, maybe a size or half-size larger, so that it fits comfortably and isn’t too tight.

Can bugs be found in Alaska?

Yes, bugs can be a bother in Alaska, especially on calm days along coastal beaches and in the backcountry. Mosquitoes, black flies and the tiny-but-persistent no-see-ums may seek you out for a quick bite. But don’t worry! Bug repellent brands with the active ingredient of Deet work well and will almost always keep the pests at bay. (Check out our Alaska Mosquitoes advice page.) Consider buying a lightweight bug net that will fit over your brimmed hat and protect your face, ears and neck. These inexpensive items—sold throughout Alaska in the camping sections of grocery stores and by outdoor specialists—are airy and pleasant and fit in a shirt pocket.

How to remove breast meat from a grouse?

Tear the skin loose from the entire breast. The two breasts are separated by the keel of the breastbone. Slip the blade of a sharp knife under the breast meat and work it forward.

How to take drumsticks off a spruce grouse?

To take the drumsticks, peel the skin and feathers off the legs. Cut the feet off, then cut the legs off at the hips. Rinse the meat off. There is a trick to cleaning spruce grouse that is probably best demonstrated.

What to do with a game bird in a crock pot?

With a game bird that is not too damaged, baking the whole bird can offer a nice entrée presentation and can mimic Cornish game hens.

How to cook a hare?

For a crisp coating and shorter cooking time, first boil the hare until it’s almost tender. Pat the pieces dry, roll them in corn meal or flour and fry them. To see if hare is done, pierce it with a fork. You should be able to insert the fork with ease, and the juices should run clear.

How to get rid of a squid in the stomach?

Hold the hide and pull the skin away in opposite directions, peeling it completely off. Remove the tail. Cut the abdomen open – be careful not to cut into the entrails – grab the heart and lung portion of the viscera and pull backwards, removing all the entrails.

How to separate breasts?

The two breasts are separated by the keel of the breastbone. Slip the blade of a sharp knife under the breast meat and work it forward. When you hit the front – the wishbone – follow the wishbone right on down and peel the meat off. It’s also possible to simply pry the breast meat out with your thumbs.

Why should you clean your game after it has been shot?

Game should be cleaned as soon as possible after it has been shot. It is important for the body heat to escape and for meat to cool. A clean, sharp knife is your main tool, and latex gloves are handy.

Where is the Alaska trapping school?

Two general trapping schools are held each season. The Interior school is taught out of Fairbanks and is typically held the third weekend of October while the SouthCentral chapter is usually the following weekend in Chugiak. Course content includes how to trap interior Alaska's furbearers, preparation, techniques, fur handling, survival and a strong emphasis on trapping ethics and the law. Tuition includes overnight accommodations and meals.

What is a snare school?

Students build and keep some of each of the following types of snares: fox, beaver, and wolf. They also learn how to properly use snares including anchoring techniques and ethics. Tuition includes snare-building materials. Offered on an as demand warrants basis. Contact ATA for details. See also: Breakaway Wolf Snares.
