how to do the contraption contrived cooking course

by Ibrahim Hackett 9 min read

Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part I is an event quest during the Moonlight Merriment event. Steps. Talk to Cloud Retainer; Follow the aura trail and find the ingredients; Pursue and defeat the Anemo Slimes carrying the Bamboo Shoots. Obtain Anemo Slime-Swallowed Bamboo Shoots ×1; Report back to Cloud Retainer; Help Cloud Retainer complete the dish

Full Answer

How do you complete contraption contrived cooking course?

StepsTalk to Cloud Retainer.Follow the aura trail and find the ingredients.Pursue and defeat the Anemo Slimes carrying the Bamboo Shoots. Obtain Anemo Slime-Swallowed Bamboo Shoots ×1.Report back to Cloud Retainer.Help Cloud Retainer complete the dish. ... Report back to Cloud Retainer.

How do you do a contraption contrived Part 2 cooking course?

Contraption-Contrive Cooking Course Part 2 - Walkthrough ChartFollow The Scent And Rescue The Merchant. Merchant Location. Click to Enlarge. ... Protect The Transport Balloon - Tips. There Will Be A Slime Balloon To Be Destroyed. ... Start Cooking Using Cloud Retainer's Invention. Cryo Slimes Can Decrease The Temperature Of The Pot.Jan 13, 2022

How do I use the Genshin cooking device?

To use the Supreme Cuisine Machine, you must move onto the two arrow buttons on the ground before the three pots. By moving on these buttons, the arrow on the buttons will turn red, and the flame beneath the pots will move.Sep 27, 2021

How do you complete a Cloud Retainer in cooking?

To start cooking, interact with the Cloud Retainer, and a countdown will start. Now, what you need to do is keep the pots in the yellow zone on the progress bar. Moving too much to the left means that the pot is getting too cold. Moving it too much to the right means that the pot is boiling hot.Sep 27, 2021

How do you make a Moonchase Cloud Retainer?

Once you have access to the Moonlight Merriment event proper, simply click on the Moonchase Tales panel. You'll see the Cuisine Machine Test Run for the Path of the Stalwart Stone. Click on that and head to the marked location in Huaguang Stone Forest. There, you'll meet up with the Cloud Retainer.Sep 27, 2021

How do you do the aura trail?

To follow the trail, start by jumping off the cliff facing west, and glide into the vertical wind tunnel. From the wind tunnel, follow the aura path northwest around the large rock formation.Sep 27, 2021

What are Moonchase charms for?

Moonchase Charm is a collectible for the Moonlight Merriment event in Genshin Impact.Jan 13, 2022

What should I offer my Cloud Retainer?

Offer up food to Cloud Retainer You'll need to cook one dish of Delicious Mora Meat, one dish of Delicious Matsutake Meat Rolls, and one dish of Delicious Jewelry Soup.Feb 17, 2022

How do you get cream stew in Genshin impact?

Cream Stew is a food item that the player can cook. The recipe is obtainable from Good Hunter for 2,500 Mora after reaching Adventure Rank 25. Depending on the quality, Cream Stew decreases Stamina depleted by sprinting for all party members by 15/20/25% for 900 seconds.

How do I complete the Cloud Retainer quest?

The Cloud Retainer is located on Mt. Aozang, which is located northwest of Jueyun Karst. There is a Statue of the Seven nearby as well as a Waypoint that can players to the right spot. Make sure to have Amber in party because there are some puzzles coming up that will need her arrows' fiery precision to complete.May 29, 2021

How do you do the Cloud Retainer quest?

Fire Puzzle Solution in Genshin Impact Custodian of Clouds It might take a little time to figure it out, but nothing too complicated. Once you solve it, rotate the cube counterclockwise once, and proceed into the glowing doorway, where you'll meet the Cloud Retainer.Oct 15, 2020

How old is Zhongli?

#1 - Zhongli: 28 years (human form), 6000+ years (Archon form) Morax and Barbatos are both Archons, but the former is far older. Morax has decided to explore and experience the world from a mortal's perspective.Mar 2, 2021