how to determine which cell spends the longest time in mitosis course hero

by Sylvester Robel 10 min read

Count the number of cells in each phase and record the number Divide the number of cells in each phase by the total number to get the percent of each one Next multiply the percents found in step 5 by 24 to find the total hours spent in each cell.

Full Answer

Which is the longest stage of the mitotic cycle?

Mitosis. The cell cycle is the span of a cell from one division to another. Mitosis is the process of cell division to produce two daughter cells from one, with DNA being synthesized and each daughter cell receiving a copy. Cell division is the process by which one cell becomes two new cells. These cells may or may not be identical in nature.

What happens during the S phase of mitosis?

It takes about 24 hours for an onion root tip to finish mitosis. Based on your numbers, calculate how long the cell spends in each stage in minutes. Interphase- 1195.2 mins (83% of 1440) Prophase- 129.6 mins (9% of 1440) Metaphase- 86.4 mins (6% of 1440) Telophase- 28.8 mins (2% of 1440) 1440=total minutes in 24 hours

Why is interphase the most efficient phase of mitosis?

Calculate time spent in a phase using total time for mitosis of onion cell as 12 hours. Use this formula to calculate. Time in a phase = Number of cells in a phase divided by Total number of cells counted x 12 hours Phase of cell Total number of cell in this stage Time of cells in each phase Interphase 29 6.4 Prophase 15 3.3 Metaphase 5 5.5 Anaphase 2 0.444 Telophase 3 …

Does mitosis leader to two daughter cells?

Without changing the field of view, count the number of cells in each phase of mitosis. Record the information in column A on Data Table 1. 6. Determine the approximate amount of time a cell spends in each phase of mitosis, divide the number of cells in each phase by total number of cells in the field of view. Record in column B. 7. To convert to a percentage, multiply column B by …

How do you calculate how long a cell spends in mitosis?

Multiply the percentage of time in each phase by the total time of the cell cycle (720 minutes) and this gives you an estimate of the time spent in each phase.Mar 23, 2021

How can you determine which phase of the cell cycle takes the longest amount of time?

G1 is typically the longest phase of the cell cycle. This can be explained by the fact that G1 follows cell division in mitosis; G1 represents the first chance for new cells have to grow. Cells usually remain in G1 for about 10 hours of the 24 total hours of the cell cycle.

Which mitosis phase takes longest?

The first and longest phase of mitosis is prophase. During prophase, chromatin condenses into chromosomes, and the nuclear envelope (the membrane surrounding the nucleus) breaks down. In animal cells, the centrioles near the nucleus begin to separate and move to opposite poles of the cell.May 7, 2022

Which phase of mitosis last the longest and how can you tell?

The longest phase of mitosis is prophase. During prophase, which occurs after G2 interphase, the cell prepares to divide by tightly condensing its chromosomes and initiates mitotic spindle formation. The chromatin fibers condenses into discrete chromosomes. The nucleolus also disappears during early prophase.

How do you calculate cell cycle duration?

If mitosis is 30 minutes (0.5 hours) long and the frequency of cells in mitosis is 0.00012, then 0.5 hours is 0.00012 of the length of the cell cycle. Thus, the cell cycle is 0.5/0.00012 = 4167 hours in length, on average, which is nearly half a year.

Why does interphase take the longest?

The synthesis phase of interphase takes the longest because of the complexity of the genetic material being duplicated.Aug 14, 2020

Which stage of mitosis lasts the longest explain why this stage might take more time than the others to complete?

Sample answer: Interphase lasts the longest. During this time, the cell completes all the activities that are necessary to prepare it to divide again, as well as its normal activities. Division is only one of many things a cell does, so it makes sense that this phase would be the longest.

Which stage of mitosis takes the shortest amount of time?

In anaphase, the shortest stage of mitosis, the sister chromatids break apart, and the chromosomes begin moving to opposite ends of the cell.

What phase do cells spend the least time in?

In which phase of mitosis did the plant cell spend least of it's time? It spends the least amount of time in telephase.

Which phase is the longest?

Interphase is the longest phase in a cell's life cycle. It accounts for 95 per cent of the duration of the cell cycle.

Which is the longest phase in meiosis?

The longest phase of Meiosis I is Prophase I and it has 5 subphases namely,
  • Leptotene.
  • Zygotene.
  • Pachytene.
  • Diplotene and.
  • Diakinesis.

What happens during mitosis?

Mitosis leader to two daughter cells in a process in which a parent cell copies all of its internal components, divides them equally, and splits them into two. The 2 daughter cells are identical to one another. During Interphase, the DNA is duplicated. Specifically in the S phase, the Interphase stages are divided into G1, S, and G2 stages. During Prophase, the nucleolus disappears, the mitotic spindle forms, and the nuclear envelope disappears. Chromosomes become more coiled and can be viewed under a light microscope. During Metaphase, the chromosomes become arranged and are lined up on the metaphase plate. During this phase, the centrosomes are at opposite poles of the cell. During Anaphase, sister chromatids separate, and the chromosomes move to opposite sides of the cell. During Telophase, chromosome sets assemble at opposite poles, a nuclear envelope reforms around each set, and cytokinesis (division of the cytoplasm) usually follows.

How many daughter cells are there in mitosis?

Introduction: Mitosis leader to two daughter cells in a process in which a parent cell copies all of its internal components, divides them equally, and splits them into two. The 2 daughter cells are identical to one another. During Interphase, the DNA is duplicated.

What happens to the chromosomes during metaphase?

During Metaphase, the chromosomes become arranged and are lined up on the metaphase plate. During this phase, the centrosomes are at opposite poles of the cell. During Anaphase, sister chromatids separate, and the chromosomes move to opposite sides of the cell.