how to design for joomla course

by Natalie Goodwin 6 min read

How do I design in Joomla?

How to Get Started With Joomla! (In 4 Steps)Step 1: Install Joomla! Before you can do anything else, you'll need to install Joomla! on your website. ... Step 2: Start Creating Content. ... Step 3: Add Extensions to Expand Your Site's Functionality. ... Step 4: Change Your Site's Appearance With a Template.

How do I customize my Joomla website?

Joomla 3.0Log into your joomla 3 admin dashboard.In the top menu, click Extensions and then click Template Manager.In the left menu, click Templates.You will see a listing of templates you have installed. ... Click the file you want to edit. ... Edit the file and then click Save.

How does Joomla work step by step?

Joomla Website TutorialGet a domain name and web hosting service.Install and set up Joomla.Get familiar with Joomla basics.Select a template for your site.Install your Joomla template.Customize the design.Create content using Joomla modules.Assign modules to positions.More items...•

What is Joomla course?

Joomla course is one of the free open-source software to organize, build, manage and publish web content, blogs, intranet, and mobile applications. It is one of the content management systems (CMS) software for publishing web content.

How do I edit HTML in Joomla?

We'll start by looking at the index. php file.Go to Administrator >> Extensions >> Template Manager and open the rhuk_milkyway template.Click "Edit HTML" in the top-right corner. You'll see the code that controls your template's output.Backup! Select all of the code and copy it into a text editor.

Is Joomla customizable?

Customizing any of our joomla templates is very easy. It requires only very basic knowledge of CSS. If you do not have knowledge of basic CSS, don't panic - there is an easy way to customize CSS for non-developers. Here are some examples of how easily you can customize a template, both easy and advanced.

Is Joomla easy to learn?

Learning Joomla is easy. This is Joomla's true strength. The quantity and quality of resources available to teach you how to build web sites using Joomla are awesome. It really is easy to learn if you take the time and make the effort to do so.

Which is better Joomla or WordPress?

However, between WordPress vs Joomla there can only be one winner, and the crown must go to WordPress. It beats out Joomla when it comes to SEO, customization possibilities, and content management – so the choice is clear.

How can I create my own website?

How to Create a Free WebsiteSign up for a free website builder. Choose what kind of website you want to create.Customize a template or get a website made for you. Choose your starting point.Drag and drop 100s of design features. ... Get ready for business. ... Publish your website and go live. ... Drive traffic to your site.

Is Joomla a PHP?

Joomla is developed using PHP, Object Oriented Programming, software design patterns and MySQL (used for storing the data).

Who invented Joomla?

Joomla's original co-founders, Andrew Eddie, Brian Teeman, Johan Janssens, Jean-Marie Simonet et al., established Open Source Matters, Inc. (OSM) to distribute information to the software community.

What is Joomla PDF?

Joomla is an open source Content Management System (CMS), which is used to build websites and online applications. It is free and extendable which is separated into front- end templates and back-end templates (administrator).


You must have a basic understanding of Joomla and be comfortable with the Joomla administrator before taking this class. Take our Joomla 3 Beginner class if you don't feel ready to create your own template:


Our Joomla 3 template class shows you how to use Joomla and the Bootstrap framework to create beautiful designs.

Who this course is for

This class is for people who want to be able to customize Joomla templates or create their own from scratch.


OSTraining teaches people how to use Joomla, Drupal and WordPress. We also teach other popular open source technologies and the fundementals of coding.

How to Use CSS With Joomla

Getting your Joomla website to look exactly the way you want often involves editing some of the CSS provided by your template. In this class, Rod discusses the best ways to do this, including page and module class suffixes, and even loading a custom CSS file for each component.

How to Create Template Overrides in Joomla 3

One of the great features of Joomla is that you can change the output from any extension by ausign template overrides. In this class, Barb takes you through the process of creating overrides

How to Design Joomla 3 Templates

Our Joomla 3 template class shows you how to use Joomla and the Bootstrap framework to create beautiful designs.

How to Design Joomla Template Classes and Styles

In this class, Barb dives into the world of Joomla templates. Specifically, she looks at the classes that Joomla templates output, and how you can change that with just a few lines of code.

Learn Bootstrap 2, Joomla's Responsive Design Framework

This class is designed to give you an introduction to creating mobile-friendly websites. You'll learn to use Bootstrap 2, the version of the framework used by Joomla.

How to Build Joomla Sites with Gantry

Gantry is a very powerful framework for building Joomla sites. In this class, you'll learn to design beautiful Joomla templates quickly and efficiently.

How to Use the UIkit Framework

UIkit is a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces. UIkit gives you a comprehensive collection of HTML, CSS, and JS components which is simple to use, easy to customize and extendable.

Joomla Tutorial

Joomla is an open source Content Management System (CMS), which is used to build websites and online applications. It is free and extendable which is separated into front-end templates and back-end templates (administrator). Joomla is developed using PHP, Object Oriented Programming, software design patterns and MySQL (used for storing the data).


This tutorial has been prepared for anyone who has a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS and has an urge to develop websites. After completing this tutorial you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise in developing websites using Joomla.


Before you start proceeding with this tutorial, we are assuming that you are already aware about the basics of HTML and CSS. If you are not well aware of these concepts, then we will suggest you to go through our short tutorials on HTML and CSS.
