how to delete everything in a d2l course

by Dewitt Vandervort PhD 7 min read

Remove all content in your D2L course

  1. Delete Announcements To begin, click on your course homepage and locate the Announcements widget. Click the Announcements action menu and select Go to Announcements Tool. ...
  2. Delete Course Files From the navbar, go to Course Admin link. Click on Manage Files. ...
  3. Delete Content From the navbar, go to Content and select Table of Contents on the left side. ...
  4. Delete Assignments From the navbar, go to Assignments. Check the box at the top to select all the Assignments. ...
  5. Delete Discussions From the navbar, go to Discussions. Click the action menu for More Actions and select Delete. ...
  6. Delete Quizzes and questions in Question Library From the navbar, go to Quizzes. Under Manage Quizzes, check the box at the top to select all quizzes. ...
  7. Delete Grade Items From the navbar, go to Grades. Click Manage Grades tab. Click the action menu for More Actions and select Delete. ...
  8. Delete Rubrics

From the navbar, go to Content and select Table of Contents on the left side. Click the action menu from Table of the Content at the top and select Delete All Modules. Choose the second option: “Permanently delete all modules, topics, and all associated files and activities from the course” and click the Delete button.

How do I delete all modules and assignments from a course?

Click the action menu from Table of the Content at the top and select Delete All Modules. Choose the second option: “Permanently delete all modules, topics, and all associated files and activities from the course” and click the Delete button. From the navbar, go to Assignments. Check the box at the top to select all the Assignments.

How do I delete a course offering?

Delete course offerings. 1 From the Admin Tools menu, click Course Management. 2 To find the course offering you want to delete, in the Offerings tab, enter a course name in the Search For field. 3 Select the check boxes beside the course offerings you want deleted. 4 Click Delete Selected.

How to delete the table of contents of a course?

Repeat the process if you have more announcements. From the navbar, go to Course Admin link. Click on Manage Files. Check the box at the top to select all the folders and files and click the Delete button. Click Yes on the confirmation window. From the navbar, go to Content and select Table of Contents on the left side.

How do I delete a sub-module from a course?

Select Content on the course navigation bar. Select the module in which the sub-module to be deleted is housed. Select the sub-module in the list of modules under the Table of Contents [A]. Select the dropdown arrow next to the sub-module title. From the dropdown menu, select Delete Module.

How do I reset a course in D2L?

Reset a courseOn the navbar of the course you want to reset, click Course Admin.Under Administration, click Course Reset.Use the check boxes to Choose components to Permanently Delete: ... Click Reset.Confirm the course reset by entering the course's code in the text field and then click Delete.

How do I delete content in D2L?

Deleting Modules and Topics in D2L ContentSelect Content on the course navigation bar.Select the module that needs to be deleted.Select the dropdown arrow [A] next to the module name.From the dropdown menu, select Delete Module [B].In the pop-up window select an option for deletion:Select the Delete button.

How do I bulk delete modules in D2L?

Try going to the Course > Content > Table of Contents > Select the "Delete all modules" from the dropdown and hopefully that's what you are after.

How do I delete content in Brightspace?

On the navbar, click Content. In the Table of Contents panel, click the module, sub-module, or topic you want to delete. If you are deleting a module, click Delete Module from the module's context menu. If you are deleting a topic, click Delete Topic from the topic's context menu.

How do I delete multiple modules in Brightspace?

On the Table of Contents page, click Delete All Modules from Table of Contents' context menu. Decide whether you want to remove the modules from the Content view only or permanently delete them from the course (this will also delete all associated objects including discussions, quizzes, etc). Click Delete.

How do I bulk edit in d2l?

On the Table of Contents page, click Bulk Edit. Make your changes to titles, descriptions, and restrictions by clicking on the appropriate link. You can also delete multiple topics in Bulk Edit mode by clicking the Trash Can icon beside each topic title you want to delete.

How do I delete a folder in d2l?

Delete a folderIn the Brightspace Capture Portal, click Admin.In the Content area, click Folders.Select the checkbox(es) of the folder(s) you want to delete. Click Delete.

What is a course reset?

Course Reset permanently deletes all course content, activities, gradebook items, and student data. After performing a course reset, an Audit Log maintains a record of the course reset action, including the date and time of the course reset, the data that was selected for deletion, the user who performed the course reset, and any errors that occur during the course reset process.

Is it too late to start over a course?

If the course has already started when you notice the problem, it may be too late to start over.

What happens when you delete a module?

Deleting a module will also delete any sub-module and/or topic within that module.

Can you delete a nested module?

Permanently delete and remove all nested modules, topics, and all associated files and activities from the course (not recommended): All associated files and activities will be deleted from the course. This is irreversible.

Can you delete a topic from a course?

Permanently delete both the topic from Content and the associated file or activity from the course. (not recommended): All associated files and activities will be deleted from the course. This is irreversible.

I accidentally course copied from the wrong course. How do I clear out everything so I can try again?

Unfortunately D2L lacks an easy way to return a course shell to its initial, empty state. You will need to manually remove everything from the course.

In Manage Files

Check the box in the menu bar, next to the scissors icon, to select all your files and folders.

How to delete a question in a quiz?

Click on Evaluation and select Quizzes. Under More Actions, select "Delete." Select all items and click the "Delete Selected" button. Also choose Question Library. Select all of the items and click the Delete icon at the top of the list. You may want to display 100 or more questions at a time as some question libraries are very large. Be patient at this point. It may take the system a while to process the deletions and may time out or give you an error message. Select and delete again.

How to delete assignments in Dropbox?

Click on Evaluation and select Assignment Dropbox. Under More Actions, select "Delete." Select all items and click the "Delete Selected" button.

How to delete grades in a.shp file?

Click on Evaluation and select Grades. Ensure that Manage Grades has been selected. Under More Actions, select "Delete." Select all items and click the "Delete Selected" button .
