how to create a web course ucf

by Mr. Sheldon Hauck Jr. 9 min read

Create a new page and build from scratch. Use the Import DOCX or HTML tool. The Import DOCX or HTML tool in Webcourses@UCF allows you to easily convert.docx,.pptx, and.html files to a Page in your course.

Full Answer

How can I get help with online learning at UCF?

We’re here to help. The Webcourses@UCF Support team provides support to our students, faculty, and staff for any technical assistance, concerns, or questions related to online learning at UCF. Whether it’s Webcourses@UCF, Panopto, Materia, Obojobo, or Personalized Adaptive Learning, we provide the assistance you need.

What software does UCF offer to faculty and students?

All UCF faculty and students now have access to many of the software applications required for coursework, at no additional out-of-pocket cost! UCF offers a campus-wide license for Zoom, a video conferencing platform for online classes, meetings, conferences, remote office hours, webinars, and lectures.

Can webcourses@ucf support access my course?

Webcourses@UCF Support can access courses to resolve technical issues with approval from the instructor. Unless the instructor submits a work request, we do not access courses to change content. Normally, we do not need to add ourselves to the course, but due to limitations in the support role that we use, it is sometimes unavoidable.

How do I create an online course?

For many faculty teaching online, course creation is iterative: write and organize, teach, and re-write and re-organize based on formative and summative assessments. In many ways, this process may not vary from your face-to-face teaching experiences. A good axiom to follow when creating an online course is to begin with the end in mind.

What is Webcourses@UCF?

We’re here to help. The Webcourses@UCF Support team provides support to our students, faculty, and staff for any technical assistance, concerns, or questions related to online learning at UCF. Whether it’s Webcourses@UCF, Panopto, Materia, Obojobo, or Personalized Adaptive Learning, we provide the assistance you need.

What to do before accessing Webcourses@UCF?

Before accessing Webcourses@UCF, please verify that your computers and/or devices are up to date with a current Internet browser and suggested software.

How to contact UCF by phone?

You can contact Webcourses@UCF Support by phone ( 407-823-0407 ), email ( [email protected] ), live chat, or through our Online Support Form.

What is the Center for Distributed Learning?

The Center for Distributed Learning will often publish important announcements within Webcourses@UCF for teaching faculty and students. These announcements are often centered around improving the teaching and learning experience with Webcourses@UCF as well as the functionality of tools within the system. An archive of these announcements can be found below for your convenience. You can …

Can you use Turnitin on assignments?

Turnitin can now be enabled on assignments using the Plagiarism Review option in the assignment settings. By using this tool, instructors no longer have to use the Turnitin box or use a workaround for rubrics. The tool allows instructors to enable Turnitin …. Continue reading "Using Turnitin with Webcourses@UCF".

Does UCF have software?

All UCF faculty and students now have access to many of the software applications required for coursework, at no additional out-of-pocket cost!

Who can access an instructional designer?

Faculty who have completed the appropriate development training offered by CDL may also have access to an Instructional Designer. Use our Instructional Designer Lookup Tool if you do not know who your assigned Instructional Designer is.

When to start designing a course?

Once you finish analyzing and writing your course goal (s) and learner-centered objectives, you are ready to begin designing your course. Similar to the analysis phase, several concepts need to be considered in the design phase:

What is a course management plan?

As you analyze and design your online course, consider how different tasks will be performed and managed, as well as by whom. For example, if your online class has an enrollment cap of 100 students and you do not have a teaching assistant to assist with the grading, you may not want to create gradable discussions. Such considerations are called a course management plan.

What is content sequencing?

Content sequencing efficiently organizes the content of your course to facilitate achievement of the learning objectives. Learning objectives (cognitive, affective, psychomotor), as well as the delivery mode (F2F, M, W, R/V) chosen for your course content, can influence the content sequencing. For example, when designing a course based on psychomotor learning objectives (like taking a patient’s blood pressure), it would seem most appropriate to begin with identifying the tools needed before teaching the learner how to perform the task.

What should a facilitator plan include?

This plan should include training the facilitators ( including Teaching Assistants – TAs and GTAs), preparing learners, and organizing the learning environment.

What is transitioning to an online environment?

Transitioning to an online environment is much more than simply creating electronic versions of hard copy content. Visual aspects of course design in online courses are as critical as the content for effective student learning.


Create and post your very own website using HTML.


Alan Simpson is an award-winning author, having published over 100 books on computers and the Internet. His books have been published in over a dozen language worldwide. He has covered virtually all aspects of the computer industry, including web development, operating systems, programming, networking, and security.

What is webcourses@UCF?

Webcourses@UCF Support provides support to our students, faculty, and staff for any technical assistance, concerns, or questions related to Zoom.

Does UCF have Zoom?

UCF offers a campus-wide license for Zoom, a video conferencing platform for online classes, meetings, conferences, remote office hours, webinars, and lectures. If you prefer to continue holding your class synchronously at its scheduled time, but in a remote format, you may do so using Zoom.

Can UCF students use Zoom?

All UCF faculty, GTAs, staff, and students with an active NID have access to Zoom. Faculty can use the Zoom tool in their Webcourses@UCF courses. Zoom can be used on your desktop (Mac and Windows) and mobile devices (Android and iOS).

Does UCF have audio transcripts?

Effective May 10, 2021, UCF IT has adjusted two default settings in the UCF Zoom account: Audio Transcript has been turned on for all cloud recorded meetings and live-transcription has been enabled as an option during Meetings. Live and automatically generated transcripts are not an ideal substitute to human-generated captions but do provide a level of access. Visit the Accessibility in Zoom guides at the bottom of this page for additional information.
