Here's how to add one course at a time:
Academic Admin users can clone content from any course into your course....To clone another course's content into your course...Click Clone from another course.Check the items you wish to clone.Select the specific course instance from which you wish to clone them. ... Check to confirm your choices and Save.
How to get to the finalize pageGo to any of the pages from which you can finalize the course. These pages are: The Course > Settings view. Gradebook. ... Click Finalize course. (If any students have been finalized already, the link will say Manage finalization.)You'll be taken to the Manage Finalization page.
Course terms are used to define the beginning and end of a period of study. You can make courses available during a specific course term.
To Post Grades, hover over the assignment column header and click on the Options icon [2]. Click the Post grades link [3]. Follow the prompts to post grades for all students/sections.
Course is defined as a specific path that something follows or the way in which something develops. An example of course is the route taken by an airplane. An example of course is the way your life progresses. A part of a meal served as a unit at one time.
course noun (CLASSES) a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject, usually leading to an exam or qualification: They're going away on a training course next week.
The academic year is divided into 3 terms as follows: Term 1: Early January – Late March. Term 2: Early May – Late July. Term 3: Early September – Early/Mid November.
Some professors simply use Populi to enter final course grades. Others offload repetitive grading items (quizzes and the like) to the online testing features. Yet others focus class time on lectures and discussion and leave all the testing and assignment submission to Populi. Mixed courses—those with on-campus and online students—use Populi ...
Here are the steps your school follows in running a course: 1. The registrar sets up the course. When the registrar sets up the course, she's adding an "instance" of a catalog course to an academic term and filling in certain administrative details.
Introduction to Populi courses. Populi lets you conduct your courses any number of ways: Since Populi is web-based, it's naturally suited to conducting online courses. You can handle everything from disseminating course info (schedule, reading list, deadlines, etc.) to administrating lessons, tests, and discussions completely online.
When you log in to Populi, you'll be taken to your Populi Home page. In the right column, you'll see your current courses listed. You can also click any course-related Alerts (in the main column) to go to that course's Dashboard view.
In each of your Populi courses, you'll navigate from one part to another by clicking the views in the left sidebar. Here's a quick look at what you'll find in each view (keep in mind that your professor might not make use of all course features!).
How to view/pay my tuition. Log into your Populi account . Click on College Management tab. Click on My Profile tab. Click on the Financial tab. You will be able to view your balance right on the dashboard. To make a payment, click on the “MAKE A PAYMENT” button on the right of the screen.
MMI uses Populi as its student information and learning management system ( LMS), where all student and classroom activity is recorded. Application, enrollment, course work, lessons, assignments, quizzes, grades, transcripts, and financial balances are all located in Populi.