how to create a course and sell it

by Nicolette Wehner 8 min read

Steps to Create and Sell Courses Online

  • Select a subject that has demand in the market. ...
  • Increase Your Online Presence or Your Brand’s Presence. ...
  • Get the Right Devices. ...
  • Choose a Host Platform. ...
  • Decide the Charges for Your e-Learning Course. ...
  • Create and Decide a Journey for the Buyer. ...
  • Ask the Customers to Recommend Your Courses to Others. ...

Let's recap the nine essential steps for selling your online course:
  1. Choose a subject that sells. ...
  2. Create your online course. ...
  3. Choose where to host and sell your course. ...
  4. Decide how much you will charge. ...
  5. Increase the value (and price) of your course. ...
  6. Seed launch your online course. ...
  7. Market and sell your online course.

Full Answer

How do I create and sell online courses?

How to create and sell profitable online courses?

How to start your own online course?

Mar 10, 2022 · How to Create an Online Course From Start to Finish (2022) 1. Get Your Mindset Right. First things first, you need to understand what you’re getting into. While creating a course has an excellent outcome, many ... 2. Decide What You Want to Teach. 3. Plan Your Online Course Creation. 4. Create Your ...

How to buy online courses to resell?

Sep 24, 2020 · To pre-sell your online course, you will first need to create a title and an outline for your course. From there, create a one page blog or website where you will showcase your course, what it covers, and the benefits students will gain from your course.

How do you create a course and make money?

7 Ways to Make Money Selling Online CoursesCharge up front. ... Offer the course for free, then charge for certification. ... Charge a subscription. ... Use a tiered payment system. ... Pre-sell your course. ... Sell your online course for free—then funnel it into a product or service. ... Sell course licenses.Mar 21, 2022

How do I create my own course?

How to create an online courseChoose the right subject matter.Test your idea.Research the topic extensively.Write a course outline.Create the course content.Bring your course online.Sell your online course.Market your content.More items...•Jun 23, 2021

Is selling a course profitable?

Are online courses profitable? Yes. They're actually one of the best business models you can adopt as a digital business because they're in demand and more and more people are willing to pay top dollar for them.Aug 19, 2021

How much does a course creation cost?

At an estimated 80 to 280 hours required to develop a 1-hour course, you can expect to pay roughly $5,850 USD to over $15,000 USD to get a fully polished course, in addition to the cost of your Instructional Designer (ID) and SME.

Is selling online courses profitable?

Are Online Courses Profitable? Yes, they are. Online courses offer one of the best business models to digital entrepreneurs. The demand is rising and people are more than willing to pay for them, and they are one of the top ways to make money online.Oct 11, 2021

How do you structure a course?

3:378:04How to outline and structure an online course (Make an AMAZING course)YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThink about where your student is now and the end result you'd like to create has opposite banks ofMoreThink about where your student is now and the end result you'd like to create has opposite banks of a river what major milestones. Will they need to achieve to arrive on the other side of the bridge.

How much money does an online course make?

Online courses can be created in any subject area. When it comes to topics, the sky is the limit—but how much money can you make from an online course? You can make anywhere from $500 to $50,000 and more by teaching online courses.Jun 9, 2021

What online courses are in demand?

Top Trending Online Courses. Data Science. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Big Data. Business Intelligence. Cloud Computing. Project Management. Software Development. Full-stack development. Cybersecurity. Networking. DevOps. Digital Marketing. Blockchain. Internet of Things. Computer Science.Conclusion.Jan 1, 2021

Do online courses sell well?

Creating and selling online courses is a booming market internationally. The eLearning market is expected to exceed $325Billion by 2025, with a yearly growth of 5% (Global Market Insights)! Becoming an online instructor means you could be earning from a few hundred dollars per year to a six-figure income.Feb 8, 2022

How much should I charge to design a course?

According to Upwork, the hourly rate of an instructional designer starts at about $50. A simple scenario with the main character and a linear plot can be written in 20 hours, so the work will cost at least $1,000. The harder the task, the higher the price.Sep 2, 2019

How much does it cost to develop an online course in 2020?

In 2021, 1 hour of learning content can take around 100 – 160 hours to create. In 2021, 1 hour of learning content can cost about $8,542 – $36,320 ($22,431 on average)....Wrapping Up.Year1 hour of eLearning content costs, $20208,150 – 36,205 (22,178 on average)20197,830 – 37,365 (22,598 on average)2 more rows•Jun 20, 2020

Is it easy to create an online course?

Creating an online course is easier than ever—and that's not hyperbole. Thanks to the advent of new course platforms and user-friendly technology, you can develop a brand-new online course in less time than it takes to get through your email inbox.Jan 2, 2022

Who can create online courses?

Anyone with knowledge in a particular area can create online courses. You don’t need a formal qualification or a degree to teach an online course....

How much money can you make selling online courses?

While some course creators make $50k+ month, most successful ones make between $1k-$10k per month. However, your actual course revenue depends on v...

How long does it take to create an online course?

As you might expect, there is no set-in-stone amount of time to create an online course. Generally speaking, it can take anywhere between 20 and 50...

What is the cost of creating an online course?

Generally speaking, it can cost you anywhere between $140 and $10,770 to create your own online course. But, of course, it could even be more, as m...

Can I create an online course for free?

Yes, it is possible to create an online course for free, but for that, you’ll need to do all the work yourself. Plus, you should use your smartphon...

How long should an online course be?

An online course should be as long or short as it needs to deliver value to your target audience and cover the information thoroughly. Overall, it...

What technical skills do I need to create an online course?

In most cases, you don’t need any technical skills. You’ll have to learn about a few things, such as video creation and setting up your course webs...

Where can I host my online course?

There are several options for hosting your online course, but the two best platforms are Thinkific and Kajabi. These platforms allow you to build y...

How much should you charge for your online course?

There is no definite answer to this, and you need to evaluate your competition, the value your course provides to students, and the niche you’re in...

What's the best way to sell your online course?

Truth is, there is no single best way to sell your online course, but there are some tactics that seem to work pretty well universally. First and f...

How important is social media to sell courses online?

It depends on a number of factors. First, do you have a target audience that is really active on one or more social media channels - e.g., Facebook...

How do courses on personal development do?

Personal development courses can sell very well. As I note in this post on e-learning statistics, the data we have on top online courses "suggests...

How effective is offering free content as a lead magnet?

In most cases, offering free content is essential - that's why we talk a lot about content marketing here on Learning Revolution. Publishing conten...

What's the best way to determine who your target customers are?

As an expert in whatever topic you plan to teach, you probably already have a good intuitive sense of the people who are likely to be interested in...

What's the best way to drive traffic to your online courses?

The best way to generate traffic to your online courses is to get a highly relevant value proposition in front of the right people. Of course, that...

Video is an important area for success. What are the best video hosting platforms I can use?

Video is important as a part of delivering an educational experience your learners will find engaging. It's also a critical part of selling your on...

How to make a successful online course?

The first step to creating a wildly successful online course is to pick the perfect course topic. It doesn’t matter how good your online course is. If no one cares about the topic, or if people aren’t willing to pay for it, you won’t make any money.

What is an online course marketplace?

Online marketplaces are platforms that are designed to bring together students and online course creators. You can think of them as the Amazon of online courses.

How to use email marketing to promote online courses?

In order to use email marketing to promote your online course, you will need access to an email marketing software. This is what you will use to manage your email lists, send your marketing emails, manage and track the performance of your marketing campaigns, and so on.

What is the third type of sales page?

The third type of sales page is the video sales letter, which only incorporates video content. This is basically a long form sales letter that has been done in video. This sales letter banks on the personal connection of video to increase the chances of converting lookers into buyers.

How much does email marketing return?

Email provides greater ROI than any other digital marketing channel. For every $1 you invest in email marketing, you get an average return of $32.

How often can you launch an online course?

With this model, you only launch your online course once , and then enrollment remains open from there onwards. You keep marketing your course throughout, and new students can sign up for the course at any time.

How to come up with a good topic for an online course?

One of the best ways of coming up with a good topic for your online course is to go directly to the audience you are targeting and ask them. This way, you will be certain that your audience is interested in whatever you want to teach.

Are online courses profitable?

If you are still reading, then you have probably decided that to sell courses online is worth it for your business, but you may still be wondering “Are online courses profitable?”

How do you create a successful online course?

Now, let’s continue on from looking at profitability to considering what it takes to create a successful online course. After all, when the aim is to sell courses online, a profitable course implies a successful course and vice versa.

Where can I sell my courses online?

Okay, so you have decided selling online courses is worth it and that you’re ready to start selling. You’ve done the homework to identify your unique selling point and to map a path to profitability. Essentially, you’re clear on how to create an online course.

How can I convert prospects into customers?

The idea of creating an online course that will actually sell has been the goal from the beginning. And at this point, you should have all the major pieces of the puzzle, only now you just need to know how to position them to create the picture that will turn prospective learners into paying customers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions about how to sell online courses? Here are answers to some of the ones we get asked most frequently.

So, Ready to Sell Courses Online?

By this point, you should have a solid idea of what it takes to create and sell online courses and build an online business. As is true for any other type of business, building a profitable online course business is about more than creating a product, publishing a sales page, and waiting for customers to magically show up.

Why do people invest in online courses?

Investing in education and lifelong learning is an emerging trend among both old and young, and online courses come to fill the gaps of knowledge. People tend to prefer the comfort and flexibility of their own homes, avoiding the complexities of commuting to physical classes.

Why is offering a free course important?

Offering a free course can work for your benefit as it can generate leads for expensive courses or a way to showcase your expertise. Don’t forget, it is the first point of contact to create rapport. We all love good communication, creating relationships and this sense of familiarity is what will help you sell more courses.

Why is pricing important?

Pricing an online course is incredibly important and for a good reason. It communicates your value, it affects the profitability of your course, your customers and the quality of your work. Pricing it too high may result in people not buying from you. Pricing it too low and you won’t be making a profit.

What is needed to create a sales page?

A sales page requires two things, the copy and the design . To write the perfect copy, you will need to understand your audience, what they are looking for and how to convince them. We will be going through that below.

What does a good title mean for a course?

Ultimately, the title of your course reflects the name of your brand, your work or training, and can potentially describe you as the best-selling trainer in your field.

How much will the elearning market be in 2025?

The elearning market is expected to exceed $325Billion by 2025 (see above), with a yearly growth of 5% (Global Market Insights)! Becoming an online instructor means you could be earning from a few hundred dollars per year to a six-figure income.

What is the difference between learning goals and learning outcomes?

Whereas, ‘learning objectives’ or ‘learning outcomes’ tend to be more specific and more measurable in terms of what you expect your students to learn and be able to do once they complete the course.

Anatomy of a Course Explained

If you are into online teaching business, the first thing is to know what sells better. Create a course in such a way that it has the everything in it to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer.

Create a Course with Section

Each course should have one or many sections in it. It helps you divide the concepts and students get a better insight into the course objectives. For Example, below image shows Learnyst Course builder where you can add sections to your course.

Sections with Lessons and Activities

Have lessons and activities in sections. Lessons can be of different types. Learnyst offers HTML Lesson, Custom Lesson, Lesson with file types like pdf, videos, images etc. Or any combination of these like, It can be video lesson followed by text lesson or ppt followed by video lessons further has text files and videos or PPT also.

Discussion forum

In between the lessons you have an opportunity to connect global participants through Discussion forum. Also, have an opportunity to get into Live Q&A for any clarification on the course.

Final certification assessment

There should be some driving force for learners to finish the course. Assessments and Certifications bring that motivation to finish the course faster. So, create a course with an assessment in the end and a certification.

Scores – Leaderboards

Have Leaderboard that can display on your website and entice your learners or students to signup and take a quiz. For example, the students on the leader board being ranked based on their score or percentile.
