how to create a course about writing

by Keon Baumbach 10 min read

7 Tips for Creating An Online Course For Writers

  1. Pick a small niche. Instead of going broad with a topic like How to Write a Novel, go narrow and focus on a specific...
  2. If you want your course to be low-maintenance, choose an evergreen topic. Writing fiction is my main focus. I wanted...
  3. Break the project into smaller tasks. I created a list of topics I wanted...

7 Tips for Creating An Online Course For Writers
  1. Pick a small niche. ...
  2. If you want your course to be low-maintenance, choose an evergreen topic. ...
  3. Break the project into smaller tasks. ...
  4. Invest in equipment and up-skill as needed. ...
  5. Re-record the first episodes after finishing all the videos. ...
  6. Create a workbook.
Aug 14, 2019

Full Answer

How to write course learning outcomes for your syllabus?

Jul 02, 2021 · 12 Step-by-Step Points to Write Your First Online Course (Part I) 1. Choose a Topic. Your first step in creating an online course is to choose a topic to teach. ... If you are going to... 2. Pick a Platform to Deliver. There are many different platforms you can use – …

How to write course objectives?

Aug 14, 2019 · 7 Tips for Creating An Online Course For Writers 1. Pick a small niche. Instead of going broad with a topic like How to Write a Novel, go narrow and focus on a specific... 2. If you want your course to be low-maintenance, choose an evergreen topic. Writing fiction is my main focus. I wanted... 3. ...

How do you write a course outline?

May 14, 2021 · How to Create an Online Course for Free. Choose Your Course Topic. Identify the Target Audience. Gather and Structure Your Knowledge. Create an Online Course Outline. Choose Your Online Course Software or Platform. Create the Course Content. Make Sure Your Content is Engaging. Create a Community for ...

How to create course objectives?

Jul 23, 2021 · Creating a course outline helps you organize your ideas. Putting an outline together first allows you to create a much more effective course. There may be many topics you want to cover. Having an outline allows you to organize these topics in a …

What are the steps to creating a course?

How to create an online course
  1. Choose the right subject matter.
  2. Test your idea.
  3. Research the topic extensively.
  4. Write a course outline.
  5. Create the course content.
  6. Bring your course online.
  7. Sell your online course.
  8. Market your content.
Jun 23, 2021

What is a course in writing?

Writing-Intensive Courses are those in which writing is used as a central mode of learning as well as of evaluating student performance. Students in these courses are expected to write regularly, and their grades in these courses are linked to the quality and content of their written work.

What should a creative writing course include?

Most creative writing courses will include advice on how to write fiction, non-fiction and poetry. So, when you are choosing a creative writing course you should first find out what the aim of the course is. All creative writing courses should cover the fundamentals of writing such as: deciding where and when to write.

What are courses to improve writing skills?

Improve Your Writing Skills with 6 Free Online Courses
  • English Grammar & Essay Writing. University of California, Berkeley.
  • English for Journalists: Key Concepts. ...
  • English for Journalists: Free Speech and Media Trends. ...
  • Preparing for the AP* English Language and Composition Exam. ...
  • English Composition. ...
  • How to Write an Essay.
Nov 8, 2016

How do I write a free course?

11 free online writing courses for getting real good at words
  1. Rhetoric: The art of persuasive writing and public speaking (Harvard X) ...
  2. Creative writing: The craft of plot (Wesleyan University) ...
  3. Business writing techniques (DoaneX) ...
  4. Songwriting: Writing the lyrics (Berklee College of Music)
Jan 31, 2022

Why do a creative writing course?

Anyone who engages in creative writing, no matter the genre or style, helps us explore the human experience, share new ideas, and advocate for a better society. Whether you write your stories for yourself or share them with a wide audience, creative writing makes the world a better place.Jun 7, 2020

What are the 4 forms of creative writing?

There are four types of creative writing: expository, descriptive, convincing, and narrative.May 11, 2021

Which is the best creative writing course?

Top 12 Online Creative Writing Courses For 2022 [Self-Paced]
  • Comparing Best Online Creative Writing Courses.
  • #1) The Novelry.
  • #2) ProWritingAid.
  • #3) Wesleyan University Creative Writing Specialization- Coursera.
  • #4) Gotham Writers Online Writing Classes.
  • #5) Reedsy Learning Courses.
  • #6) Udemy Creative Writing Courses.
May 4, 2022

How do I start creative writing?

8 Tips for Creative Writers
  1. Read, read, read. It's a lot harder to get the hang of creative writing if you don't have any references to draw from. ...
  2. Always be writing. ...
  3. Have a point of view. ...
  4. Use literary devices. ...
  5. Know your audience. ...
  6. Start writing. ...
  7. Embrace rewriting. ...
  8. Try a writing workshop.
May 13, 2021

Is there a course for writers?

Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing is a four-year program that is designed to nurture and guide aspiring student writers in the four major genres: poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and drama.

Is there any course for writers?

Eligibility to become Writer

For taking up Under Graduate courses in different languages, Journalism Mass Communication, a pass in Class 12 with a minimum of 45% marks in qualifying exams. For certificate and diploma courses in creative writing, Class 12 is the minimum qualification.
Oct 17, 2018

How can I improve my creative writing skills?

10 Ways to Improve your creative writing skills
  1. Read everything you can find! ...
  2. Find inspiration in everyday things. ...
  3. Use writing prompts to inspire you. ...
  4. Criticise the work of others. ...
  5. Keep a journal and write something in it every day. ...
  6. Play imaginative games. ...
  7. Rewrite a famous story. ...
  8. Use image prompts to inspire you!
Aug 3, 2016

1. Pick a small niche

Instead of going broad with a topic like How to Write a Novel, go narrow and focus on a specific genre, sub-genre, or aspect of writing. If you’re having trouble picking a topic look at what you’re good at.

2. If you want your course to be low-maintenance, choose an evergreen topic

Writing fiction is my main focus. I wanted my course to help authors and bring in a sideline income. I didn’t want to always be re-recording content. Creating Great Characters or Compelling Settings are evergreen topics that writers will always be interested in.

3. Break the project into smaller tasks

I created a list of topics I wanted to cover and detailed the supporting points I wanted to hit under each topic, which gave me an outline for the course.

4. Invest in equipment and up-skill as needed

I purchased a light kit, a lapel microphone, and a pop-up background in a solid color as well as ScreenFlow, a screencasting and video editing software.

5. Re-record the first episodes after finishing all the videos

By the time I finished recording the course I was more comfortable in front of the camera. I went back and re-recorded the first lessons because I wanted students to have a good experience from the beginning.

6. Create a workbook

This is a tip I got from Joanna, and it’s an excellent one! At the end of each lesson, I listed questions to help students put the information from the lesson into practice. I used those questions to create a print workbook. It’s my most consistent selling print book year in and year out.

7. Revise according to feedback

I opened the course to writer friends for feedback then launched at a “low” price (for an online course) of $79. I played around with pricing and coupons and ads.

What is the most important part of creating an online course?

One of the most important components of creating an online course is setting a learning goal for the course . However, there’s more to it. Every online course consists of various sections, and each individual section also needs to have a clear learning goal.

How to make an online course more engaging?

An easy way to make online courses more engaging is to stimulate the student visually. This means pictures and videos. The simplest method of using picture and videos in an online course would be constructing your online class more like a PowerPoint presentation:

What does it mean to get started teaching?

Which means you need to get your knowledge together.

How to keep students engaged in a course?

One way to keep your students engaged is to provide an early return on their investment. If a student feels they’ve learned something just from the first module alone, they’re a lot more likely to stick around. Nothing gets someone down faster than them feeling stupid or unproductive, which is very easy to do in a learning environment. Give them feedback, and an ongoing sense of accomplishment, and they’ll stick around.

What is the target audience of an online course?

The target audience is the group of people to whom you are writing your course.

What do you need to teach a class?

Ideally, you should have demonstrable expertise on the subject you are teaching. That could be either by education or practical knowledge on the subject. Having real qualifications to show to your students makes a big difference in establishing trustworthiness for yourself.

Is it a waste of time to create an online course?

It’s crucial that you decide on a specific course subject in the beginning phase of creating your online course. Be as specific as possible.

How to develop a curriculum for online classes?

Now is the time to develop the curriculum for your online course. On a piece of paper, write down a list of the different lessons you plan on teaching online. Within each lesson, break it down to the main topics you want to cover. Go in a logical order and try to make your ideas evolve naturally from one to the other , to ensure a smooth and frictionless learning process.

What to do if you already have professional experience with your course topic?

If you already have professional experience with your course topic, it’s likely that you’ve put together content about it in the past. Have you ever written a blog post or created a webinar about the subject? Maybe you host a podcast or run a YouTube channel for your business in which you’ve discussed similar themes? If so, go back to these materials. Repurposing existing content into your online course will help get you started and save a lot of valuable time.

What does competition mean in online courses?

Having competition means that people find the topic relevant and helpful for them. It’s also a good idea to create content that can comfortably fit into an existing, tried-and-tested space.

What should the topic of an online course be?

The topic for your online course should be either a subject that you’re already knowledgeable about or are willing to invest in learning thoroughly. Either way, you need to be passionate about the subject.

How to get your audience to work on a topic?

Ask a group of friends, as well as your existing audience, what they think of the subject you had in mind. Test it out by sharing polls or online forms for your audience to fill out. You can make a short tutorial first, and monitor its performance. Then, follow up on the tutorial on social media or via email marketing campaigns, asking your audience if this type of material is something they’re interested in seeing more of.

How to test your idea?

In order to test your idea, use a landing page builder to create a page for your upcoming online course. Although you haven’t created the course just yet, you already know what it’s going to be about. Include a concise description of the course explaining what people can expect to learn and add eye-catching imagery to further reflect the concept. Check out these fully customizable landing page templates to use as a starting point.

How to teach a lesson?

Go in a logical order and try to make your ideas evolve naturally from one to the other , to ensure a smooth and frictionless learning process. Remember that teaching is about guiding your audience through an idea, step by step. To make this clear in your course outline, define an objective for each of your lessons.

How to create a course that blows your audience's mind and transforms their lives?

Step 1. Identifying your target audience. Before you can create a course that blows your audience’s mind and transforms their lives, you have to determine who your audience is. To get started identifying your target audience, ask yourself a few questions:

What is online course?

When it comes down to it, online courses are simply a shortcut to an outcome. You’re providing your students with the education and resources that they need in order to be successful within your course topic.

How to organize lectures?

Organize your lectures in the way you see most logical. Depending on your niche, this will vary. If I were creating a blogging course, though, I’d put the most simple/easy to execute lessons first to give my students easy wins and then work up to the more time consuming and difficult monetization strategies.

How to determine how you can help your audience?

The best way to determine how you can help your audience is by actually asking what they’re struggling with.

Should each lesson have a lecture?

It’s common for each lesson to have a handful of lectures within it. Again, this will make your course more easily navigable and help your students consume your course in a logical way.

Do you need to list every step you took to get to the place you are now?

In short, you need to list out every single step you took to get to the place you are now, no matter how insignificant.

Is creating a curriculum a foreign process?

Creating your course curriculum can be a foreign process for those who are good at what you do, but have never been in a “teacher” position.

How to spice up a creative writing class?

From time to time, the students might run out of ideas. Sometimes, they might need mental stimulation too. One effective way to spice up your creative writing class is by introducing picture prompts and/or writing prompts.

What is creative writing?

Creative writing classes are mostly about communicating ideas and information in imaginative ways. Ironically, teachers find that they have to conduct their lessons and workshops through boring teaching methods and instructional materials. Education experts often recommend creativity on the teachers’ part, especially during craft-related classes.

How to encourage students to write?

One way to encourage daily writing among students is this: introduce them to journaling and diary writing. From my experience, keeping a journal provides opportunities for students to learn to express themselves in writing. Because the journals are personal, they aren’t afraid to make mistakes and experiment with different creative forms. PDF is a powerful tool for teachers, it makes the submissions from the students last longer and easier to store. It is also easy to give remarks and take notes on PDFs now for teachers. Here is a handy guide about how to edit a PDF. (Also check out this pdf editor if you need any additional help)

Why do we use thesaurus in class?

Allow them to use thesauruses in class. A thesaurus will teach them to use the best words in the right context.

What is the job of a creative writing teacher?

One of the teacher’s job will be to provide interesting reading materials during classes. Before each creative writing lesson, it is important to find suitable reading materials for the students. Prioritize quality over quantity. Make sure the pupils read good books.

Why do teachers teach writing classes?

The writing classes are there to teach the students how to think critically and write clearly . One of the teacher’s job will be to provide interesting reading materials during classes.

Why is creativity important in education?

This is because non-traditional teaching methods tend to be more effective than their traditional counterparts are. Nowadays, innovative teachers are adopting different strategies to help their students excel in Literature in English.
