how to copy quiz from one course to another in moodle

by Ahmed Mills II 7 min read

Moving quiz questions from one course to another using export/import

  1. Exporting Questions In the settings menu for your module select Question bank. Then click Export. ...
  2. Importing questions Go to the course where you want the questions to appear: In the settings menu select Question bank. Click on Import. Select Moodle XML format. ...
  3. Accessing your imported question

Prepare Items to Copy
  1. Open the course you will copy item(s) from. ...
  2. In the menu bar at the top of your course page, select Turn Editing On (green pencil icon ). ...
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the course page and click + Add topics to create a new Section. ...
  4. For each item you wish to copy, click Edit, then select Duplicate.

Full Answer

Can I copy items between courses in Moodle?

Items can only be copied between courses on the same Moodle site. To copy content from Legacy Moodle ( to Moodle in the Cloud (, see Restore a Course in Moodle.

Can I export Moodle quiz questions to another Moodle installation?

You can, however, export your questions to a file and then import them to another moodle installation. I usually create a quiz in one course, importing questions from GIFT files, using categories and, adding graphics files.

How to copy quiz/quizzes from one course to another?

Here's how you can copy quiz/quizzes to another course, without making a new one (you can allways publish your categories). Backup including only quiz/quizzes no user data, no logs, no user files, no course files. Rename the original quiz category to something else, otherwise restore procedure will fail.

How do I edit a course in Moodle?

Note: Courses are deleted from Moodle 18 months after the end of the semester taught. (For details, see Moodle F.A.Q. for Instructors .) In the menu bar at the top of your course page, select Turn Editing On (green pencil icon ). Editing icons and links will appear.

How do I export a Moodle quiz to another course?

Go to the course where you want the questions to appear:In the settings menu select Question bank.Click on Import.Select Moodle XML format.Click on CHOOSE A FILE and select the XML file that you just exported.Click IMPORT.

How do I copy a quiz from one course to another?

1) Go to the course that contains the quizzes. 2) On the bottom left menu click Settings. 3) On the top right menu click Export Course Content. 4) Under Export Type select Quiz.

How do I copy from one course to another in Moodle?

Course copy from Course and category management screen From Site administration / Courses / Manage courses and categories, click to select a category. Find the course you want to copy, and click the duplicate icon to copy the course.

Can I export a quiz in Moodle?

Click Export from the "Question bank" drop-down in the “Course administration” menu. In the "File format" area, select Moodle XML format. In the "Export category" drop-down, choose the category you want to copy from. Click Export questions to file and save the file to your local machine.

How do I copy a quiz question in Moodle?

There is a duplicate button for each quiz question. Go into the question bank and find the question. Click the "duplicate" icon.

How do you copy and paste in Moodle?

CommandsCtrl + C: Copy.Ctrl + V: Paste.

How do I import a questionnaire in Moodle?

Search the KnowledgebaseNavigate to course.Click “Turn Editing On”.Click “Add an activity or resource”.Under the “Activities” tab, click “Questionnaire”, click “Add”.Complete the set up for a questionnaire. Give proper title, description, etc. ... Click "Save and Return to course".

How do I merge courses in Moodle?

On your Moodle dashboard, click on one of the courses you would like to merge. Once in the course, click Course settings at the top right (gear icon). At the bottom of the menu, click on “Create merged course shell.” In the box that says “Courses to merge,” start typing the name of the course (i.e. CHEM B200.

What is duplicate course?

A duplicate course is one that you have received credit for before, but have to retake. For example, you might need to repeat a course to get a better grade.

How do I import and export a quiz in Moodle?

How to export a single question in XML formatClick on the quiz name then, from the gear icon, select "Edit quiz":Click on the "Preview question" icon of the file you want to export:Click on the "Download this question in Moodle XML format":

How do I copy a question from one category to another in Moodle?

To move questions from one category to another:On your course page, select the Course Management (black gear icon. ... On this panel, under Quiz Questions, click Question bank. ... Select a category from the Select a category drop-down menu that contains the question or questions you want to move.More items...

How do I save a quiz in Moodle PDF?

Simply bring the quiz up, then use your browser's Print . . . command. When the print dialog box comes up, select the "Adobe PDF" printer rather than your normal hard-copy printer. It will 'print' to a file, and you'll be able to specify where you want that file saved -- that's all there is to it.