how to copy an old moodle course to a new one

by Mrs. Mabelle Boyle DVM 10 min read

Import Items into the Target Course.

  • Open the course you wish to import item (s) into.
  • In the menu bar at the top of your course page, select the Course Management button (gear icon ), the Course Management panel will open.
  • On the Course Management panel, under Course Settings, select Import, the Find a course to import data from page will open.
  • The Find a course to import data from page will list up to 10 courses available for you to copy. If you do not see the course you wish to copy on the ...
  • Click Continue. The Initial Settings page will open.

Prepare Items to Copy
  1. Open the course you will copy item(s) from. ...
  2. In the menu bar at the top of your course page, select Turn Editing On (green pencil icon ). ...
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the course page and click + Add topics to create a new Section. ...
  4. For each item you wish to copy, click Edit, then select Duplicate.

Full Answer

How do I copy content from another Moodle course?

Copied items will need to be checked for Group settings and Restrict Access settings. To copy content from a course you did not teach, you will need the instructor of that course to submit this form: Allow Another Instructor to Copy Your Moodle Course.

How do I edit a course in Moodle?

Note: Courses are deleted from Moodle 18 months after the end of the semester taught. (For details, see Moodle F.A.Q. for Instructors .) In the menu bar at the top of your course page, select Turn Editing On (green pencil icon ). Editing icons and links will appear.

How do I import data into a Moodle course?

In the Moodle course you will copy into, to import the item(s): Open the course you wish to import item(s) into. In the Administration block, under Course Administration click Import. The Find a course to import data from page will open. The Find a course page can display up to ten courses available for you to copy.

How do I copy a course to another site?

From Site administration / Courses / Manage courses and categories, click to select a category. Find the course you want to copy, and click the duplicate icon to copy the course. Access the course you want to copy.

How do I move a course in Moodle?

Use the Basic Move Icon to Move Items in Your CourseFor activities and resources, Moodle will highlight the available move locations with an arrow and box.For sections, click Edit (far right of the section), then click Move Up ( ) or Move Down ( ) from the drop-down menu to move the section.

How do I reuse a course in Moodle?

To copy content from another instructor's course in the legacy version of Moodle: The instructor of the course in the legacy Moodle will need to Backup a Moodle Course by creating and downloading a Moodle Backup file (. mbz) and send the created backup file to the course copier. Then the copier can Restore Moodle (.

How do I export a course from Moodle?

Exporting Content From Moodle From within a course, from the course Administration menu, choose Backup. Select whether to export as a Common Cartridge or a native Moodle file. Follow the succession of screens, to complete the process.

How do I backup and restore a course in Moodle?

Restoring a course backupGo to Settings > Course administration > Restore.Upload the backup file or choose a file in the course backup area or user private backup area and click Restore.Confirm - Check that everything is as required then click the Continue button.More items...•

How do I import a question from one course to another in Moodle?

Go to the course where you want the questions to appear:In the settings menu select Question bank.Click on Import.Select Moodle XML format.Click on CHOOSE A FILE and select the XML file that you just exported.Click IMPORT.

How do I merge courses in Moodle?

On your Moodle dashboard, click on one of the courses you would like to merge. Once in the course, click Course settings at the top right (gear icon). At the bottom of the menu, click on “Create merged course shell.” In the box that says “Courses to merge,” start typing the name of the course (i.e. CHEM B200.

How do I import a backup into Moodle?

To ensure this:Unzip the backup file of the course (example: mycourse. zip)Once the file is unzipped, open the folder (example: mycourse).Select the folders within the mycourse folder AND the moodle. xml file and create a zip of those item (example: mycourse_new. ... Upload the new zip file (example: mycourse_new.

How do I move Moodle from one server to another?

Recommended methodTurn on maintenance mode. ... Backup the Moodle database on the old server. ... Restore the database backup to the new server. ... Copy moodledata from the old server to the new server. ... Copy the Moodle code from the old server to the new server. ... Update config. ... Test the copied site.More items...•

How do I download folders from Moodle?

Under the Course administration tab, in the top list of links, select Download instructor files. Moodle will compress the files into a single ZIP file and begin the download process, which will differ depending on your browser settings.

What is the difference between import and restore in Moodle?

Restore begins in the original course--the course to be copied. A backup is "pushed" into a target new or existing course. Import begins in the target new or existing course--the course to be copied into. A backup of another course is then "pulled" into that course from the original course.

Where are Moodle backups stored?

backupdataTo find the backup file for a course, go to the front page of that course, click Administration->Files, and look for a folder named backupdata. The backup file for the course should be found in that folder. If you don't see a backupdata folder, or if the folder is empty, then backups are not being made.

How do I download a backup from Moodle?

Downloading a backup fileGo to your course site in Moodle.Find the Administration block: Click Restore.Go to the User private backup area.Find your backup file. (The most recently created file will be at the top of the list.) ... Click Download to copy the backup to your hard drive.

Prepare Items to Copy

Before you start importing content, we recommend doing a little preparation in the course you are copying from. Note: This step is especially important if the target course already contains any content.

Clean Up Imported Content

Edit due dates for activities To update due dates for activities such as Assignments and Quizzes see Edit Dates for Multiple Activities & Resources in Moodle for information on how to change many due dates at once. Note: The Edit Dates page does not work for Turnitin assignments.

How to: Copy or duplicate course

I need to copy or duplicate a full course (without Users). How do I do this?

Re: How to: Copy or duplicate course

Back it up and restore it as a new course. Just don't select the user data option.
