by Verona Ebert
Published 3 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
4 min read
How do I copy a module item to another course?
Open Modules. In Course Navigation, click the Modules link.
Open Module Item Options. Locate the module item you wish to copy and click the Options icon [1]. Select the Copy To... option [2].
Select Course. Enter the course code or course name in the Select a Course field [1]. ...
Copy Module Item. Click the Copy button.
View Copy Notification. Canvas displays a notification when the module item copies successfully [1]. When finished, click the Close icon [2] or the Close button [3].
View Copied Module Item. The copied module item displays on the Modules Index Page for the course into which it copied.
You can copy the module item into a specific module and location within a course. Click or type a module name in the Select a Module field [1]. Then select the module for the copied module item. To select a location within the module, click the Place drop-down menu [2]. You can select to copy the module item to the top of the module, before or after a specific module item, or at the …
How do I copy content from another canvas course?
Open Modules In Course Navigation, click the Modules link. Open Module Options Locate the module you wish to copy and click the Options icon [1]. Select the Copy To... option [2]. Select Course Enter the course code or course name in the Select a Course drop-down menu [1].
How do I copy a module to another course?
Nov 19, 2021 · Starting in Canvas course you wish to copy materials into, click " Settings " in your course navigation bar. Click on the " Course Details " tab across the top. Click " Import Course Content " on the right-hand side. From the " Content Type " drop down menu, select " Copy a Canvas Course ." Complete the "Import Content" form that appears.
How do I import assignments from a canvas course?
Click or type a module name in the Select a Module field [1]. Then select the module for the copied page. To select a location within the module, click the Place drop-down menu [2]. You can select to copy the page to the top of the module, before or after a specific module item, or at the bottom of a module. Copy Page Click the Copy button.
Can you copy a module from one course to another in canvas?
Canvas enables you to Import content from one Canvas course to another when you want to use or repurpose previously created content, including Course settings, Syllabus, Assignments, Modules, Files, Pages, and Discussions.
Can you copy a module in canvas?
You can duplicate assignments, graded discussions, and pages within a module. When a module is copied, the word Copy is added to the end of most item names.
How do I copy one module to another?
Open Module Options
Locate the module you wish to copy and click the Options icon [1].Select the Copy To...option [2].
How do I copy a page module in canvas?
Duplicate Module
Locate the module you want to duplicate and click the Options icon [1]. Click the Duplicate link [2]. Note: If a module cannot be duplicated, the Duplicate link will not appear in the Options menu.
How do I import a module into canvas?
Click on the title of module you wish to import - this will bring you to the module details page. In the Import Into Canvas section on the right side of the screen, click the checkbox for the course(s) you want to import the module into, then click the Import into Course button.
Why can I not duplicate a module in canvas?
There are some limitations to duplicating Modules: Modules containing quizzes created using the Classic Quiz tool in Canvas cannot be duplicated. Only quizzes created with the New Quizzes tool can be copied. A Module containing an External Tool (LTI) assignment cannot be duplicated.Apr 27, 2021
What is the difference between duplicate and copy in canvas?
Duplicate - creates a distinct, duplicated item in the same module. It can then be further moved if necessary. Send to - creates a copy for a colleague in your Instructure group. Copy to - creates a copy for YOU, to be used in another course.Oct 15, 2020
How do I copy attributes from one module to another in doors?
Click the module name in the database explorer to select the item you intend to copy. the selected item background color will darken.
Click Edit -> Copy to select the first object in the group of objects to copy ( the object row border will darken)
Click Edit -> Paste Special. a. ...
Click Save in the new module.
May 1, 2020
Can I copy a page from one course to another in canvas?
Navigate to the original course site that you want to copy content from and locate the content page that you want to copy. On the Course Navigation Menu on the left hand side, select Pages. Click the View All Pages button at the top of the screen. Locate the Content Page that you want to copy and click on its title.
How do I copy a homepage to another course in canvas?
Click on the Courses button on the Global Navigation menu. ...
Click on the Settings link in the Course Navigation Menu. ...
Click on the dropdown arrow next to Content Type and then click on Copy a Canvas Course. ...
Check to make sure the course homepage (Syllabus page) was copied over to the new course.
How do I copy a page in Canva to another page?
Click on a page to select it. To select multiple pages, hold Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac) on your keyboard, and click on other pages to add them to your selection. On the toolbar above the editor, click Duplicate page.
Open Module Options
Locate the module you wish to copy and click the Options icon [1]. Select the Copy To... option [2].
Select Course
Enter the course code or course name in the Select a Course drop-down menu [1].
View Copied Module
The copied module displays on the Modules Index Page for the course into which it copied.
Import Course Content: Copy a Canvas Course
1. Navigate to the Canvas course in which you wish to copy material into. Click "Settings" in your course navigation bar.
Select Specific Content
1. If you opted to "Select specific content", you will see your import listed under the "Current Jobs" area of the Import Content Page. To choose which parts of your source course will be copied, click the "Select Content" button to the far right of the job.
Modify Due Dates During Import
When you import one course into another, during the import process, there is an option to modify the due dates and availability dates all at one time.
Refining and updating your course
While Import Course Content brings over much of the content developed in a previous version of the course, there are a number of external applications that need to be updated to work correctly in this new copy of your course.
View All Pages
To view a list of all pages in your course, click the View All Pages button.
Open Page Options
Locate the page you wish to copy, then click the page Options icon [1]. Select the Copy To... option [2].
Select Course
Enter the name of a course or course code in the Select a Course field [1].
View Copied Page
Copied pages display on the Pages Index Page for the course into which it copied.
Select Content Type
In the Content Type drop-down menu, select the Copy a Canvas Course option.
Search for a Course
In the Search for a course drop-down menu [1], select the course you would like to access. Courses are ordered alphabetically by most recent term. You can also choose to include completed courses by selecting the completed courses checkbox [2]. The Include completed courses checkbox is selected by default.
Select Migration Content
To import all content from the course, select the All Content radio button [1].
Adjust Events and Due Dates
If you want to adjust the due dates associated with the course events and assignments, click the Adjust events and due dates checkbox.
View Current Jobs
The Current Jobs section displays the status of your import. Running reports display a progress bar indicating the time remaining to complete the import [1].
Open Assignment Options
Locate the assignment you wish to copy, then click the assignment Options icon [1]. Select the Copy To... option [2].
Select Course
Enter the name of a course or course code in the Select a Course field [1].
View Copied Assignment
Copied assignments display on the Assignments Index Page in the Imported Assignments group for the course into which it copied.