how to connect the course objectives to the observation in the classroom\

by Prof. Dalton Braun PhD 5 min read

What is the purpose of observation in the classroom?

PURPOSE OF CLASS OBSERVATION The fundamental purpose of classroom observation is to improve student outcome by improving the instructional prowess of the teacher. A secondary purpose of observation is to perform an investigation into possible inequities in instruction among different groups of students.

What skills are at the core of classroom observations?

There are some key skills and things that are at the core of classroom observations – Class observations are drawn on skills used; in everyday teaching; in understanding the content; in providing discipline; in non-judgemental observation in a non-threatening environment; in maintaining objectivity; and in reducing bias; 2.

How can observation tools and collaborative reflection help teachers?

Observation tools and collaborative reflection can be leveraged to achieve learning goals, clarify expectations, provide targeted feedback, and gather information to enhance the academic experience for both teachers and students.

What are some examples of observation theory in education?

Infants modeling the behavior of adults is one of the most basic examples of the observational theory. Within the classroom, educators can act as a model for their students. The observational theory can be particularly valuable in a classroom setting because it can help educators reach many students and convey a central message.

What are the objectives of classroom observation?

The fundamental purpose of classroom observation is to improve student outcomes by improving the instructional prowess of the teacher. A secondary purpose of observation is to perform an investigation into possible inequities in instruction among different groups of students.

What is the connection between observation assessment and curriculum?

Detailed observational records are necessary to show the value of a curriculum that is based on children's needs. Planning begins with a knowledge of the age group and goals. Observation provides insights so that planning can be done to meet individual needs and evaluates the learning that takes place.

What is the connection between observation and teaching?

Summary. Observation plays a central role in practice teaching, both observation of your teaching by your cooperating teacher and supervisor, as well as your own observations of your cooperating teacher's class.

What should be included in a classroom observation?

7 Tips For Nailing a Classroom ObservationPrepare with Care. If you are asked for information about the lesson beforehand, provide clear and succinct context for what you're doing. ... Check Tech. ... Timing Is Everything. ... Lesson Strategies. ... Student Participation. ... Student Behavior. ... When the Lesson Is Over.

Why is it important to be objective when observing a child?

Why is objectivity important? It is important for educators to be as objective as possible when recording their observations in order to avoid bias. A bias could be defined as a pre-determined way of perceiving, and can be positive or negative.

What process do you use to ensure that information and observations are gathered and used to inform planning for all children?

The EYLF planning cycle is a process of professional observation, planning and evaluation used by early childhood educators to assist in developing high quality early childhood education programmes for children.

How can teachers use observational learning in the classroom?

For tasks that can be observed and modeled, it may be beneficial to pair students with other students. By doing so, teachers may increase the likeliness that learners will pay attention during the task and retain information. Students may also feel more motivated when observing their peers.

How will you apply observation in your teaching?

Student Teacher Observation TipsTip #1: Deal With Disruptive Students Nonverbally Or With Questions. ... Tip #2: Be Accommodating For All Students. ... Tip #3: Use Technology For Interactive Lessons. ... Tip #4: Rehearse Your Lessons. ... Tip #5: Create Collaborative Work and Group Sessions.

What are the things I will do before conducting an observation?

What to do before an observationReview your manual, paying attention to the information included in Chapter 2. ... Use tabs/flags to separate the dimensions.Make sure you have enough score sheets, something to keep time with, and something to write with.More items...•

What are the steps in classroom observation?

1. Pre-observation conference 2. Classroom observation 3. Analysis and strategy session 4. The final reportPre-observation conference.Classroom observation.Analysis and strategy session.The final report.

How do you write a observation lesson plan?

How to Write The Perfect Lesson Plan For A Teacher ObservationK.I.S.S. This a principle brought to us by high tech people all over the world. ... Do a subject / topic you know well. ... Be well prepared. ... Test your lesson. ... Have a copy for your evaluator. ... Type your lesson plan.

What are the steps in the process of observing?

What are the steps of observation?Determine your research objective. Understand the objective and goals of your research. ... Determine questions and create a research guide. ... Establish your method of gathering data. ... Observe. ... Prepare your data. ... Analyze behaviors in your data.

What is classroom observation?

Classroom observations provide teachers with constructive critical feedback to reflect upon their classroom management and instructional techniques. Classroom observations advocate that no matter how thorough the preparation of a lesson is, the teaching strategies must be manoeuvred as per the needs and pace of learners.

How does data from classroom observations help set goals effectively and realistically?

Reflection and goal setting: Data from classroom observations help set goals effectively and realistically as it provides evidence of the impact of teachers practice and therefore, the strengths and areas for development. Ongoing feedback, reflection and review: Data from observations help to evidence the performance and development in review ...

What do teachers need to do to be reflective?

Teachers must set goals, monitor learning, assess and reflect on their professional practice. Keeping the larger goal in mind, our schools need reflective teachers who can fine-tune their methods to find better ways of teaching while maintaining their purpose and direction.

What are some examples of observational techniques?

Checklists, charts, rating scales, and narrative descriptions are examples of observational techniques that have proven to be effective ways of examining a teacher in action. One of the main challenges for observation is to decide upon the rubric tool which can vary from school to school.

Why is reflection important in classroom?

Classroom Observations: The Power of Reflection. Teaching is an art, learning is science. Both must blend in order to optimize the learning experience. The ability to reflect is a desired skill in every profession. Reflective practice is required because teachers of the future should be thoughtful decision-makers and intrinsically motivated ...

What is classroom observation?

Classroom observations are a quantitative way of recording and measuring teacher behavior and mastery by systematically watching and recording them in action .

What are some examples of observational techniques?

Checklists, charts, rating scales, and narrative descriptions are examples of observational techniques that have proven to be effective ways of examining a teacher in action. However, the most prevalent procedure for systematic observation is the use of interactive coding systems.

Course Goals and Learning Environment

Are the goals for the session clearly established and do the activities enable the students to achieve the stated goals?

Presentation Style

Does the speaker use verbal (varying speed & tone of voice, projecting, pausing) and non-verbal (maintaining eye contact, avoiding distracting mannerisms, projecting excitement and energy) techniques to help the audience understand what is being said?

Teaching Tools

How effectively does the teacher use media (e.g., blackboard, visual aids, slides, videos and animations, or artifacts) to reinforce content or help explain complex ideas?

How can observational learning help students?

Teachers, who must reach a large audience of varied abilities and interests, can apply observational learning techniques to improve student learning outcomes, produce desired behaviors and enhance student motivation and self-perception. Eliminate distractions. Environmental factors can affect the outcome of modeling techniques.

What is the theory of observational learning?

Albert Bandura developed the Observational Learning Theory, also known as Social Learning Theory, based on the idea that people can learn through observation rather than direct experience only. Educators find the concept to be particularly valuable in a classroom setting because they must reach a number of students to convey a central message.

How to motivate students to achieve their goals?

Motivate your students. Reward your students for reaching the goals you have established. Through positive reinforcement of the behaviors you want them to develop, you increase the likelihood that students will perform those actions again. Reward good behavior and achieving goals with praise or recognition.

How to help students become more competent?

Enhance self-efficacy. Once you have allowed your students to reach attainable goals and receive genuine praise for them, they see themselves as more competent. This confidence leads them to more successful behavior in the future. As a result of this positive cycle, your students learn to self-regulate their behavior.

How can modeling be effective?

In order for modeling to be effective, students must first pay close attention to the model. Models who are attractive, seem competent and prestigious will receive greater attention than those who do not exhibit these qualities.

How to improve the outcome of modeling?

Eliminate distractions. Environmental factors can affect the outcome of modeling techniques. Minimize the effects of competing sensory stimuli that are under your control . You may want to close classroom doors to lessen auditory interference, for example. Present effective models.

Why do students pay more attention to models?

Because of this tendency, you may want to provide a variety of models (teachers, students, males, females, etc.) to ensure students can identify with one or more of the models. Describe the behaviors and consequences modeled.


Use “Backward Design”

Begin with The Mission and Goals of The Program and Course

  • Before designing student-learning objectives, let the mission and goals of the program help direct your course goals. If your course is a General Education course—that is, it was formally approved by the General Education Oversight Committee (GEOC) to meet specific Gen Ed competency requirements, begin by familiarizing yourself with the learning ou...
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Understand The Purpose of Student Learning Objectives.

  • Learning objectives communicate instructional expectations to students and direct the design of your teaching. Example: After reviewing the New Deal primary sources, students will debate the effectiveness of New Deal programs using at least six pieces of evidence. Tip: Follow the ABCD Model. Focus on the ABCD (audience, behavior, condition, and degree): A (audience)Who is the t…
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Write from The Student’S Perspective

  • Faculty often mistakenly write objectives from the teaching perspective, but concentration needs to be on what students learn, not what you convey
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Focus on The Cognitive Domain

  • Objectives can be cognitive, affective, psychomotor and social (Bloom 1956; Krathwohl and Anderson, 2009; Dettmer, 2010), though most typically apply to the cognitive domain. A common mistake is to write objectives in the affective domain (focusing on what you want your graduates to think or care about) when they are more readily articulated and measurable in the cognitive do…
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Ensure That Objectives Are Measurable

  • Effective objectives are stated using action verbs (“develop an understanding of…” is not measurable). See Bloom’s Taxonomyas a resource.
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Keep Language Concise and Student Friendly

  • Objectives should be short, focused, and to the point. In the example above, we only include the most important descriptive details and we minimize jargon. The only term that students might be unaware of is “New Deal programs.” This is important for novice learners coming to a new course or discipline.
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Purpose of Observation

The fundamental purpose of classroom observation is to improve student outcomes by improving the instructional prowess of the teacher. A secondary purpose of observation is to perform an investigation into possible inequities in instruction among different groups of students. This allows teachers and researc…
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Observation Methods

  • There are many different ways for an observer to effectively perform an observation. Some utilize homegrown in-house methods while others deploy nationally recognized models created by educational experts and further validated by research-based data. It really depends on the standard operating procedures of the school and the person performing the observation in whic…
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Observation Elements

  • Good classroom observation will contain most or all of the following elements: 1. a stated purpose for the observation 2. a specific observational focus 3. operational definitions of all the observed behaviors 4. training procedures for observers 5. an observation schedule 6. a setting 7. a unit of time 8. a method to record the data 9. a method to process and analyze data
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Video Observation

  • Traditionally, all classroom observations were performed in person. Technology is now regularly being used to make the process more accessible and effective. The ubiquity of smartphones and tablets that have high-quality recording devices have made the video recording of classroom performances not only possible but easy and cost-effective. There are also subscription-based o…
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Observation Techniques

  • Checklists, charts, rating scales, and narrative descriptions are examples of observational techniques that have proven to be effective ways of examining a teacher in action. However, the most prevalent procedure for systematic observation is the use of interactive coding systems. The reason they are used so often is that they allow the observer to document almost everythin…
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