how to completely reset moodle course

by Raina Effertz 5 min read

Reset Your Course

  • On the Course Administration menu, click on Reset .In sites running 3.1 or older, this menu is on your sidebar. ...
  • Select the settings you’d like to reset.These will differ for each course, but here are the common ones I recommend: General: Set new start and end dates. ...
  • Click Reset Course
  • Wait patiently (don’t close window or click refresh).The reset process can take awhile so don’t panic if you see a blank page; just wait until the browser stops loading and ...
  • Click Continue

  1. Go to your Moodle course and click on the Actions cog in the top-right of the page.
  2. Click on the Reset link.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Select default button.
  4. Go to the Roles box. ...
  5. Scroll to the bottom again and click the Reset course button to start the reset process.
May 6, 2020

Full Answer

How do I reset a course?

Note: Only users with the reset course capability (by default managers and teachers) can reset a course. Resetting a given activity is irreversible, so ensure that you have taken a Backup of your area including the user data - this is a snapshot and can be reinstated if necessary In your area's Administration block, click on Reset

How do I Reset my gradebook?

There are two options for gradebook reset: Delete all grades - Removes all manually added grade items within the course together with grades and data on overridden, excluded, hidden and locked grades. Please note activity grade items are not removed in this option.

What do I do if my course is not working?

Return to your area and check that things are as you want them. (Before you reset) You will need to make sure that you back up the information that you have within your course before you reset.

How do I reset an activity?

Resetting a given activity is irreversible, so ensure that you have taken a Backup of your area including the user data - this is a snapshot and can be reinstated if necessary In your area's Administration block, click on Reset Click any Show Advanced button to show all options for that category

How do I delete all content in Moodle?

From the course you want to reset, click the Reset link in the course Administration block. Moodle takes you to the Reset Course page. Under the General options, set the new course start date and delete all calendar events, course log reports, and user notes.

How do I delete a completed course on Moodle?

How To Delete Courses On MoodleLog In. It is definite that you must log into Moodle in order to have the authorization to delete the courses. ... Select Action. ... Select The Category. ... Perform The Action. ... After Deletion. ... Create a Temp Category. ... Move The Courses. ... Delete.

How do I make my Moodle course invisible?

On the Course Management panel, under Course Settings, select Edit course settings. The Edit course settings page will open. On the Edit course settings page, under General, for Course visibility, select Hide or Show. Click Save and display.

How do I completion a course in Moodle?

Use Site administration > Advanced features > Enable completion tracking (check enabled) in order to allow completion tracking on your site. You can set Completion tracking as On or Off in new courses as a course default in Site administration > Courses > Course default settings.

How can you delete a course?

Delete Courses and SectionsClick Courses in the header.Click My Courses.Click the gear icon to the right of a section you'd like to delete. If there is no gear displayed, click the course's name. A list of course section titles should display below, each with the gear icon menu to the right.Click Delete.

How do you delete a course on Moodle dashboard?

Customizing Moodle Dashboard - How do I delete courses on my Moodle dashboard?Log in to Moodle.From the Course Overview panel, scroll and to find the course you want to hide.Select the three dot button in the course tile.Then select "Remove from view".

How do you hide a course?

On your Courses page in Blackboard, click the three dots next to a course and choose Hide Course. If you would like to unhide your course, click the Filter menu and choose "Hidden from me." Click the three dots next to a course and choose "Show Course."

How do I hide content in Moodle?

To hide your course from student view:Click into your course.Click the Settings (wheel) icon and click Edit Settings.Click the dropdown next to Visible and select Hide.

How do you see hidden items on Moodle?

Hide/Show Sections and Items in Moodle CoursesThe message is not visible to students; click on your user name at the top of the screen, choose Switch role to … and choose Auditor to view the page as a student.When you are ready to unhide the item, turn editing on, click the Edit link next to that item and choose Show.

How do I delete an activity in LMS?

How to Delete an LMS Course AssignmentClick on the name of the course to which you would like to add an assignment.Deleting an Assignment. Click the 'Assignments' tab. ... Click 'Update'. Congratulations, you have deleted an assignment from this LMS course!

How do you complete a course?

Time Management Tips To Complete An Online CourseMake the course a priority. ... Take the course with a friend or colleague. ... Set aside one hour a day to work on the course. ... Make a study plan. ... Make a calendar or schedule. ... Get rid of distractors. ... Set goals and incentives. ... Jump ahead and do what you can when you can.More items...•

What is course completion status?

The course completion status block allows students to see when they meet the instructors nominated criteria for completing the course. Available criteria is quite extensive, and includes tasks such as achieving a nominated minimum grade, staying enrolled until a specific date, completing one or more activities.

What is a gradebook reset?

The Gradebook reset options allow you to delete all gradebook items and categories and/or delete all recorded grades within the course. There are two options for gradebook reset:

What is a role reset?

These Role Reset options allow you to unenrol all users with a particular role within a course (e.g students) as well as remove all role overrides and role assignment specific to the course. This does not affect user role assignments outside the context of the course.

Can you reset a course?

Note: Only users with the reset course capability (by default managers and teachers) can reset a course.

Can you specify a new course start date?

You can also specify a new course start date.

Can you delete course logs on a course reset?

Note that course logs are not deleted (See MDL-43274 )


This allows you to empty a course of user data, while retaining the activities and other settings. Please be warned when choosing items you will delete your chosen user data from this course forever!

Role Reset Options

These Role Reset options allow you to unenrol all users with a particular role within a course (e.g students) as well as remove all role overrides and role assignment specific to the course. This does not affect user role assignments outside the context of the course.

Gradebook Reset Options

The Gradebook reset options allow you to delete all gradebook items and categories and/or delete all recorded grades within the course. There are two options for gradebook reset:

Group Reset Options

The Group reset options provides you with the ability to delete all groups created in the course and/or remove all users from any groups within the course.

Activity Reset Options

Depending on the activities used within a course, you will be provided with the option to remove the user data associated with these learning objects. This includes responses to Choices, Quiz attempts, Feedback Responses, Forum posts (from selected Forum types), Glossary entries etc.


This allows you to empty a course of user data, while retaining the activities and other settings. Please be warned when choosing items you will delete your chosen user data from this course forever!

How to Reset - step by step

Log in and go to the course area you want to Reset (you need to have editing permissions on this)

General Reset Options

You can set a new Course Start Date for the freshly reset course, delete all Calendar events, delete course log report data and delete all user notes attached to the course.

Role Reset Options

These Role Reset options allow you to unenrol all users with a particular role within a course (e.g students) as well as remove all role overrides and role assignment specific to the course. This does not affect user role assignments outside the context of the course.

Gradebook Reset Options

The Gradebook reset options allow you to delete all gradebook items and categories and/or delete all recorded grades within the course. Note that these grades are still recorded against a user's account.

Group Reset Options

The Group reset options provides you with the ability to delete all groups created in the course and/or remove all users from any groups within the course. Moodle1.9

Activity Reset Options

Depending on the activities used within a course, you will be provided with the option to remove the user data associated with these learning objects. This includes responses to Choices, Quiz attempts, Feedback Responses, Forum posts (from selected Forum types), Glossary entries etc.

First, Make a Backup

If you think you might ever need to view past students’ grades or work, you should make a backup of your course before resetting it. Once a course is reset, the data from previous students is permanently deleted.

Reset Your Course

On the Course Administration menu, click on Reset .In sites running 3.1 or older, this menu is on your sidebar. In newer versions of Moodle, access this menu via the gear icon in the upper right of your course.

Resetting a course for a single student

Is there a way to remove activity completion data for a single student within a course, without jeopardizing other students' activity completion reports? We're talking SCORM packages and certificate generation.

Re: Resetting a course for a single student

Simply put, we haven't found a way, no. You can remove a person's attempts on a SCORM package but you can't reset the entire course for that person as far as we can find.
