how to change the 12 week syllabus to a 8 week syllabus for a same course?

by Jaycee McLaughlin 8 min read

Is it necessary to take classes during syllabus week?

The guide used for this syllabus is Joseph M. Williams, Basics of Clarity and Grace, current edition. Course Components This course consists of weekly lessons. Some lessons last a week, others last several weeks. In each lesson, you will have an introduction to the material, objectives, key concepts, a reading assignment, and a writing assignment.

Is it possible to complete the whole class XI syllabus in a week?

Sep 02, 2008 · This week will be dedicated to internet activities, as well as independent study and optional test on Chapter 12, which will available on Blackboard, under “course documents”. On the last week of the course we will also meet on Monday (10/13) if needed. A detailed description of the course schedule with the classroom and on-line activities

What to do during syllabus week?

Course Syllabus Template. Course Title: Course Number: Section Number: Class Schedule: ... Delete or ignore weeks 9-16 if an 8-week course. Week 10 : Week 11 . Week 12 . Week 13 . Week 14 . Week 15 . Week 16 . 4 Methods of Evaluation ... Wednesday & Thursday 9 am – 12 pm . Lab: Tuesday & Thursday 12:05 pm – 1:05 pm . Course Description

Is your syllabus worth the time and effort?

To do this, a syllabus should include the following: Topics and readings to be covered in sequence with dates. Important dates (e.g., assignment due dates, exam dates, and holidays) Standards and criteria for graded assignments. Description of how the final grade will be computed with a breakdown of the ranges for each letter grade and whether ...

Can an Instructor change the syllabus?

These modifications are acceptable as long as they are done with the consent of students or communicated to them in writing, just like any other contract. Major changes, on the other hand, force students into a learning environment that they didn't sign up for.Jan 16, 2018

How do you structure a syllabus?

To do this, a syllabus should include the following:Basic course information (course by number, section, title, semester, meeting times, days, place, format)Instructor information (name, title, rank, office location, office phone number, e-mail)Description of the course content.More items...

How can I improve my syllabus?

Include more rather than less material. A detailed syllabus is a valuable learning tool for students and lessens their initial anxieties about the course. ... Provide basic information. ... Describe the prerequisites to the course. ... Give an overview of the course's purpose. ... State the general learning goals or objectives.

How detailed should a syllabus be?

Basic Information. Your syllabus should include the name of the course or section and the course or section number as well as the particular semester and year (e.g., Fall 2008). Include the meeting times and days of the class as well as the building name and room number where you will meet.

How is syllabus different from curriculum?

Syllabus is the focused outline of a subject. Therefore, the main difference between curriculum and syllabus is that curriculum is a set of guidelines set out for educators whereas a syllabus is a more descriptive list of concepts that are to be taught in a class.Apr 14, 2016

What is the difference between curriculum and syllabus?

The curriculum contains the overall content as provided by an education board for a particular course spanning across a stipulated time period. Whereas the syllabus explains the summary of different topics covered or units that will be taught in a specific subject or discipline under that particular course.

How do you make a syllabus fun?

Syllabus icebreaker: You can roll exploring the syllabus into an icebreaker activity. For example, you can assign students to become an expert at one portion of the syllabus, then ask them to move through the room, introducing themselves to one another and learning about the syllabus from their classmates.

What might the teacher do more to improve the course?

5 things teachers can do to improve online teaching.Utilize a variety of technology options. ... Connect to students individually. ... Prepare to work with parents. ... Consider new learning methods. ... Provide collaboration and socialization opportunities.Aug 9, 2020

What should a good syllabus contain?

A well-designed syllabus is an essential tool for effectively managing a course. ... Your Details: Name, email, phone number, office hours*Course Details: Course name, course number*, days and times the course meets, credit hours*Course Description: A brief overview of what the course will cover for the term or year.More items...•Jul 24, 2016

What are the four contents of a syllabus overview?

Both face-to-face and online syllabi should include instructor information, course description, course objectives (or course outcomes), course methodology, grading criteria, grade computation and course policies.Oct 12, 2017

How do I write an online syllabus?

The basicsPersonalize your syllabus. Consider adding a photo or welcome video to your syllabus. ... Communication expectations. ... State the technology requirements for your course. ... Remember that online also often means mobile! ... Take advantage of the scheduling tools and gradebook within Canvas.Jul 8, 2020

Is it stressful to walk into a new class?

However, classes tend to be less stressful when you’ve got somebody to talk to about assignments.

Do college textbooks cost money?

Yes, college textbooks tend to be extremely expensive. However, most classes have reading assignments from the textbook, which might determine a large portion of your grade. Also, the upperclassmen might have said you wouldn’t need the book to pass your course, but you’ll most likely do better on tests and quizzes if you read the material.

What is the process of developing a syllabus?

The process of developing a syllabus can be a reflective exercise, leading the instructor to carefully consider his or her philosophy of teaching, why the course is important, how the course fits in the discipline, as well as what topics will be covered, when assignments will be due, and so on (Eberly, Newton, & Wiggins, 2001; Grunert, 1997).

What is a syllabus?

The syllabus as a permanent record. A syllabus should serve accountability and documentation functions. It should document what was covered in a course, at what level, and for what kind of credit. Such a syllabus contains information useful for evaluation of instructors, courses, and programs, and can thus be useful in course equivalency transfer ...

What is a syllabus in college?

A syllabus lets students know what the course is about, why the course is taught, where it is going, and what will be required for them to be successful in the course (Altman & Cashin, 2003). By clearly communicating expectations, instructors can circumvent a whole host of student grievances and misunderstandings during the semester.

Why is a syllabus important?

The syllabus as a learning tool. A syllabus should help students become more effective learners in the course. While many of these items are not required for syllabi at Illinois, adding them can greatly improve students' ability to learn the material. To do this, a syllabus should include the following:

What should be included in a syllabus?

To do this, a syllabus should include the following: Important dates (e.g., assignment due dates, exam dates, and holidays)

What is the purpose of a syllabus?

The purpose of the syllabus should drive the decision as to what content to include. Three major purposes that a syllabus should serve are as a contract, a permanent record, and a learning tool (Parkes & Harris, 2002). In many cases, items are essentially required—especially for General Education courses, according to the Provost's Office ...

Is a syllabus a personal document?

The syllabus is, thus, both a professional document and a personal document. When a syllabus reflects the instructor's feelings, attitudes, and beliefs about the subject matter, teaching, learning, and students—as well as setting out the “nuts and bolts” of the course—the syllabus can serve as a guide to the instructor as much as a guide to ...