how to change course at bcc

by Talia Hirthe 9 min read

How do I change my major at Bristol Community College?

The Change of Program link can be found under a student's accessBCC account under the Student Services Tab. Program changes open when registration opens and closes at the end of the add/drop period for each semester. If the link is unavailable this means program changes are not available to students during this time.

How do I change my major at Bronx Community College?

Can I change my major on DegreeWorks? No, you must declare your change of major with the Registrar. To declare a change of major, go to the Registrar at CO 513.

How do I register for classes at CUNY BCC?

Log in to CUNYfirst to see the date and time that you may begin to register for classes. To register, select the enroll link on the Student Center page to open up the registration component. You can register online from home or an on-campus computer lab.

How do you readmit BCC?

How do I apply for readmission? Download and complete the Readmission Form. Email the completed form to [email protected]. Prior to submitting the readmission application, students must clear any holds (Bursar, Financial Aid, Library or Satisfactory Progress).

How do I change my major CUNY?

Complete the change of Major form and submit at the Enrollment Services Center (C107) or send it as an attachment by email at [email protected]. Your major should be changed within 5 business days.

What is a registrar in a college?

The Registrar is responsible for the academic administration of the college in accordance with the policies and procedures approved by the Academic Council.

Is Bronx Community College good?

Bronx Community College Named Among Best Community Colleges in New York by, a trusted resource for online/on-campus program rankings and higher education planning, has included Bronx Community College to its list of top community colleges in New York in 2022.

How do you drop a class on BCC Cunyfirst?

Choose the Student Center link from the Self Service drop down. You will now be navigated to your Student Center page. 4. To drop classes, click on the other academic dropdown and select Enrollment: Drop.

Is Bronx Community College a SUNY?

The Bronx Community College of the City University of New York (BCC) is a public community college in the Bronx, New York City. It is part of the City University of New York system....Bronx Community College.Established1957Parent institutionCUNYPresidentThomas A. IsekenegbeStudents10,919 (2016)Significant dates25 more rows

Is Bronx Community College a 4 year college?

We are Bronx! We are home to more than 40 academic programs that will prepare you to continue your education at a four-year institution or begin your career.

What readmit means?

Definition of readmit transitive verb. : to admit (someone) again readmitting them to the school after their suspension especially : to accept into a hospital a second or subsequent time readmitted the patient due to infection of the surgical incision.

What means readmission?

Definition of readmission : a second or subsequent admission : the act of readmitting someone or something readmission to the hospital five days after discharge college readmissions.

1.Print Your DegreeWorks Audit

Review your Degree Audit to learn which classes are needed for your major and make a list of courses you wish to take.

3. Meet with your ASAP advisor, Faculty academic advisor or Success Coach

Students must meet with an advisor to discuss the required courses needed for the upcoming semester. Be sure to bring your printed degree audit with you to the advisement meeting. Once you have met with an advisor, your advisement service indicator (hold) will be cleared for registration.

4. Search for Your Classes and then Register

Explore our on-campus and online offerings available for in-demand subjects, such as cybersecurity, business, science, and more! Check out all of the term options available when you’re planning your schedule.=


A waitlist is a record of students interested in adding a class that does not have available seats. If a class is full, students may have the option of joining a waitlist for that class (note that not all classes offer this option).

5. Pay Your Tuition and Fees

Tuition charges will be billed to your student account and may be viewed online through CUNYfirst after registering for classes. All students must pay their bill by the due date on the bill. Click here for Tuition and Fees and Payment Options.

Registration Information for Non-Degree Students or Visiting Students

If you are currently enrolled in a degree program at another college or university, have a bachelor’s degree, or would like to just take some credit courses for now, you may apply and register for courses.

Is Bristol Community College online?

Bristol Community College will be offering a variety of options to accommodate the needs of our students. Summer will be online with some hybrid classes. This fall, Bristol students will have the choice to return to the classroom as a hybrid student - which includes both in-person, pre-scheduled meetings on campus and flexible, scheduled online learning - or take classes fully online.

Does spring semester have a waitlist?

Courses for the spring semester will have a waitlist option, giving students the opportunity to add themselves to a waitlist for a class that is full. Learn more about Waitlist here.

Spring 2022 Highlights

February 17 – Last day to drop with 25% refund of tuition. Last day to Change or Declare a Major to be

Mission Statement

The Office of the Registrar supports the instructional and student experience by providing timely, cost-effective, quality services to the entire college community. We are committed to fostering student academic progress by ensuring the proper maintenance of academic records from admission to and graduation from Bronx Community College.

We are happy to announce our Virtual Counter and the offering of selected in-person services beginning Thursday, June 17, 2021!

Services will be provided via our Virtual Counter and On-Campus. Some On-Campus Services are by appointment only.


In-Person Transcript Requests are Temporarily Suspended. Please be advised that for students that attended Bronx Community College prior to 2007 and are requesting transcripts, your request may be delayed.

Prepare for your Appointment

Log in to view your degree audit in DegreeWorks, through your accessBCC account. DegreeWorks is an advising tool that allows you to track your degree progress, prepare for registration, and plan for graduation.

How to Find Your Advisor

Students are encouraged to meet with their assigned advisors early and often! To find out who your assigned advisor is, log into your accessBCC account and click the Degree Works link. The name of your advisor will be posted at the top of your degree audit.
