how to calculate slope of a golf course vs what you shot

by Henriette Nienow 4 min read

The first thing is to use the 15-feet formula. This formula should be approached as follows: If there is an uphill or a downhill shot of 15 feet of elevation, add or subtract one club. If there is more than 15 feet, add or subtract one club for every 15 feet.

It is always a number between 55 and 155, with 113 being the "standard" slope. You calculate slope rating by finding the bogey rating, which is like the course rating, but measured for a bogey golfer. Then subtract the course rating from that figure. Then multiply that figure by 5.381 for men and 4.24 for women.Jul 25, 2016

Full Answer

What is golf course slope and how to calculate slope rating?

How To Calculate Slope On Golf Shot? For the construction job to be completed successfully, 15 feet is the formula used. As an alternative, you can add or subtract one club if there is an uphill or downhill shot of 15 feet of elevation at this point. Each 15 feet will require 1 club, assuming that the area is over 15 feet high.

How does slope affect your golf shots?

Apr 26, 2016 · To figure out just what club to use and how hard to hit the ball, you’d need to know the slope from you to the hole. And slope is calculated by dividing “Run” by “Rise.”

What is the difference between golf course slope and difficulty?

Jul 25, 2016 · You calculate slope rating by finding the bogey rating, which is like the course rating, but measured for a bogey golfer. Then subtract the …

How do you calculate the slope of a run?

Dec 01, 2021 · How Do You Calculate Yardage For Slope? %Slope = Rise Run is the formula used to calculate this. The distance is equal to the change in elevation, and the elevation is equal to the change in % &x100% Where Rise is the change in elevation, and Run is distance. A slope is also known as a ratio of the distance between the land and the ground.

How do you determine course rating and slope?

While course ratings are a measure of the difficulty of a course, slope ratings are a measure of how much more difficult a course is for a high handicap golfer versus a lower one. For example, if you have two courses that each have a course rating of 72, they should be the same difficulty for a scratch golfer.Jul 15, 2018

What does a slope rating of 118 mean?

This is the slope rating. With a difference of 22 between the bogey rating and course rating, the slope rating is 118 for a man and 93 for a woman. leave your comments below (Comments)May 7, 2020

How do you calculate handicap slope rating?

Handicap differential = (Adjusted Gross Score-rating of the course) X 113 / Course slope ratings. The course rating is simply the scores of a new golfer on a normal course under a normal playing condition. Slope rating is the rating of 113 for a course based on the standard difficulty.

How do I calculate my 2020 course handicap?

USGA Handicap System (pre-2020)U: A Course Handicap represents the number of strokes a player receives in relation to the UCourse RatingU of the tees being played. The formula is: Course Handicap = Handicap Index x Slope Rating / 113.

How do you calculate the slope of a golf course?

You calculate slope rating by finding the bogey rating, which is like the course rating, but measured for a bogey golfer. Then subtract the course rating from that figure. Then multiply that figure by 5.381 for men and 4.24 for women. Then round up to the nearest whole number.Jul 25, 2016

How do I calculate my Course handicap from my index?

A Course Handicap is the number of strokes a player receives on each particular course. Determine a course handicap by multiplying the Handicap Index by the Slope Rating (from the course and tee you choose) and dividing by 113 (standard difficulty rating).

How do I calculate my 2021 course handicap?

Use this equation: Course Handicap = Index x (Slope Rating of Tee on Course / 113).Jan 5, 2017

How do you calculate a 2021 handicap?

A Handicap Index is calculated by taking an average of your best 8 score differentials out of your most recent 20. A score continues to be a part of the Handicap Index as long as it remains within a player's most recent 20 scores.Jul 26, 2021

What is slope in golf?

The golf course slope is a measure of a course's difficulty, but it is not considered the better of the two measurements. Golf course slope is actually derived from the golf course rating. Slope is a measure of a golf course's difficulty in a relative comparison of a scratch golfer to a bogey golfer (someone who shoots around 90 for 18 holes).

What is a golf course rating?

A golf course rating tells you what a scratch golfer would be expected to shoot from the tees they're playing on a particular course under normal conditions. The rating is different for men and women.

How many yards can a scratch golfer hit?

A male scratch golfer, for rating purposes, can hit tee shots an average of 250 yards and can reach a 470-yard hole in two shots.". A scratch woman can "can hit tee shots an average of 210 yards and can reach a 400-yard hole in two shots at sea level.".

What is a Course Rating?

This scorecard shows the course rating (first number) and slope rating (second number) for each set of tees at a course.

What is a Slope Rating?

While the course rating indicates the difficulty of a course for a scratch golfer, the slope rating, by contrast, indicates how difficult the course should be for a bogey golfer (or someone who averages +18 for 18 holes). Also unlike course rating, slope values can range from 55 to 155 with 113 being the average.

Why Have Two Numbers?

As you may have figured out already, golf is a difficult game and contains a very wide range of golfers, each with very different levels of skill. In the mid 80’s the USGA started to catch on to this big divide between scratch or professional golfers and mid to high handicap golfers.

Ratings and Updates

Changes in green roll, topography, or other obstacles can dramatically change the difficulty of a hole or course.


Although it might not be the most pressing matter for some golfers, understanding how course and slope ratings work is sure to only help you understand the game better in the long run.


What Is A Course Rating?

What Is A Slope Rating?

  • While the course rating indicates the difficulty of a course for a scratch golfer, the slope rating, by contrast, indicates how difficult the course should be for a bogey golfer (or someone who averages +18 for 18 holes). Also unlike course rating, slope values can range from 55 to 155 with 113 bein...
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Why Have Two numbers?

  • As you may have figured out already, golf is a difficult game and contains a very wide range of golfers, each with very different levels of skill. In the mid 80’s the USGA started to catch on to this big divide between scratch or professional golfers and mid to high handicap golfers. It turns out that that statistically, no matter how easy or hard a course is, scratch golfers will almost always …
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Ratings and Updates

  • While the course and slope ratings of a golf course are unlikely to change dramatically, they are usually re-evaluated every 4-5 years. This is mostly due to the fact that courses change slowly over time. While small trees may have been planted when a course opened, as they continue to grow they can start to affect play on the course in different ways. Similarly, additional features s…
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  • Although it might not be the most pressing matter for some golfers, understanding how course and slope ratings work is sure to only help you understand the game better in the long run. At the very least, it’s something to think about while you’re comparing the different courses you’ve played throughout the year; hopefully, you’re looking back at some low scores on a really challenging co…
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