how to buy a used golf cart from a golf course

by Savanna Koelpin 10 min read

Start your search by going to the golf course on which you ordinarily play. Find out if they routinely trade in their used carts. Inquire into the condition of those carts and what they might be worth. Find a trustworthy golf cart dealer if you are unsuccessful in buying a cart at your course.

Start your search by going to the golf course on which you ordinarily play. Find out if they routinely trade in their used carts. Inquire into the condition of those carts and what they might be worth. Find a trustworthy golf cart dealer if you are unsuccessful in buying a cart at your course.

Full Answer

What is a good price for an used golf cart?

Test-drive your golf cart before you buy it. Many used carts look terrific, but they don't operate as well as others. Know how much used golf carts cost before you shop. At this writing, used golf carts in decent condition will cost around $2,000-$4,000. Furthermore, you should ask cart owners you know what features are most important to them and what they paid for their carts, as well …

What type of golf cart should I buy?

The price of a used golf cart will vary depending on its make, model, age, features, and condition, but you can expect to pay anywhere between $2,000 and $5,000. This may still sound like a lot, but considering that you can spend up to $16,000 on a brand new cart, it’s clear that there are opportunities for some big savings.

How to value used golf carts to make the deal?

Mar 19, 2021 · If you are buying a used golf cart that’s electric powered, you will also need to know some basic information about the batteries. If possible, you’ll also want to test and inspect the batteries as well. Golf cart batteries don’t last forever, and can easily cost between $1,000-$2,000 for a new set.

How much does a new golf cart cost?

That being said, most new golf carts cost between $4,000 to $10,000. You can expect that a used or refurbished golf cart would cost substantially less, somewhere between $1,000 to $5,000. The cost will depend on how old the cart is, its condition and if …

How long do golf courses keep golf carts?

They make them with steel frames and they will rust and eventually break. Longevity ranges between 30-40 years or longer for the various manufacturers. To dispel rumors by non dealers - gas carts are not going to be done away with.

Can you negotiate used golf cart prices?

Q: Can I haggle on golf cart prices? The effectiveness of price haggling will vary depending on the dealer whom you visit. Some dealers will knock a little money off the price of the cart if they think that they can make a deal with you. Others may be stricter and may be less willing to negotiate on cart price.

Do golf carts hold their value?

Essentially, the golf cart market is flexible, and it allows owners to flip their old cart for a new one without affecting their bank. A product that is accepted by the majority in a market will hold its value because there will always be someone interested in buying what you have.

What should I know before buying a golf cart?

10 Things to Look for When You Buy Used Golf CartsIs the Golf Cart New or Refurbished? ... How Old Is the Golf Cart? ... Is It a Gas or Electric Golf Cart? ... If Electric, Are the Batteries in Good Condition? ... Are the Tires in Good Shape? ... How Does the Golf Cart Run? ... Who Is the Manufacturer? ... Is the Cart Itself Damaged?More items...•Jul 30, 2018

How fast can a 48v golf cart go?

The standard 48v golf cart will travel between 12 to 14 mph. However, if you apply modifications to the vehicle you can expect top speeds of 20 to 24mph.Sep 6, 2021

How fast do golf carts go?

between 12 and 14 miles per hourWhat is the Average Golf Cart Speed? The average top speed of a typical golf cart without any upgrades is between 12 and 14 miles per hour. Without any sort of modification or upgrade on a golf cart, the top speed that you will be getting on a golf cart is about 14mph.

What is the life expectancy of golf cart batteries?

about 6-10 yearsThat all being said, properly maintained battery packs in fleet carts tend to last about 4-6 years while private owners tend to get about 6-10 years out of their battery packs. Other major factors include the type of options on the cart that may increase the draw from the battery pack.

How long do golf cart batteries last?

between five and ten yearsWhen you drive a battery-powered golf cart model, it's important to charge it correctly and maintain your cart so that your battery will last as long as possible. When you take care of your golf cart's battery, you can expect it to last anywhere between five and ten years.

Is there a Kelley Blue Book for golf carts?

There's No Kelley Blue Book for Golf Carts Kelley Blue Book is focused almost exclusively on automobiles, such as cars, trucks, and vans, and does not have a branch for golf carts. That's because used golf carts are often more diverse and hard to price than cars.

What's the difference between a 36 volt and a 48 volt golf cart?

Basically, a 48V system gives you more “pep in your step” and picks up/speeds up a bit faster than a 36V system. Energy Needed/Amps Drawn- A 48V system draws less amps and provides a little more range with all things being equal (cart/passenger payload weight, motor horsepower, etc).

What's the best golf cart to buy?

Best Golf CartsMotocaddy M5 GPS Golf Trolley. Drag-and-drop pin position. ... PowaKaddy FX7 GPS Golf Trolley. Integrated GPS. ... Stewart Golf Q Follow Trolley. Unique follow function. ... PowaKaddy CT6 GPS Golf Cart. ... Motocaddy M-Tech Golf Cart. ... JuCad Drive SL Travel 2.0 Ex Golf Cart. ... Motocaddy M7 Remote Trolley. ... Bag Boy Nitron Push Cart.More items...

Whats better ezgo or club car?

E-Z-Go Golf Carts, while cheaper than Club Car golf carts, do not offer the same quality. The motors used in most E-Z-Go golf carts are not nearly as powerful as the motors used by Club Car. When going up hills or carrying a heavy load, the motors in an E-Z-Go golf cart tend to struggle.

What does it mean to buy a used golf cart?

Buying a used golf cart means a lower price, usually half of a new cart, but a cheap initial purchase can get zeroed out if you buy a cart that is ready to be refurbished. If the cart has already been renovated, then you stand to win out on price overall.

How much does a used golf cart cost?

Used golf carts in decent condition will cost an average of $2,000-$4,000. If the Golf Cart is under 5 years old, then $3,000 to $4,500. Consider your location, though, because if you are conducting your search in a golf community, then they are in higher demand there and will naturally be worth more to the seller.

How many hours does a gas cart last?

Check the meter to see how many hours or amp-hours the cart you are wanting to purchase has. Usually, a gas cart will give 5000-6000 hours before needing an overhaul. An electric will get 40,000 to 55,000 amp hours before needing an overhaul. Used carts have many 3rd party and manufacturers accessories available.

How far does an electric cart run?

The electric has an average distance of 30 miles or so between charges (48 Volt carts, that is) and are easier to maintain. A 48-volt cart will run twice as long as a 36-volt on a charge. That equates to longer run time and less time being charged. The distance between charges varies of course, with how much the cart is carrying up and down hills. ...

How to tell if a cart is sheltered?

You can probably tell if the cart has been sheltered or left outside by checking the condition of the seats and roof. The vinyl should still be flexible and not hardened by too much sun exposure. Mold in the crevices and on the roof can mean it has been out in the rain a lot.

What is the difference between electric and gas carts?

The charger for the electric cart is entirely different from an automobile battery charger and is quite a bit more expensive. Gas carts will have 4 or 5 times the moving parts that an electric cart will have and will, of course, have different maintenance routines to perform. Some models of gas carts will use a mixture of 2-cycle oil and gasoline. ...

Is there a blue book for golf carts?

There isn’t a Blue Book for golf carts so you will need to do some research to get the best price for the vehicle. Check eBay and Craigslist for similar carts. When checking eBay, set the filter to see completed sales so you can see the actual price paid, and not just what they wanted for it.


Start your search by going to the golf course on which you ordinarily play. Find out if they routinely trade in their used carts. Inquire into the condition of those carts and what they might be worth.

About the Author

Bill Herrfeldt specializes in finance, sports and the needs of retiring people, and has been published in the national edition of "Erickson Tribune," the "Washington Post" and the "Arizona Republic." He graduated from the University of Louisville.

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Used Golf Carts for Sale

We know how it goes. Sometimes you may not want to buy a new golf cart, but what about a nice used golf cart or refurbished golf cart that is 3-5 years old? In the Golf Cart Resource marketplace, you can find used golf carts for sale at a variety of price points. We make it easy for you to sort by price and even by gas or electric.

Gas Golf Carts for Sale

Now, maybe you need to get a gas golf cart after doing your research. Not everyone enjoys doing battery maintenance and prefers the old school gas golf carts which we completely understand. Gratefully, it is easy to sort for vehicles by gas or electric on our marketplace.

How Much Should I Expect to Spend on a Golf Cart?

Generally speaking, you can purchase a base used cart (including one that was part of a course’s fleet) for between $2,000 to $4,000. For $4,000 to $7,000 you can buy a well-equipped used cart with lots of options or a new cart with none to few add-ons.

How many moving parts are in an electric golf cart?

Simple laws of engineering can help with this question. If there are 500 moving parts in an electric car, there are 2,000 moving parts in a gas golf cart . There are significantly more components in a gas car that can fail, requiring repairs. If the application or use will allow for an electric car, it is always less expensive to own an electric ...

Where did golf cars originate?

There are many foreign made golf cars in the open market, primarily originating from China.

How many hours does a gas golf car last?

Ask the dealer how many hours or amp-hours are on the car you are purchasing. A gas vehicle with good maintenance will provide 1,000-2,500 hours of use before major overhaul.

Why is there no regulation for golf cars?

The lack of regulation allows those who sell golf cars the ability to promote their products in any fashion they deem fit. Far too many times the seller does not fully disclose all information to the uneducated buyer and when a problem arises, they are nowhere to be found.

Do golf car dealers refurbish?

Almost all golf car dealers refurbish or re-manufacture used cars and they all do it differently. On one end of the spectrum, the dealer replaces every wear item, all cosmetics, and all safety parts .

Can a dealer service my car at my home?

Reputable dealers can service your vehicle at your home or can transport it back to their facility for repair. They can also provide their rates for such services. If the dealer can’t provide such services or proof of such services, we do not recommend you purchase from them.

How much does a used golf cart cost?

The price of a used golf cart will vary depending on its make, model, age, features, and condition, but you can expect to pay anywhere between $2,000 and $5,000.

What to consider before buying a used golf cart?

Things to Consider Before Buying a Used Golf Cart. In the world of second-hand motor vehicles, practically anything goes. People will try to sell all sorts of carts, regardless of age and condition. For the most part, sellers will be transparent about the state of the cart they are trying to sell. But as a customer, you can never be too cautious;

Is a gas golf cart good for the environment?

However, gas carts aren’t as good for the environment, and they generally require more maintenance. You should also expect to pay more for a gas cart, plus the additional cost of refueling them. Electric golf carts are more common – they’re great for the environment, and generally don’t require a lot of maintenance.

Can you get a used golf cart at a fractional price?

You can easily get a top-of-the-range model at a fractional price. However, it’s important to carefully assess exactly what it is you’re buying. There’s a lot that could potentially be wrong with a used golf cart, so be sure to check its tires, how it runs, and its overall visible condition.

Who is the founder of GolfSpan?

The 5 Best Golf Cart Batteries For Longevity and Price. Nick Lomas . Nick Lomas is the founder of GolfSpan, an avid golfer, not quite a pro but has over 15-years of experience playing and coaching golfers from all over the world.

Can a used golf cart be refurbished?

Some used golf carts may have received a thorough repair and reconditioning, whereby they are sold under the label of ‘refurbished’. A successful refurbishment could result in a golf cart that’s practically as good as new. However, there are some dealers who may simply give a cart a fresh coat of paint, or a new set of tires, ...

What is the process of buying a used golf cart?

An essential part of the process of buying a used golf cart that is frequently overlooked (due to time constraints, cost, or just pure laziness) is taking a prospective vehicle to a trusted shop or dealer to have it professionally inspected.

How much does a golf cart battery cost?

Golf cart batteries don’t last forever, and can easily cost between $1,000-$2,000 for a new set. Faulty or old batteries can also damage other key components of the cart, such as the motor, or the onboard charger (this happened to us).

What type of batteries are used in golf carts?

Keep in mind that these tips are specific to lead-acid batteries, which are the most common types of batteries you’re likely to encounter. In the off chance you come across a golf cart with newer lithium ion batteries or some other type, you’ll need to research tips specific to those batteries.

Is a golf cart a good investment?

When buying a used golf cart, some prospective buyers take a golf cart for a short spin around a parking lot and call it good. Even worse, they buy a golf cart without riding it at all, or sight unseen. The only way to ensure that a particular golf cart will be a good investment for you is to take it for a drive that mimics how you intend ...

Do you need to know the batteries of a golf cart?

If you’re buying a used golf cart that’s electric powered, you’ll also need to know some basic information about the batteries. If possible, you’ll also want to test and inspect the batteries as well.

Can you drive a golf cart on public roads?

In many places, your golf cart will need to be modified to be permitted to drive on public roads. Some places require the addition of a street legal kit, while other places only allow gas-powered carts to use public roads.

Is a golf cart cheap?

Many first-time buyers are surprised by the price of golf carts relative to more mainstream vehicles. Indeed, golf carts are not cheap! All the more reason to do your due diligence to help increase the chances that the cart you get will end up being a good investment for your money and lifestyle. In this guide, we highlight ...

What is a used golf cart?

But what does that mean? A “used” cart typically is a golf cart that was used by a business, golf club or another golfer for a number of years and just like a new car-they’re looking to get rid of it.

How much does a gas golf cart cost?

Keep in mind, gas golf carts hold their value better, so they will likely be more expensive. That being said, most new golf carts cost between $4,000 to $10,000. You can expect that a used or refurbished golf cart would cost substantially less, somewhere between $1,000 to $5,000. The cost will depend on how old the cart is, ...

How long does it take for a golf cart battery to charge?

However, there’s only so far that a charged battery will take you and once it’s dead, you’re stuck-most golf cart batteries have to charge for about eight hours before they’re usable again.

How long does a golf cart last?

A cart that has been well-taken care of and properly serviced can last for more than 20 years, easily. It is so important that you carefully consider your decision when purchasing a used golf cart, making sure you take time to research the brands you like, the features you want, and the kind of cart before buying.

How many amp hours does a gas cart run?

Most gas and electric models come with an amp hour meter that that measures the hours of use. A gas cart will run for 4,000 to 5,000 amp hours before needing significant repairs. An electric powered card will run for 40,000 to 50,000 amp hours before needing those same repairs.

Is refurbished better than used?

Refurbished is not necessarily better than used, especially when no parts are replaced, so make sure to ask what is “new” on the cart before you pay a premium for a “renovated” cart.

Is a gas cart better than a gas cart?

Gas powered carts tend to go a little faster and are a little more powerful, so if you know that you’re going to be loading up your cart every time with more than one person or with heavy items, this might be more suitable for you. There are some drawbacks though. gas powered carts tend to be noisier.

How much does a used golf cart cost?

The price of used golf carts varies depending on the make, model, and condition. However, used golf carts typically cost between $2000 and $2500.

What is a golf cart?

A golf cart is one of the essential accessories to have when playing golf in a golf course. However, it is crucial to choose a golf cart brand and model that is right for you.

What is the speediest golf cart?

The Garia Monaco is one of the speediest golf carts on the market. On the downside, this golf cart may exceed the speed limit of many U.S. golf courses. It comes with a 10-inch high-resolution touchpad that provides details about the vehicle including: Power consumption. Speed.

What are the disadvantages of electric golf carts?

The disadvantages of electric golf carts include: Limited range: Electric golf carts have a range of between 15 and 25 miles. Once their batteries run out of juice, you may have to wait for hours for them to recharge. Provides less power than gas-powered golf carts. Lower resale value.

Why do people like electric golf carts?

Many people prefer electric golf carts because they are quiet. However, there are many other benefits of this type of golf cart, including: Low maintenance: Electric golf carts are much easier to maintain than gas-powered golf carts. They do not require an oil change or spark plug replacement.

How many people can fit in a Club Car Precedent 13?

Cashmere. The Club Car Precedent 13 does not have lots of passenger space and can only accommodate a maximum of two people. However, this golf cart provides a smooth and comfortable ride and is available in gas and electric powered options.

Is a golf cart electric or gas?

Golf carts are either gas or electric powered. You need to consider a couple of factors before deciding whether to choose a gas or electric golf cart. Some of the factors to consider include: The primary intended use of the golf cart. The required vehicle range.
