how to buy a revel course from pearson

by Reece Sanford 6 min read

Get Registered
  1. Go to then click Educator (under Get Started).
  2. You will be asked if you have a Pearson account. ...
  3. If you don't have a Pearson Account, click on the “No, I would like to request access” option and you will be directed to a form which will validate you as an instructor.
Jul 13, 2020

Can I use my existing Pearson account to access Revel?

Dec 16, 2021 · Revel and eText for Blackboard, Brightspace, Canvas, and Moodle: Section instructors and teaching assistants. Learn how to use Revel or eText content as a section instructor or teaching assistant in an LMS course. 3338 Views • Aug 18, 2020 • Knowledge.

How do I buy an access code for my Revel course?

Revel is an immersive learning experience that enlivens familiar and respected course content with media interactives and assessments. Designed for the way today's students read, think, and learn, Revel empowers educators to increase engagement in the course, to better connect with students, and to break through to learning reimagined.

How do I integrate Revel and eText or Pearson with canvas?

If you already have a Pearson account for another product or service, you can use your existing username and password to access Revel. Access code or credit card You can buy an access code for your Revel course where you buy your textbooks. Or you can buy instant access with a credit card or PayPal account. Need more help? Watch Get Registered

How does Revel work for students?

A Fully Mobile Learning Experience. Revel for Liang Java enables students to read and interact with course material on the devices they use, anywhere and anytime. Responsive design ensures students can access Revel for Liang Java on their tablet devices, with content displayed clearly in both portrait and landscape view.

How do I join a course on Pearson Revel?

Course invite link Your instructor will share this web address by email, on your syllabus, or through class set-up materials. Once you have this link, click it and follow the prompts to join the course. If you don't have the link, please contact your instructor.

How much does Pearson revel cost?

In addition, Pearson in 2014 introduced Revel, a $65 online platform equipped with digital text and learning tools that can enliven course content with interactive media and assessments.Jan 18, 2017

Where can I buy Pearson access code?

Option 2: Buy an access code from your school's bookstore. Your school's bookstore may carry access code cards for your Pearson product, either sold separately or packaged with your textbook. If you have trouble finding the right one, ask the bookstore staff or your instructor for help.

Does Pearson include Revel?

The Revel app from Pearson lets you access Revel on the go, anywhere and anytime. It enables instructors to view performance insights right from their mobile device. And it allows learners to access course materials on their tablets and phones, online and off.

Are revel quizzes open book?

​​The​​10-question​​quizzes​​are​​open​​book​​and​​timed​​at​​30​​minutes; questions​​are​​randomized​​and​​pooled,​​and​​students​​have​​two​​attempts​​at​​each​​quiz.

Does Pearson revel track time?

To view time on a course: Click on Settings tab. Under Course Management, locate the course and click on Edit. Under Manage Students, you will find the total Time Spent on Course for all students.

Can you buy Pearson access code online?

Answer: You can use the following link to purchase an instant student access code. You can contact your Local Sales Representative for assistance.

Can you buy access codes separately?

Can You Buy Access Codes For Textbooks. Yes, you absolutely can. While many textbooks come with an access code, they are available to purchase separately online if you do not have one.Nov 16, 2021

How much is a Pearson access code?

$146.65MyLab Statistics -- Standalone Access CardFormatAccess Code CardISBN-13:9780321694645Online purchase price$146.65Net priceInstructors, sign in here to see net priceAvailabilityAvailable

Can you download Pearson Revel?

Offline access The Revel app lets you download your course materials to your devices, so you can read and study even when you're offline.

What is App Revel?

Description. With the Revel app from Pearson, you can read, practice, and study anytime and anywhere—and set notifications so you never miss a due date again. The Revel app lets you access your interactive course materials on your tablet or mobile phone, offline and online.

How do I add books to my Pearson Revel?

Link your accountsFrom your LMS course, select the Revel and eText or Pearson link. ... Agree to any authorization requests.Link your LMS account with your Pearson instructor account. ... Select Continue.Next, add or copy Revel or eText content to your LMS course.Dec 17, 2021

Course invite link

Your instructor will share this web address by email, on your syllabus, or through class set-up materials. Once you have this link, click it and follow the prompts to join the course. If you don't have the link, please contact your instructor.

Email address

If you need to create a Pearson account, you'll need an email address that you check regularly. This address will be used for communications about the course. Your instructor may also use this email address to communicate with you.

Access code or credit card

You can buy an access code for your Revel course where you buy your textbooks. Or you can buy instant access with a credit card or PayPal account.

What is a revel?

Revel is your digital textbook replacement. Features like built-in-quizzing, integrated multimedia, and an audio-version of your text boost understanding, retention, and preparedness, helping you learn more efficiently than with a traditional textbook.

What can you do with Mobile Revel?

Mobile Revel users can view and navigate assignments, access video and audio, and navigate the complete Revel Table of Contents. Please note that some functionality, such as interactive activities, may be limited or not

How to create a Pearson account?

To create a Pearson account, click on the course invitation link* that you received from your instructor, syllabus, etc. To create a Pearson account for the first time, click “Create an Account” underneath the blue “Sign in” button. You will need to enter your first name, last name, valid email address and then create a username and password. *If your instructor has integrated your Revel course with your Blackboard or Canvas course, you can create a Pearson account by selecting the link to Revel from your Blackboard or Canvas course, and “Create an Account”.
