how to build an online elearning course

by Florian Conroy 5 min read

Ηow to Build a Great eLearning Course.

  • Step 1: Consult an eLearning Professional. Sometimes you can’t create an eLearning course entirely on your own. This is usually the case in larger ...
  • Step 2: Conduct Research.
  • Step 3: Write Down your Learning Objectives.
  • Step 4: Pick Your Online Training Tools.
  • Step 5: Create a Course Outline.

How to create an eLearning course
  1. Step 1: Establish the why of your project. ...
  2. Step 2: Gather your current materials. ...
  3. Step 3: Distill your topic into an eLearning script. ...
  4. Step 4: Define the visual look-and-feel of your project. ...
  5. Step 5: Develop materials for your course. ...
  6. Step 6: Assemble into one cohesive course.

Full Answer

How to start developing your eLearning courses?

Steps to Launch an eLearning Program

  • Outline Your Training Program Goals. ...
  • Choose Your Technology. ...
  • Audit Your Current Materials. ...
  • Develop Content and Materials for Your Program. ...
  • Run an eLearning Program Pilot. ...
  • Fine Tune and Launch. ...
  • Encourage and Support Your Employees to Complete the Program. ...
  • Evaluate Results and Program Effectiveness. ...

How to launch an eLearning course?

While some of us, being newbies to the world of e-learning, would be slightly hesitant to enroll in Udemy’s paid courses, it is always a good idea to start off by opting for a Free course first to ease in. Here, we have listed out a few top free courses ...

How to design an eLearning course on a budget?

Tips To Create An Amazing Online Training Course On A Tight eLearning Budget

  • Narrow the scope of your online content. ...
  • Repurpose existing online training materials. ...
  • Find the perfect eLearning tools. ...
  • Rely on eLearning templates and online media libraries. ...
  • Create bite-sized online training experiences. ...
  • Invest in needs analysis and audience research. ...

How can I create my eLearning courses faster?

E-learning templates – allow much much faster course development, and can be a source of inspiration and learning if you are struggling with developing everything on your own. Our experience shows that using e-learning templates is the fastest and cheapest way of building e-learning content.

Why is elearning important?

It will also show gaps in current training and how you can close the breach and get results. This also prevents you from throwing eLearning at a problem it can’t solve. Elearning is perfect for addressing gaps in skill or knowledge but is typically not an effective cure for lack of customer satisfaction or a job design problem.

What is a prototype in eLearning?

A prototype defines the representative look-and-feel and functionality of the entire course. It also is used to test out technical functionality. This allows eLearning designers to create and discard multiple versions quickly to get the best fit before wasting too many resources on designing the whole course then finding out something doesn’t work.

What is a storyboard?

A storyboard is a rough, visual outline that helps map out how text, pictures, and other elements will look on a page. This will help you see how your page will look before you waste time putting together the final design only to find out the elements don’t fit together right.


Online course creation and sales on Udemy, Skillshare, Teachable, Thinkific or other Elearning platforms. Create a best-in-class course that will dominate its industry and position you as an expert.


3-time bestselling Amazon author with some of my books used in universities and high schools across the country.

How to develop an eLearning course?

In short, to develop a successful eLearning course, you must take good care of these elements: content, design, structure, and interaction. For content, create one that suits your learners the best! But remember, even a skyrocket content can’t attract learners without a fine, consistent design style. In addition, don’t forget that a good course structure will wake learners’ curiosity for knowledge. A dull one will push information to them. Lastly, the glue that will tie all of these portions together and enhance learners’ experience is meaningful interaction.

What is the last element of an eLearning course?

The last element of a successful eLearning course is interaction. Indeed, interaction is what makes the learning experience complete and memorable. Due to the geographical distance and the lack of instructors’ presence, interaction becomes a vital element in eLearning courses. Since it offers us an active role to gain knowledge, we learn much more effective. Besides, interaction also helps learners maintain their attention and engagement during the course.

What are the elements of a course design?

To begin with, there are 3 elements that you should pay attention to. Specifically, they are fonts, colors, and illustrations.


This course is designed for beginners in developing online learning or more experienced online creators.


You may be considering a new career?, looking for new ways of earning passive income or just wish to share your skills and knowledge with others. Whatever your goal in creating online courses we have designed a course that will take you through the process from A-Z.

Who this course is for

Individuals or teams that wish to create an online course for additional passive income opportunities


Platform One Virtual Services have been creating unique training and learning packages since 1997.

Student feedback

It is good and nice but I would prefer you throw more highlights on different type of contents E learning we will want to focus on and deliberate on it . Apart that is is good and helpful

How to create an eLearning course

Before we get to the free tools, if you’re ready to create eLearning content for your team, there are a few basic steps any project will follow.

25 free eLearning authoring tools

You’ll notice that, in those six steps, we identified a few key areas of development, namely:

Get help with your employee training

For some, DIYing your own eLearning course won’t be worth the time or effort. Or, you may want an expert to jump on board to help you create a large-scale strategy or pick up certain development tasks. At EdgePoint Learning, we know that creating effective and remarkable eLearning programs takes work.

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How to make an online course more engaging?

An easy way to make online courses more engaging is to stimulate the student visually. This means pictures and videos. The simplest method of using picture and videos in an online course would be constructing your online class more like a PowerPoint presentation:

What is the most important part of creating an online course?

One of the most important components of creating an online course is setting a learning goal for the course . However, there’s more to it. Every online course consists of various sections, and each individual section also needs to have a clear learning goal.

What does it mean to get started teaching?

Which means you need to get your knowledge together.

What is the target audience of an online course?

The target audience is the group of people to whom you are writing your course.

Do you have to create all the content for an online course?

That being said, you don’t need to create all of the content for your online course before you start selling it. It’s always better to start off with a smaller batch of content, as this will allow you to take in feedback from your students and make improvements accordingly.

Is it a waste of time to create an online course?

It’s crucial that you decide on a specific course subject in the beginning phase of creating your online course. Be as specific as possible.

Do online courses require money?

Contrary to popular belief, the process of creating online courses doesn’t require a large chunk of money. If you know what you are doing, you can develop profitable online courses at no cost whatsoever. Creating successful online courses is like building powerful magnets.

How to make a course premium?

To make your course premium, you must first add a WooCommerce Product. To do so, go to your WordPress admin panel, then navigate to Woo Commerce -> Products -> Add New. You can now create a product by giving it a name, description, regular price, and sale price.

What is a front end course builder?

The front-end course builder is one of the unique features of Tutor Pro, which is not available on any other LMS plugin. It allows very new instructors the freedom to use their LMS without having to go to the back-end admin panel every time.

How many quizzes can you make in tutor LMS?

Creating quizzes is the same for both the front-end and back-end course builders. Tutor LMS gives you a total of 10 types of questions to ask the students, each with their own type of advantages and customization options.

What is edumax theme?

Edumax is a theme that supports all the unique features that Tutor LMS has, such as dashboard analytics, front-end course builder, and so on. To get Edumax, you must first go to their page and complete the purchase the same way you did with Tutor Pro, and your theme file will be ready to download in your Themeum Dashboard.

Why is it important to have a secure platform?

Having a secure platform is important when you want to have control over who actually has access to your content.

What is prerequisite course?

A prerequisite course is one that must be completed before enrolling in this course. For example, Basics of Programming Languages must be completed before taking the Advanced Java Algorithms course.

Can you have quizzes in a lesson?

Each of the assigned topics can have Quizzes and Assignments, along with other lessons inside those topics. Lessons contain the bulk of the course content. While building a lesson, you can give it a name, a written excerpt of the materials to be covered, and a featured image followed by the video source.

What does it mean to get into online courses?

Getting into the online course space now means showing off with customers' results. And that is the ultimate goal you should have anyway. Not just because that brings you in more and also easier sales, but also because it fulfills the actual main purpose behind your course, which should be changing someone else’s life.

How to make a course that sells?

Here are 3 things you need to consider if you want to build an online course that sells: You must offer a clear transformation in a big market. You must have a support system set up. You must cover all learning types.

Is selling online courses a passive income?

Selling online courses is the most attractive business model out there because you don’t have to have a huge amount of money to get started and the costs to maintain an online course business are also very low—not to mention, that it’s almost considered a “passive” income stream.

Do different people learn better?

Yes, that’s right. Different people learn differently. Some people learn better through reading documents, while others learn better through watching videos or listening to audiotapes. The last thing you want is to have upset students because you didn’t provide the right learning material for them to study.
