how to build an elearning course

by Lourdes Schowalter 9 min read

How To Easily Create eLearning Courses

  • Choose an authoring tool that is right for you. ...
  • Research your eLearning audience and subject matter beforehand. ...
  • Create an eLearning template or use an existing one. ...
  • Choose a cloud-based learning management system. ...
  • Use links to add multimedia and resources. ...
  • Keep video, audio, and graphic elements simple and straightforward. ...

How to create an eLearning course
  1. Step 1: Establish the why of your project. ...
  2. Step 2: Gather your current materials. ...
  3. Step 3: Distill your topic into an eLearning script. ...
  4. Step 4: Define the visual look-and-feel of your project. ...
  5. Step 5: Develop materials for your course. ...
  6. Step 6: Assemble into one cohesive course.

Full Answer

How to build a better eLearning course?

Jan 13, 2015 · How To Easily Create eLearning Courses Choose an authoring tool that is right for you. In many respects, the eLearning authoring tool (s) you use have the... Research your eLearning audience and subject matter beforehand. One of the most significant mistakes that an eLearning... Create an eLearning ...

How to design an eLearning course on a budget?

Feb 16, 2010 · Clear objectives: understanding desired results and how to get there. Appropriate content: information that supports the learning objectives. Relevance: information is meaningful and relevant to the learner. There are all sorts of models and ways to collect the information you need for a course.

How to start creating an online course?

How can I create my eLearning courses faster?

Why is elearning important?

It will also show gaps in current training and how you can close the breach and get results. This also prevents you from throwing eLearning at a problem it can’t solve. Elearning is perfect for addressing gaps in skill or knowledge but is typically not an effective cure for lack of customer satisfaction or a job design problem.

What is a prototype in eLearning?

A prototype defines the representative look-and-feel and functionality of the entire course. It also is used to test out technical functionality. This allows eLearning designers to create and discard multiple versions quickly to get the best fit before wasting too many resources on designing the whole course then finding out something doesn’t work.

What is a storyboard?

A storyboard is a rough, visual outline that helps map out how text, pictures, and other elements will look on a page. This will help you see how your page will look before you waste time putting together the final design only to find out the elements don’t fit together right.

What is need analysis?

A need analysis make sure you aren’t doing training just for training’s sake. Conducting a needs analysis: This analysis can range from a simple interview to broader, more in-depth data collection methods that include looking at past training, desired results and the current state of your workforce.

How to make a course premium?

To make your course premium, you must first add a WooCommerce Product. To do so, go to your WordPress admin panel, then navigate to Woo Commerce -> Products -> Add New. You can now create a product by giving it a name, description, regular price, and sale price.

What is a front end course builder?

The front-end course builder is one of the unique features of Tutor Pro, which is not available on any other LMS plugin. It allows very new instructors the freedom to use their LMS without having to go to the back-end admin panel every time.

Why is it important to have a secure platform?

Having a secure platform is important when you want to have control over who actually has access to your content.

What is edumax theme?

Edumax is a theme that supports all the unique features that Tutor LMS has, such as dashboard analytics, front-end course builder, and so on. To get Edumax, you must first go to their page and complete the purchase the same way you did with Tutor Pro, and your theme file will be ready to download in your Themeum Dashboard.

How to use VooPlayer?

To use VooPlayer, simply go to their site and select a plan that seems right for you. After completing your purchase, you can upload your video content securely to your VooPlayer site.

What is prerequisite course?

A prerequisite course is one that must be completed before enrolling in this course. For example, Basics of Programming Languages must be completed before taking the Advanced Java Algorithms course.

How many quizzes can you make in tutor LMS?

Creating quizzes is the same for both the front-end and back-end course builders. Tutor LMS gives you a total of 10 types of questions to ask the students, each with their own type of advantages and customization options.

How to create an eLearning course

Before we get to the free tools, if you’re ready to create eLearning content for your team, there are a few basic steps any project will follow.

25 free eLearning authoring tools

You’ll notice that, in those six steps, we identified a few key areas of development, namely:

Get help with your employee training

For some, DIYing your own eLearning course won’t be worth the time or effort. Or, you may want an expert to jump on board to help you create a large-scale strategy or pick up certain development tasks. At EdgePoint Learning, we know that creating effective and remarkable eLearning programs takes work.

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Establish the kind of training course you need

It sounds simple, but this is an important step to take before you even start to build your online course.

Split your eLearning course into smaller modules

Next, decide if you can break down your course materials into smaller sized pieces. This has a number of benefits – for both you, and your learners.

Incorporate tasks and activities into eLearning courses

Have you ever sat through a training session, listening to a presenter talk through endless slides of text? This can get very boring and frustrating for learners, while also failing to engage them in the content. Online courses that are nothing more than slabs of information on-screen are just as ineffective.

Be clear about the outcomes of the course

Be clear about exactly what it is that learners will achieve from completing your online course. Will they receive accreditation in a new skill, for example? Your eLearning course will be more successful if you can state clearly what outcome will be achieved by learners.

Make your online course look good

Last, but not least – make sure your online course looks good. While this may seem superficial, the reality is that when it comes to eLearning, first impressions matter.

How to determine course content?

Your course content is determined by your objectives. To determine your objectives, you look at your current results and compare them to where you need to be. The comparison should identify a gap. This helps keep your objectives performance-based and is the basis for how you measure success.

What is the tendency in elearning?

The tendency in elearning is to design courses focused on information. These tend to be the dreaded click-and-read courses, where the learner just clicks a next button to advance. Ideally, the course is less about the information and more about how the learner uses the information.

Why do experienced developers rely less on resources?

On the other hand, experienced developers rely less on those resources because they have more experience and a deeper understanding of what it takes to create an elearning course.

What is clear objective?

Clear objectives: understanding desired results and how to get there. Appropriate content: information that supports the learning objectives. Relevance: information is meaningful and relevant to the learner. There are all sorts of models and ways to collect the information you need for a course.

What is case study and scenario?

Case studies & scenarios: Present some problem solving exercises and activities. You can make these as simple or complex as you like. The main point is to give the learner a way to use the information and get feedback.

Is it easy to use a template?

It’s easy to use templates, but the real challenge and innovation comes from one’s ability to take a template and transform it into something new and exiting. Using a template can provide a good foundation, but in order to make a course interesting, new ideas and ways of execution should always be considered.


This course is designed for beginners in developing online learning or more experienced online creators.


You may be considering a new career?, looking for new ways of earning passive income or just wish to share your skills and knowledge with others. Whatever your goal in creating online courses we have designed a course that will take you through the process from A-Z.

Who this course is for

Individuals or teams that wish to create an online course for additional passive income opportunities


Platform One Virtual Services have been creating unique training and learning packages since 1997.

Student feedback

Yes, I will certainly go through the course again with focus in the activities and again to be critical and ... that's howI learn.
