how to be funny college course

by Amir Armstrong 6 min read

What are some fun courses to take in college?

You’ll begin to understand:

  • Your own self-awareness
  • Why humans behave a certain way
  • How to understand what people feel about a situation when it’s not clear
  • How to listen and respond with their interests in mind
  • Sympathy and empathy for all types of people
  • A more open worldview

How to find college courses?

A digital course could help you:

  • exercise your mind
  • progress your career
  • explore new job prospects
  • get started online

What are all the college courses?

  • Important Facts About Undergraduate Majors
  • Natural Sciences. Most students must take at least one class in natural science, like biology, physics, astronomy, geology or chemistry.
  • Mathematics. ...
  • Foreign Languages. ...
  • English. ...
  • Humanities. ...
  • Social Sciences. ...
  • Visual and Performing Arts. ...

What are the basic courses of college?

The students will use vacuum collection devices, syringes, capillary skin puncture, butterfly needles and blood culture, and specimen collection on adults, children and infants. The course focuses on infection prevention, proper patient identification, labeling of specimen and quality assurance, specimen handling, processing and accessioning.

What is Lady Gaga's sociology course?

How many students went to college in 2018?

Is the O.C. worthy of study?

Is surfing a good sport?

Can college courses be rote?

Can you study zombies online?

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What is the most fun course in college?

Fun Classes To Take In CollegeIntro To Beer/Wine. Talk about fun, right? ... Photography. A few of my friends started their own business taking engagements and wedding event pictures. ... Acting. ... Ballroom Dancing. ... Art. ... Horseback Riding. ... Psychology. ... Music.More items...

Can you take fun classes in college?

Electives are a fun way to try something new and different and get you out of your major coursework for a while. The electives on this list are some of the most fun, and many colleges offer them giving anyone the chance to expand their horizons and get out of their comfort zone.

How do you ace a college course?

7 Habits Proven to Help You Ace Your College ClassesPlan when you're going to study. ... Take excellent notes. ... Establish a study zone. ... Take breaks and get enough sleep. ... Take advantage of your professors. ... Stay organized. ... Don't put off studying.

Whats the weirdest degree you can get?

Weirdest degrees to study at universityViticulture and Oenology. ... Horology. ... Air Transport with Helicopter Training. ... Ethical Hacking. ... Brewing and Distilling. ... Ethnobotany. ... Animal Behaviour and Psychology. ... Baking Science and Technology.More items...•

What is the easiest class in college?

9 Easiest College Classes For SuccessFilm History. If you're imagining that you'll be sitting in a theatre and watching films all the time, then you're only somewhat wrong. ... Creative Writing. There are infinite ways to tell a story. ... Physical Education. ... Psychology. ... Public Speaking. ... Anthropology. ... Art History. ... Acting.More items...

What is the hardest course in college?

Toughest Courses in the World ExplainedEngineering. Considered one of the toughest courses in the world, engineering students are required to have tactical skills, analytical skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. ... Chartered Accountancy. ... Medicine. ... Pharmacy. ... Architecture. ... Law. ... Psychology. ... Aeronautics.More items...•

Is getting straight A's worth it?

While good grades can be an indication that children will grow up to excel in life as they did in school, it's far from a guarantee. In fact, straight A's can actually be a sign that your child isn't learning what he needs to learn in order to be successful in life.

How do I get all A's?

7 Secrets to Getting Straight A's in CollegePursue Your Passion. ... Organize Your Class Schedule to Best Suit You. ... Visit Your Professors' Office Hours. ... Buy a Planner. ... Build an Effective Study Schedule. ... Understand How You Are Graded. ... Set Yourself Up for Success the Day Before an Exam.

How do you get A+ in university?

How to learn algebraHead Start, Don't Wait Until You Are Stuck, Make Sure You Are 2 Weeks Ahead Of Your Class. ... Take Notes During Class. ... Do The Homework. ... Practice Makes Perfect: Practice, Practice, Practice. ... Make Sure You Understand Every Question, If Not, Look For Help. ... Plan! ... Be Healthy!

What are fun degrees?

30 fun majorsFermentation sciences. Getting a Bachelor's Degree in Fermentation Sciences prepares you for a career in the brewing industry. ... Pop culture. ... Viticulture. ... Auctioneering. ... 5. Entertainment design. ... Golf course management. ... Costume technology. ... Professional scuba diving.More items...•

What degrees are useless?

20 Most Useless DegreesAdvertising. If you're an advertising major, you may hope to get into digital marketing, e-commerce, or sports marketing. ... Anthropology And Archeology. ... Art history. ... Communications. ... Computer Science. ... Creative Writing. ... Criminal Justice. ... Culinary arts.More items...

Is there a degree in Harry Potter?

Fantasy Literature: Harry Potter (Ohio State University) If so, you will be pleased to hear that some universities already offer course modules dedicated to J.K.Rowling's magical books. To be more specific, the Ohio State University teaches a course titled 'Fantasy Literature: Harry Potter'.

12 Weird College Classes That Universities Have Actually Offered

Choosing your class schedule might just be the most frustrating part of college life. After a monthlong dance over the delicate tripwires that are 8 a.m. lectures and horrible professors, you log on to register for the one class you actually need to graduate on time — only to watch the open seats vanish before your eyes.. Then, in a panic, you sign up for three different philosophy classes ...

24 Strange And Unique College Courses -

A fun, comprehensive listing of unique and strange college courses in disciplines including medicine, sociology, architecture, literature, art and more, at

Why is humor important?

Many research have acknowledged the importance of humor in our daily life. Laughter truly is the best medicine when it comes to keeping us feeling physically and mentally healthy. Humor communication also builds the emotional connection that will bring people closer together.

Is being funny a skill?

Being funny is not something that you are born with. It is a skillset that you can acquire and learn. Different from other courses, this workshop goes straight to the tools that you need to exercise humor without the need to go through complicated theories understanding. First, we will learn the do and don’ts of humor.

What do humor classes teach you?

Most importantly, the classes teach you to be funny without being annoying. In addition to this, you will learn to connect with your audience. Key USPs-.

Who taught stand up comedy?

The classes are taught by Judd Apatow, who is the genius behind films with hilarious plotlines like Bridesmaids and Knocked Up. Throughout the lectures, you will work on developing the plot lines, characters, and writing dialogues. When you are done, you will have the knowledge and confidence to take your first step in show business.

Is stand up comedy a trending profession?

Stand-up comedy is quickly becoming one of the trending professions nowadays. Due to multiple acts coming up all at once, it has become quite vital to establish your unique tone and brand. On Udemy, you will find a short questionnaire that will recommend suitable programs for you based on your learning preference.

How to be funny even if you are not?

Give the opposite answer to yes/no questions. The easiest way to be funny, even if you are not, is to give the opposite answer to yes/no questions . Yes, it is that simple. If people are expecting you to say yes, you say no; if people are expecting you to say no, you say yes. The more obvious the better.

What is the beauty of personal experiences as fodder for humor?

The beauty of using personal experiences as fodder for humor is that your life experience is unique, and , therefore, stories based on it are guaranteed to be original. Jon Acuff does this really well: The easiest way to be funny is highlighting actual funny things that happen in your everyday life.

What is observational humor? What are some examples?

The classic examples of this are Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David, whose experiences led them not just to do stand-up comedy, but also to create two award-winning comedy shows (NBC’s Seinfeld and HBO’s Curb Your Enthusiasm). The beauty of using personal experiences as fodder for humor is that your life experience is unique, and, therefore, stories based on it are guaranteed to be original.

Is a story of you falling at the grocery store a joke?

You might think that the story of you tripping and falling at the grocery store doesn’t qualify as a joke. Actually, jokes are harder to tell in real life than stories. A joke is a fake story that sets up for a punchline. If the punchline falls flat, you end up looking like a fool. Rather than tell jokes, exceptionally funny people tell relevant stories that have humorous elements. If people don’t find a story funny, no big deal, because the story has a point beyond just being funny. If people laugh, then all the better.

1. Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse: Disasters, Catastrophes, and Human Behavior

This online course from Michigan State University looks at how humans behave during catastrophes and disasters.

2. The Art of Walking: The German Novella

Centre College offers this course on walking, for those of us who never learned how.

3. Introduction to Beekeeping

While we should all learn how help our very significant and very-quickly-dying-out pollinating friends, you could actually get college credit for it.

4. The Science of Harry Potter

This course at Frostburg State University was the brainchild of Professor Plitnik (who sounds like he might be an actual Harry Potter character) and an exploration of the physics behind the magic throughout the beloved book series.

5. Lemonade: Black Women, Beyonce & Popular Culture

The University of Texas at San Antonio offers a class, that explores “the theoretical, historical, and literary frameworks of black feminism, which feature prominently in Lemonade,” by looking at black feminist literature, theory, film and music — pretty much everything Lemonade is.

6. Coffee 101

Exactly what it sounds like: This course from Oberlin Experimental College focuses on “coffee and its history for the average Joe” (I see your coffee pun).

7. How to Stage a Revolution

Ohio State University is busy training the next generation for revolt. Just kidding (maybe), but it does offer a course that looks at different revolutionary movements to better understand why some succeed and others fail.


1. Philosophy of Sex and Love, William Paterson University: You understand the basics; now, get to the bottom of what your partner is really thinking in this liberal arts course, and finally figure out why breaking up is hard to do.


3. A History of the Pig in America, Xavier University: Dig in to your studies and get the beef on pork with this meaty course. From Indian conflict to American meatpacking, the pig has used its trotter to make a mark on U.S. history -- now, you can learn how the porcine kind shaped a nation.


11. Rural Surgery, Columbia University: Load up the pickup truck and head to the country; this health care elective has med students getting their surgical experience far from the sophisticated trappings of city life.

Political science

14. Wargaming Theory and Practice, U.S. Naval War College: Operational warfare is the subject of this military college course. Students even get to design their own war. "Required readings are kept to a critical minimum," the text promises.


17. English through Music, San Jose State University: Sing along with popular songs and learn English words, phrases and idioms. Plus, learn the phrase "Before I leave / brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack."


19. Deviance, University of Texas: "Be prepared to study," warns the course description for this popular sociology course. No word yet on whether skipping class to smoke cigarettes behind the gym offers extra credit.


21. Plagues and Pandemics, UC Berkeley: If you're feeling under the weather, you might want to skip the morning lecture of this immunology course, which features a guided tour through history's most diseased years.

What is Lady Gaga's sociology course?

Little Monsters will fall hard for the University of South Carolina 's strange ode to Mother Monster herself, a course dubbed "Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame." After becoming enthralled with the singer and artist after seeing her on television, sociology professor Mathieu Deflem devised the course, explaining to The New York Times, "The central objective is to unravel some of the sociologically relevant dimensions of the fame of Lady Gaga." And for more surprising info on your favorite stars, check out these 50 Crazy Celebrity Facts You Won't Believe Are True.

How many students went to college in 2018?

May 1, 2018. Approximately 20.4 million students headed off to college campuses in the United States last year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. And of those 20.4 million , it's a good bet that, come course selection morning, about 20.3 million weighed just how fun a class in calculus or Renaissance poetry would actually be.

Is the O.C. worthy of study?

While many of us were obsessed with Mischa Barton's beachy waves and the relationship drama between Summer and Seth, The O.C. hardly seemed worthy of academic study —until Duke University made the case otherwise, that is. For a period of time, the prestigious school allowed students to study the culture surrounding the hit show and the "California exceptionalism" it exemplified.

Is surfing a good sport?

Surfing is: a great workout, a cool skill to show off to your friends, and, if you're a student at the University of California—Santa Barbara, an academic subject worthy of study. In addition to teaching the history of the medium, students in this course will also learn about the issues facing coastal communities, and how surfing has influenced cultures around the world.

Can college courses be rote?

Yes, it's no secret that some college courses can be rote and—dare we say—total snoozers. But the flip side is also true! Digging through the curriculum guides of American universities will reveal a treasure trove of fun, exciting, downright ridiculous-sounding courses.

Can you study zombies online?

If you've ever wanted to know if you would make it out alive in a zombie apocalypse, Michigan State University has the one course that can give you a definitive answer. Better yet, since the class is offered entirely online, you can study in the privacy of your own room, even further reducing your chances of becoming an undead being's next meal.
