how to be a good online course moderator

by Ocie Corwin 3 min read

Here are some of the essential skills and qualifications someone needs to have to become an online moderator:

  • Basic Knowledge of Computer
  • Admirable command on written language skills
  • Strongly familiar with social media
  • Knowledge of how social media platform work
  • Ability to keep cool in tense situations
  • A sound judgment capability

Be clear and let users know what is going to happen and why you are there. Don't create uncertainty and keep it simple. Do not show off or be egoistic. Do not act as if you are better than everyone else.

How to become an online moderator?

Here are some of the essential skills and qualifications someone needs to have to become an online moderator: 1 Basic Knowledge of Computer 2 Admirable command on written language skills 3 Strongly familiar with social media 4 Knowledge of how social media platform work 5 Ability to keep cool in tense situations 6 A sound judgment capability

How to be a good moderator at a conference?

To answer the question “how to be a good moderator at a conference”: you need to have the right moderation skills. But most important: you need to make it work. A moderator is the glue that keeps it together. And remember: you are Yoda.

What are the perks of being an online moderator?

Another perk about online moderator jobs is that companies often offer flexible hours or shifts but more on that a little later on. Quick note – If you are interested in online moderator jobs, it’s likely you have good attention to detail you are analytical and you want the flexibility of working online.

What does it mean to be a moderator?

Learn more... In online communities, moderators are typically users who have shown exceptional ability to do things that positively affect the online learning environment.

What makes a good moderator?

A great moderator utilizes language that is straight without being confrontational, and crystal clear without being biased. A moderator's job is to make sure the speakers and audience members understand each other and get along. It is important to be clear and concise with your delivery.

What does a course moderator do?

Course Moderators have the ability to edit and moderate all of the content and activity in the Course Activity Feed. They can also manage Topics and adjust the features that are turned on in the Course for members to use (like polls and questions, articles, and events).

How do you facilitate an online course?

Top 10 Tips for Online FacilitatorsEncourage active participation.Don't lecture… ... Encourage group collaboration.Make the information you're providing “bite-sized”Tie the eLearning course into real-life scenarios or situations.Set clear goals, ground rules, and expectations.Keep the conversation on the subject at hand.More items...•

How do you become a class moderator?

Keep the discussion moving. Good discussion leaders try to encourage everyone to take part in the discussion. If there are participants who dominate the discussion to the exclusion of others, the moderator is responsible for trying to move the talk to other people, often by introducing new topics or points of view.

What are moderation strategies?

Other pre-marking moderation strategies include: • de-identifying student samples to allow for anonymous marking; exchanging a percentage of student submissions for marking; • allocating questions to markers so that, where possible, the same assessor marks a particular question for all papers.

What are the three parts of a moderation system?

We have separated the moderation process into three sections - planning, meeting and reviewing:Planning for moderation.Meeting for moderating.Reviewing moderation processes.

What makes a successful online facilitator?

What Makes a Successful Online Facilitator? To be a successful online facilitator, you should be comfortable with using technology platforms and systems to teach students. Excellent technical and communication skills are essential in this role, as well as the ability to engage students in a virtual environment.

How do you ensure that online facilitation is successful?

Ten Tips for Effective Online FacilitationMake everyone feel welcome and heard; create a comfortable environment. ... Establish clear goals and expectations at the outset. ... Provide behind-the-scenes support via email. ... Foster communication between participants. ... Model participation and discussion techniques for participants.More items...

How do you facilitate good learning attitude in the online learning activity?

How To Encourage Positive Attitude In eLearning: 11 Tips For eLearning ProfessionalsEmpower your learners. ... Let learners know about the real value of your eLearning course. ... Set clear goals and objectives. ... Eliminate negative thinking, stress, and fear. ... Challenge your learners without overwhelming them.More items...•

How do you moderate an online discussion?

Use differences of opinion as a topic of discussion. As a moderator always avoid taking sides! If the group is slow off the mark promote and foster discussion. Ask open-ended questions.

How do you moderate a discussion?

The Beginner's Guide to Moderating a Panel DiscussionDo thorough research on the topic. ... Meet the speakers before the panel. ... Manage time effectively. ... Start with a powerful opening. ... Be strictly neutral. ... Mix in audience questions throughout the debate. ... Don't be afraid to cut the panelists off.More items...•

How do you moderate an assignment?

Generally, moderated assignments include two reviewers who add their comments and provisional grades. The moderator then submits the final grade and comments. The reviewers and moderator each have to be added to the course as a Teacher or TA to participate.

What does an online moderator do?

As an online moderator, you need to monitor on comments which are posted in chat rooms, blogs, and websites and message boards. Your role will be to remove offensive, unethical or illegal posts or comments. Also, you need to arrange information in their right categories and also settle disputes. As chat rooms, as well as community forums, continue ...

How to find high paying and legit online moderator jobs to join?

There are several of companies available over the internet for online moderator jobs. And we have gathered a list of high paying companies for you that hire online moderators from all around the world.

How much does an online moderator make?

As an Online Moderator, you can make $8 to $15 an hour or more, but the rates of payment for online moderator jobs generally vary company to company. If you work 8 hours per day for 5 days in a week, you can make $1280 to $2420 in a month. Now we can understand that online moderator jobs generally pay well. As a full-time online moderator tend ...

What is a commentme?

RemarkMe is a well-known resource for Online Income Ideas which is run by a guy with a very supportive team. We have many proven strategies, you can transform your hobbies into a profitable Job or business and make money online with the use of them.

How to be a good moderator?

The best moderators know how to take a step back. To shut up when needed. Always be aware of the fact that you should keep what you say as short as possible. Summarise what the speakers said. Ask short questions and repeat the questions from the audience . That’s it.

What is a moderator?

A moderator is the glue that keeps it together. And remember: you are Yoda.

What is an (event) moderator?

An event moderator is the master of ceremony of the event. He or she is there to make sure the speakers can do the best job and the audience gets the most out of the day or session. A moderator introduces speakers. He or she also makes sure the speakers stick to the time and the moderator asks and moderate questions. He or she is the connection between the different talks.

What does it mean when an event moderator knows the topic?

As an event moderator that knows the topic, there is the danger of asking questions that are too difficult. That could lead to a great conversation between you and a speaker. But it might also mean the audience doesn’t get it.

How to get a feel for a topic?

Do some reading. There is a ton of content available on the web on the web on any topic. It should be easy to at least get a feel for the topic. You might also want to get in touch with others who do know more about the topic. Let them inform you.

What are the two types of moderators?

There are two types of moderators. There are those that are the ‘host’ for an entire day, the event moderator. They are for a large part responsible for the success of a conference. There are also panel- or session moderators. They are ‘only’ responsible for a specific session.

Can you be a moderator yourself?

You could get asked to be a moderator yourself. I would suggest any speaker: accept that invitation, at least once. You will learn a lot from it. Not only from what the other speakers are talking about, but from the experience. You will be a better presenter afterward.

What Does an Online Moderator Do?

An online moderator oversees message board or chat room discussion and reviews content to ensure every post meets the site’s standards, which may include restrictions of hate speech, racism, classism, sexism, and other forms of offensive behavior, content, or writing. Sites may also have requirements for keeping discussions in the forum on-topic.

How to Become an Online Moderator

The qualifications to become an online moderator vary greatly by site. If you moderate a private forum, you may only need to be a frequent poster who has a stake in maintaining the rules of the forum. Often, these online moderator jobs are volunteer positions.

What Is An Online Moderator job?

Before we get into where to find online moderator jobs, what exactly does an online moderator do?

What Does It Take To Apply For Chat Room Moderator Jobs?

Experience aside (some companies may require experience) someone who wants to apply for online moderator jobs should have:

How Much Do Moderators Get Paid?

Sure, there are plenty of online moderator jobs from home to be had but do they pay well?

What company provides moderator jobs?

Another company that works with applicants based in the United States is Zynga. They provide chat room moderator jobs from home for job seekers in search of community moderation jobs. It is a requirement but applicants that have knowledge about online games and have good communication skills are preferred.

How much do social media moderators make?

Requirements: Access to a speedy internet connection and good knowledge of social media. How much you’ll get paid: Social media moderators can earn £10 per hour, which roughly equates to $14 per hour. Founded in 2005, Crisp Thinking has become a leader in providing home based online moderator jobs.

What is the job of a chat moderator?

As an online chat moderator, your job is to keep the peace and make sure the forums and platform are squeaky clean -free from malicious behavior and inappropriate comments.

Where are Tombola moderators?

Tombola are a company based in Sunderland which have online moderator jobs that let you work from home in the UK. Although their moderators work from home, they recruit from the North East area of the UK so that employees can come to headquarters for training. If you’re interested in online moderator jobs uk, have a look at their websites.
