how to assign a grade scale to a course in power school

by Prof. Bud Pfannerstill 10 min read

Assign Grade Scales to Courses.

  • On the start page, choose School under Setup in the main menu.
  • Under Scheduling, click Courses .
  • Click the name of the course to which you want to assign a grade scale.
  • Choose the grade scale from the Grade Scale pop-up menu.
  • Click Submit .

Grade Scales must be changed per Section or class, there is no way to change a group of classes in one action. To perform the Grade Scale change you will need to be logged into the Powerschool Admin Portal and follow the directions in this article.Apr 13, 2020

Full Answer

How do I set a grade scale in PowerSchool?

On the PowerTeacher Start Page, click Gradebook > Launch Gradebook >Trust (Mac users only)Click the plus (+) sign next to the Assignment header to open the New.Enter a name for the homework assignment and press Tab.Choose Homework as the category and choose Points as the score type.More items...

What does the scale mean in PowerSchool?

Grade scales in PowerSchool define the number of GPA points awarded for each value of a rubric score. Below is an example of a rubric grade scale that illustrates how each grade is associated with a cutoff percentage, or minimum score for the grade, and the equivalent grade value, a number that is used in calculations.

How do you set up standards-based grading?

Six Tips for Implementing a Standards-Based Grading ModelCreate a New Scale.Grade by Goals, Not by Assignments.Weigh Your Grades.Mark Effort and Behavior Separately.Eliminate Extra Credit and Zeros.Bring It All Together with Interoperable Technology.

What is a four point grading scale?

Colleges report GPA (grade point average) on a 4.0 scale. The top grade is an A, which equals 4.0. You calculate your overall GPA by averaging the scores of all your classes. This is the standard scale at most colleges, and many high schools use it.