how to ask for money back for a course that was not what it was sold to be

by Eino Homenick 10 min read

  1. Go to the course in My learning.
  2. Next, click on the ellipses (three dots) at the top right-hand corner of the course player.
  3. Select Request a refund in the drop down menu. You will be directed to the course refund page, where you can submit your refund request.

Full Answer

How to ask for a refund from a company?

Common Methods of Asking for a Refund. 1 Return Your Item to the Store and Ask for a Refund. If you are not satisfied with your purchase from a local retail store, the best thing to do is go ... 2 Call the Seller. 3 Get a Refund Through a Refund Request Form on the Company Website. 4 Contact the Company via Email.

How do I request a refund for a course?

Go to the course in My learning. Next, click on the ellipses (three dots) at the top right-hand corner of the course player. Select Request a refund in the drop down menu.

How do I get a refund for a Udemy course?

If you’re accessing Udemy on a web browser, you can quickly request a refund from your Purchase history page, by following the steps below. Navigate to your Purchase history. Locate the course you wish to refund. Below the course title, click Request Refund. You will be directed to the course refund page.

What happens if I am unhappy with a course?

For whatever reason, if you are unhappy with a course, you can request a refund, provided the request meets the guidelines in our refund policy. Most refunds are returned via the original payment method. Please note that certain restrictions may apply and some purchases may only be eligible for credit refunds.

How do I ask for a course refund?

So what's “the right way” to ask for a refund when you buy a course that doesn't meet your expectations?Give it 24 hours to marinate. ... Email support and say it in 3 sentences or less. ... Don't explain yourself unless you think it will be helpful. ... If you actually watched it and found it valuable, don't ask for a refund.

How do you politely say a refund?

Strong ways to request a refund in English– I feel you should, at the very least, refund the sum of €50 I paid for … (strong)– I insist that you refund my money at once (strong)– I must insist on a full refund immediately (strong)– I'd like a refund.– I want to have my money back.

How do you politely ask for a refund in an email?

Request a refund politely and in a proper manner. Include product information, such as what you bought, when you bought it, and how much it cost. Make clear why you're returning the product. Ensure essential details about the transaction, such as the delivery date and location.

What can I do if a company won't give me a refund?

Company Won't Give You a Refund? Here's How to Get Your Money BackTry to Work it Out with the Merchant First.Option 1: Request a Chargeback.Option 2: Consider Mediation.Option 3: Sue in Small Claims.Option 4: Pursue Consumer Arbitration.FairShake Can Help Make Arbitrating a Breeze.

How do you write a college refund letter?

I am a student at this Institute (Section, Roll/registration no. and department name). I was enrolled in the (Department name) that began on (DATE). This letter is to request a full refund of my tuition fee (Amount of money).

How do I write a letter to request a refund from School?

I am (Name) and student of (Class/grade name). I am writing this letter to you so that I can ask for my security fee refund from School. (Describe in your own words). As per school rules, it was cleared before admission that after the completion of my (Exam name), the school will refund me the security fee.

What do you say when a customer wants a refund example?

Accepting a refund request Hi [Name], Thank you for reaching out to request a refund on your purchase of [name of product/ service]. I'm sorry to hear that our product didn't meet your requirements. I completely understand that it isn't for everyone.

How do you write a letter to return a product?

We are returning the (name of the product) that (Name of Company) purchased from your company on (date) for (money amount). Attached please find a copy of our receipt of purchase. We are returning this item because of the (type of feature) malfunctions. It does not function as indicated by the manufacturer.

How do you write a claim email?

Here are some steps you can take to write an effective complaint email:Identify and label the addressee. Before you write the email, identify who exactly needs to receive your email. ... Describe the issue. ... Attach supporting documentation. ... Explain the impact. ... Name your resolution desires. ... Make final formatting edits.

How long does a company legally have to refund your money?

You usually have to demand a refund between 30 and 60 days, and a chargeback even up to 120 days with some credit cards. Check the difference between refunds and chargebacks, so you know what you're doing. When it comes to the companies' time limit, it can range from 20 to 45 days.

What is a Section 75 claim?

If you used a credit card or point of sale loan to buy goods or services, then the transaction could be covered by Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act. This allows you to raise a claim against your credit provider if: you paid some (or all) of the cost by credit card or with a point of sale loan.

Can you fight a no refund policy?

You can't institute a no-refunds policy after a customer has bought something. The credit card company will honor the customer's chargeback request if the customer presents documentation that proves you did not have your refund policy in effect when the transaction occurred.

How do I write a letter to ask for a refund not rendered?

Write clearly, using professional, clear language. Use straightforward terms which are easy to understand, and make a direct request for the refund, stating the reason that you are asking. Include any pertinent information, such as the date that the work was supposed to be started and finished.

How do I request a refund from a hotel?

Here are the steps to a refund:Tell the hotel about your problem immediately. ... Give the hotel a chance to fix the issue. ... Get the hotel chain involved and start a paper trail. ... Ask your travel agent to help. ... Leave.

How do I request a refund on Amazon?

Here's how to do it in three easy steps.Go to and sign in, then click “Check your Amazon Pay orders.”Find your order and click “Details.”Under “Need to Resolve a Problem?” click “Choose a problem type” and select “Request return, refund, or cancellation.” It's that easy.

How do I ask for a refund on steam?

Go to the Steam support page and click "Purchases," then click the game you'd like to refund. Select "I would like a refund," and then "I'd like to request a refund." You can then choose your Steam Wallet or the payment method you'd like to receive your refund through.

How to refund a Teachable transaction?

We use Teachable and they have a very easy way to refund the transaction. You just click the transaction, enter the amount to refund and that's it.

Why is offering money back guarantee important?

Offering money back guarantee also helps to build trust with your customer.

Why do customers ask for refunds?

One of the main reasons why customers may ask for refund is that their questions are not answered and they become unhappy.

What is money back guarantee?

Money Back Guarantee is a concept that is mostly associated with physical products that are either sold in store or online platforms such as Amazon etc.

What happens when a student sees that you as a course creator are offering a money back guarantee?

When a student sees that you as a course creator are offering a money back guarantee, then their fear will be eliminated. Now, they can register for your course without any hesitation.

Can you disable a download until money back guarantee expires?

So you if have any digital items that your students can download, you can simply disable it until money back guarantee is expired . It might be a little tricky to implement depending on what course platform is being used & how you setup your download access.

Can you reduce refund requests?

If you want to reduce refund requests, you can also update refund policy to include the conditions for the refund. You could mention that your course is good but you will only refund if student took all the action as you mentioned but it still didn't work.

How to ask for a refund tactfully: When buying a product

Products bought online or from a store can have some defects. You also may have paid an excessive amount of money for them. You can use these email templates to help you request and get a refund.

How to ask for a refund tactfully: When receiving a service

You might receive poor services from a company and not know how to ask for a refund. You can use these tactful email template examples if you are in this type of situation.


Asking for a refund might be hard, especially when you lack the right words to convince the other party. Using the examples listed above on how to ask for a refund, you can be sure to have your request accepted. Go ahead, you can try sending any of these email examples, and you can happily expect a positive response to your request.

How to remind someone about a debt?

A simple reminder to the borrower can work for you in these situations. Be courteous and always use polite language when reminding someone about the debt they owe you. (even thought you really just want the money back). Just ask if they remember their debt and when they can pay it back.

What does it mean to lend money to friends?

There’s a saying that goes, “Lend only the amount of money you can afford to lose.” When you lend money to friends or family, you’re working under the assumption that they will pay you back promptly to preserve your relationship.

Can you ask a friend to pay for a meal?

If it’s a small debt, you can ask your friend to pay for your meal at the next gathering, and that this can be deducted from their debt to you. This works because you get some or all the amount paid back and it serves as a reminder that they owe you money. But of course, always be polite about it – it’s not nice to be very aggressive even if they owe you money.

Can you be left unpaid when you lend to friends?

Being left unpaid is a real possibility when you lend to friends or family, so only lend out an amount that you are comfortable never seeing again. But when it’s time to ask for your money back, asking for it politely helps you save the relationship.

Can unpaid debt hurt a relationship?

An unpaid debt between friends can strain relationships, after all, money is rather sensitive matter. Getting angry at someone who owes you money is a quick way to lose a friend and a lot of times, your relationship is worth more than the money owed.

Can you ask someone to borrow money?

People borrow money for a specific purpose, and they usually let you know what this is when they make the request. If, for example, money was borrowed to pay for tuition, ask them how the school is going. This lets you ask for the money in a very passive way and can prompt them to remember their debt, it might even open up the conversation about when they might be able to pay it back.

What is a refund request letter?

A refund request letter can be used for all sorts of reasons. From simply asking for money from a friend or relative, to asking a business that owes you money, it can be very useful. Writing a refund letter can be tricky, but it is a task that all should know how to do. These letters can open the door to a verbal disagreement about who was ...

How to start a letter to someone who owes you money?

To start this letter, you want to include the name and address of the person who owes you money. It doesn’t matter what the situation, whether personal or business, always keep a standard business format. This will help you should you end up in court at a later date. Next, you can include a subject line if you choose. It helps to identify what the letter is for in case the person just wants to skim through for details.

How long does it take to get a refund from a university?

According to the refund policies of the university written the Student Manual, a full refund will be granted if the student withdraws from the course within six weeks from the beginning of the course. As you can see from the enclosed withdrawal slip, I am within that limit.

What is the rule of thumb when writing a letter?

The general rule is to always be nice. This is a first letter and an attempt to amicably resolve a debt. Do Not Be Pushy. ​. Most companies want to keep a good reputation with their customers and they know that word of mouth travels fast.

Is Teflon safe to use?

Most of the pans have fared well, but the main skillet, which gets a lot of use, has not been so lucky. The Teflon lining on the inside of the pan is flaking away and is unsafe to use. I know that your company doesn’t make these pans anymore, but I would like a refund in the amount of this skillet’s purchase price.

Can you draft a letter but never receive it?

Sometimes, you may have purchased a product but never actually received it . Also, there are 100 different reasons why you may need to draft a letter of this nature. You can modify a basic letter format to fit your needs. The general rule is to always be nice.

Can you add videos to your watch history?

Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer.

What is DoNotPay app?

DoNotPay is here to help. Our app specializes in assisting people in their battle against corporations. We can also help you put stalkers, robocall scammers, and harassers back in their place.

How long does it take to get a refund from a store?

Most retail shops will let you request a refund within a specific timeframe, usually 30 or 60 days from the purchase, while some might have a no-refunds policy altogether.

What is a refund request letter?

A refund-request letter is imperative when you want to officially inform the merchant that their product or service did not meet your expectations. This method of expressing your dissatisfaction may not always be an option but you should use it whenever you have an opportunity to ask for a refund in writing.

How long do you have to return a product?

Most retailers have a return policy, allowing you a 30- or 60-day timeframe to return the item. The smart thing would be to return the unwanted item as soon as possible.

What to do if you are not satisfied with your purchase from a local retail store?

If you are not satisfied with your purchase from a local retail store, the best thing to do is go there personally.

Do big corporations have customer support?

Big corporations do have customer support lines, but anytime you call, you can expect to be put on hold. If you don’t want to wait in line with Amazon, Zara, or Walmart’s customer service, you can use DoNotPay to skip that phone queue.

Can you get a refund for Fortnite?

If your request is in line with the company’s guidelines, you will likely get a refund. Some of the digital content distributors have a self-service refund option on their website. You can get an instant refund for Minecraft, Fortnite, and some Xbox purchases this way.

What does it mean to send a well wish?

You are sending well wishes to the person, i.e. hoping their financial woes are over. While you remind the person he/she has a debt to be repaid, you aren’t applying too much pressure because you know times are rough for him/her. Photo by Karolina Grabowska under pexels license.

Why is it important to use "open to talk"?

It is good to use this when you care about the friendship and you don’t want to harbor any bad feelings over the situation. It lets him/her know you are open to talk.

When will Hiuyan Lam publish his book?

Hiuyan Lam. Published on April 21, 2021. It is common for friends or family members to borrow money from you when an emergency comes up, but the problem lies in when they owe you and haven’t made any attempts to pay you back. So, you need an idea of how to ask someone for money they owe you without making it weird, ...

When to use "no avail"?

It is good to use this when you have been trying to contact the person that owes you but to no avail.

Can you ask someone if they owe you money?

Sure, it can be awkward to ask, but they owe you, not the other way around so you shouldn’t really feel bad.

Is everyone smart with their money?

Not everyone is smart with their money and there’s no telling if they’ll be smart with yours. Sure, you may have had good intentions, but always remember to protect yourself first, and don’t go lending large sums unless you can guarantee you will get it back promptly. Continue Reading.

Can anything change in life?

However, since life is unpredictable, anything can come up which can cause things to change.

What do mediators do?

But professional mediators have had special training in helping two parties in a dispute reach resolution, and they’ll try to help you, too. Mediators listen to both sides of the dispute, guide the discussion, and try to help you and the seller reach a compromise.

What to do if a seller refuses to help you?

If the business or seller refuses to help you resolve your complaint , and you still feel like you have a legitimate argument for having your money refunded, there are still other avenues you can take, including chargebacks, mediation, a lawsuit, or arbitration. Read on to learn more about those options and how each one can help you get your money back.

What happens if a seller agrees to mediation?

If the seller agrees to mediation, you and a representative from their business will meet with an independent mediator. This person is not a judge, and they don’t have the power to decide anything legally binding. But professional mediators have had special training in helping two parties in a dispute reach resolution, and they’ll try to help you, too.

What happens if you reverse a chargeback?

If they do reverse the charge in your favor, it can affect the merchant on the other end financially — they may need to pay administrative fees to the credit issuer, and businesses that accrue multiple chargebacks may have their bank accounts closed because of it.

What is chargeback in business?

A chargeback is a serious process, and you should only request one if you have a legitimate dispute with a business and the business refuses to help you resolve it on their own.

How to get money back from a chargeback?

The process varies a little bit depending on the credit issuer, but some parts are the same: You’ll submit your dispute, and then explain your case and include any evidence you have that shows you’re in the right and should get your money back . The credit issuer will investigate and ultimately decide to either reverse the charge, or deny your dispute. If they do reverse the charge in your favor, it can affect the merchant on the other end financially — they may need to pay administrative fees to the credit issuer, and businesses that accrue multiple chargebacks may have their bank accounts closed because of it.

How much can you sue a business for a refund?

Every state has its own small claims court system, and the limits are different for each — for example, in Alaska, you can sue in small claims for up to $10,000, while Arkansas has a $5,000 limit. You’ll have to do a little research to find out the limit in your state, and whether small claims court is an option for your dispute.

What to do if borrower pushes back?

The strategy: If the borrower pushes back or you know he will have a tough time coming up with the cash, etiquette expert Cynthia Lett suggests breaking repayment into smaller chunks or reaching another compromise.

What does "I was happy to lend you the money when you needed it" mean?

1. Opening gambit. "I was happy to lend you the money when you needed it. That's what friends do."

Do you need to justify asking for money back?

The strategy: Of course, you don't need to justify asking for your money back, but it can be helpful to cite a pressing reason -- as long as it's true.

Is it painful to rip off a bandaid?

Like ripping off a Band-Aid, the process will be less painful if you do it quickly and directly.

Does Money advertise with us?

Many companies featured on Money advertise with us. Opinions are our own, but compensation and

What to say to a man who lent you money last month?

You start with a gentle reminder, “please return the money l lent you last month". If he doesn't respond positively or renege on his promise to return the money on the given date, tougher words ma ybe used.

What to write if you don't pay the loan?

If they do not pay you the full amount that day, you write them a letter that very day. You state in the letter, in narrative form, the following: 1. The date they asked you for the money. 2. The reason they gave you for needing the loan. 3. The amount you are demanding. However, the amount is MORE than they owe you.

What is the duty of a borrower?

The duty becomes the borrowers to insure it’s returned in a proper time, without the lender having to demand it. Money is important and should be respected. If you have to demand it, don’t feel it’s rude. It belongs to you and communication should come from the borrower and not you.

What to do when money is too big?

If the amount of money is big, you may hire a couple of eunu chs or gypsys to create noise in front of his house and chant slogans about the money not repaid by him. If it doesn't work for

What to do if your friend has not returned the money?

As a friend, you are sure, he will help you out of the situation .

How to ask someone to give you your money back?

Ask them in a type of manner you usually talk to them, don't demand it like a police officer. Say that you need it (adding “urgently” may help). After all he is under an obligation to give you YOUR money back. Good Luck.

How to get around privacy laws?

You may get around that law by meeting them in a very public place and recording them. In most states, you have no expectation of privacy in a public place, but again, check your states laws before recording them. If they do not pay you the full amount that day, you write them a letter that very day.
