how to ask a doctor for readings for a course lsited

by Prof. Devonte Dibbert PhD 10 min read

Is it easy to ask a doctor online?

A.D.A.M.’s Ask A Doctor service gives quick and easy access to doctors, anytime, anywhere. At any time of day, more than 100 doctors are online and ready to answer your questions. Our global network is made up of more than 18,000 doctors from more than 50 specialties. For any health questions, our doctors are ready to help.

How do I ask a doctor a question?

Nov 29, 2021 · Take notes about what the doctor or health care provider say or ask a friend or family member to take notes for you. Learn how to access your medical records, so you can keep track of test results, diagnoses, treatments plans, and …

When do you need to refer a patient to a specialist?

Mar 14, 2022 · Hopefully, the doctor will reply with a few options/time slots, and you can choose the times that work for both of you. Repeat this process with the other doctors on your list and coordinate your schedule accordingly. Note that it’s perfectly fine if scheduling will only allow you to shadow a doctor for a single day – this isn't uncommon.

How do I talk to my doctor about my diagnosis?

Note: Your question will be available online publicly and you will be notified via email when it is answered. Your identity will be remain anonymous. Please understand that this does not constitute medical advice or a doctor-patient relationship. This is not a substitute for a medical care, please visit your nearest healthcare provider for all emergencies. see our terms and …

How do you politely ask a doctor?

Questions to ask your doctor about your diagnosisWhat may have caused this condition? Will it be permanent?How is this condition treated or managed? What will be the long-term effects on my life?How can I learn more about my condition?

How do you write a message to your doctor?

Focus on a single issue at a time. Include your full name, date of birth and, if you have it, your patient identification number at the office. If you want a prescription refill, also write the name and number of the pharmacy you use. Don't expect an instant answer.Aug 22, 2010

What should you not tell your doctor?

Here is a list of things that patients should avoid saying:Anything that is not 100 percent truthful. ... Anything condescending, loud, hostile, or sarcastic. ... Anything related to your health care when we are off the clock. ... Complaining about other doctors. ... Anything that is a huge overreaction.More items...•Jun 17, 2016

How do you email a doctor?

How do you write a formal email to a doctor? Write “Dear Dr.” and the doctor's last name on the top line of the letter itself. For example, begin your message with, “Dear Dr. Williams.” Use this prefix for those with doctorates, too, unless the person has specifically told you to avoid doing so.

How do you express gratitude to a doctor?

Thank you for the most wonderful treatment. I well and truly admire the person that you are and the doctor in you is honorable. The brilliant treatment deserve immense thanks and appreciation. Sending over our most humble and heartfelt thanks for your immense care and comfort during the treatment.

How do you write a doctor appreciation letter?

For example:“Thank you for everything you do.”“Thank you for being so compassionate.”“Thanks again for everything.”“I'm proud to have an amazing personal physician like you in my life.”“I'm so blessed to have you.”“I'm so grateful.”Dec 20, 2021

What do doctors usually say?

Phrases a doctor might say:“We'll need to run some tests.”“The transplant was a success. ... “I'd like to keep you here overnight for observation.”“We haven't made a diagnosis yet, but we've ruled out cancer.”“Does it hurt when I press here?”“I'm going to prescribe you some antibiotics.”“Do you have any allergies?”More items...

What do I tell my doctor?

Here are some good starter questions you can ask your doctor:What do my symptoms mean?Should I be tested for a disease or condition?What caused this condition?How serious is the condition?How is it treated?Are there any side effects to the treatment?How long will treatment take?More items...•Jan 19, 2018

Why are doctors rude to patients?

Arrogance is often just a cover for vulnerability, and with so much information that we're expected to digest, we are at risk for making a bad decision if we aren't up to date.” Another reason why doctors can come off as condescending is because they sometimes feel that they are henpecked.Sep 8, 2014

Is it OK to email a doctor?

Generally, however, it's acceptable to email information such as clinic announcements, even though the fact that an individual is a patient in a specific clinic is considered personal health information. But it's generally not acceptable to email details about a patient's care.Apr 30, 2015

Can I text my doctor?

There are no government regulations specific to text communication between patient and provider. As such, the same general rules for privacy and security that apply for any other phone texting exchange hold for texting about a patient or directly with a patient.Jun 19, 2017


How many doctors will be involved in my care? Who are they? What are their roles?

Clinical Trials

Are there any clinical trials or research being done on my type of cancer?

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Gain peace of mind with expert medical advice from our world renowned best specialist MD doctors in each field who will provide personalized answers to your health queries. Our experts are available online when you need them. We have a trusted technology platform to ensure that all your private information is secure and encrypted.

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Advantages of Ask a Doctor Online

Seeking online medical advice is proving to be of great use to patients across the globe, it’s an effective means of getting your health queries answered.

How to thank a doctor for shadowing?

In the event that you do get the shadowing opportunity, be sure to use the same contact information to send a brief thank you message to the doctor (s) you shadowed. This should be simple and thoughtful, again being respectful of their time. Express your gratitude for the experience and the time they spent with you, and wish them all the best in the future.

How long does it take to shadow a doctor?

Shadowing a doctor generally consists of following a physician through an entire day (or sometimes several days), from the moment they step into their hospital or practice, until they prepare to leave at the end of their shift.

What is a passive shift?

It is a largely passive experience, where you are able to soak in the day-to-day, moment-to-moment realities of the career you’re pursuing. During breaks or at the end of the shift, you'll likely be able to ask the doctor questions, as well, where you can gain valuable insights from their own live experiences as a medical practitioner.

Is it necessary to shadow a doctor?

Shadowing is great, but it’s not always possible and not always required. You’ll need to look at the specific medical school requirements of each institution to which you are applying, to see if shadowing is required, and if so, how many shadowing hours you need to get into med school.

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Question Specialty Choose a specialty (or) let us choose for you Abdominal Surgeon Acupuncturist Addiction Medicine Specialist Addiction Medicine Specialist | Addiction Medicine Addiction Psychiatrist Addiction Psychiatrist | Addiction Medicine Addiction Psychiatrist | Addiction Psychiatry Adolescent Psychiatrist Adolescent Psychiatrist | Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Adolescent Specialist Adolescent Specialist | Adolescent Medicine Aerospace Medicine Specialist Aerospace Medicine Specialist | Aerospace Medicine Allergist & Immunologist Allergist & Immunologist (Pediatric) Allergist and Immunologist Allergist and Immunologist (Pediatric) Allergist and Immunologist (Pediatric) | Pediatric Allergy/Immunology Allergist and Immunologist | Allergy Allergist and Immunologist | Allergy & Immunology Allergy and Immunology Specialist Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist (Pediatric) Anesthesiologist (Pediatric) | Pediatric Anesthesiology Anesthesiologist Assistant Anesthesiologist | Critical Care Medicine Anesthesiologist | Dentist Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist | Pain Medicine Anesthesiology Anesthesiology | Hospice and Palliative Medicine Anesthesiology | Pain Medicine Anesthesiology | Pediatric Anesthesiology Audiologist Behavior Technician Behavioral Analyst Cardiac Electrophysiologist Cardiac Electrophysiologist | Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Cardiologist Cardiologist (Pediatric) Cardiologist (Pediatric) | Pediatric Cardiology Cardiologist | Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology Cardiologist | Cardiovascular Disease Cardiologist | Interventional Cardiology Cardiothoracic Surgeon Cardiothoracic, General, and Vascular Surgery Case Manager/Care Coordinator Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist Chiropractor Chiropractor (Pediatric) Chiropractor (Pediatric) | Pediatric Chiropractor Chiropractor | Independent Medical Examiner Chiropractor | Neurology Chiropractor | Nutrition Chiropractor | Orthopedic Chiropractor | Pediatric Chiropractor Chiropractor | Rehabilitation Chiropractor | Sports Physician Clinical Pharmacologist Colon & Rectal Surgeon Colon and Rectal Surgeon Community Health Worker Councelor/Therapist Councelor/Therapist | Mental Health Councelor/Therapist | Professional Counseling Counselor | Mental Health Counselor/Therapist Counselor/Therapist | Mental Health Counselor/Therapist | Pastoral Counselor/Therapist | Professional Critical Care Surgeon Critical Care Surgeon | Critical Care Medicine Dental Hygienist Dental Hygienists Dental Therapist Dentist Dentist (Pediatric) Dentist (Pediatric) | Pediatric Dentistry Dentist | Dentist Anesthesiologist Dentist | Endodontics Dentist | General Practice Dentist | Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Dentist | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Dentist | Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Dentist | Periodontics Dentist | Prosthodontics Denturist Dermapathologist Dermapathologist | Dermatopathology Dermatologist Dermatologist (Pediatric) Dermatologist | MOHS-Micrographic Surgery Dermatologist | Procedural Dermatology Dermatology Dermatology | MOHS-Micrographic Surgery Dietitian-Nutritionist Dietitian-Nutritionist | Nutrition, Education Discard Doctor Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) | Otolaryngic Allergy Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) | Otology & Neurotology Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (Pediatric) Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (Pediatric) | Pediatric Otolaryngology Emergency Medicine Emergency Medicine | Emergency Medical Services Emergency Physician Emergency Physician (Pediatric) Emergency Physician (Pediatric) | Pediatric Emergency Medicine Emergency Physician | Emergency Medical Services Emergency Physician | Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Endocrinology, Diabetes Endocrinology-Diabetes Endocrinology-Diabetes | Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Endocronologist (Pediatric) Endocronologist (Pediatric) | Pediatric Endocrinology Endodontist Endodontist | Endodontics Epidemiologist Family Medicine Family Medicine | Addiction Medicine Family Medicine | Adolescent Medicine Family Medicine | Geriatric Medicine Family Medicine | Obesity Medicine Family Medicine | Sports Medicine Family Practice & Aesthetic Medicine Family Practitioner Family Practitioner | Adult Medicine Family Practitioner | Obesity Medicine Gastroenterologist Gastroenterologist (Pediatric) Gastroenterologist (Pediatric) | Pediatric Gastroenterology Gastroenterologist | Gastroenterology Gastroenterology & Hepatology General Dentist General Practice General Practitioner Geneticist Geneticist | Clinical Cytogenetic Geneticist | Clinical Genetics (M.D.) Geriatric Psychiatrist Geriatric Psychiatrist | Geriatric Psychiatry Geriatrician Geriatrician | Geriatric Medicine Hand Surgeon Hand Surgeon | Hand Surgery Hand Surgeon | Surgery of the Hand Hematologist (Blood Specialist) Hematologist (Blood Specialist) | Hematology Hematologist (Pediatric) Hematologist (Pediatric) | Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Hematologist-Oncologist Hematologist-Oncologist | Hematology & Oncology Hematologist-Pathologist Hematologist-Pathologist | Hematology Hematology-Pathologist Hepatologist Hepatologist | Hepatology Hepatologist-Pathologist Homeopathic Physician Hospice and Palliative Care Specialist Hospice and Palliative Care Specialist | Hospice and Palliative Medicine Hospitalist Hospitalist | Implant Dentistry Infectious Disease Specialist Infectious Disease Specialist (Pediatric) Infectious Disease Specialist (Pediatric) | Pediatric Infectious Diseases Infectious Disease Specialist | Infectious Disease Infertility Specialist Internal Medicine Internal Medicine | Adolescent Medicine Internal Medicine | Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology Internal Medicine | Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine | Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Internal Medicine | Critical Care Medicine Internal Medicine | Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Internal Medicine | Gastroenterology Internal Medicine | Hematology & Oncology Internal Medicine | Hepatology Internal Medicine | Hospice and Palliative Medicine Internal Medicine | Nephrology Internal Medicine | Pulmonary Disease Internal Medicine | Rheumatology Internal Medicine | Sleep Medicine Internist Internist | Hypertension Specialist Internist | Obesity Medicine Interventional & Endovascular Cardiology Interventional Radiologist Interventional Radiologist | Vascular & Interventional Radiology Invisalign Dentistry Legal Medicine Marriage & Family Therapist Massage Therapist Medical Genetics, Ph.D.

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Receive personalized advice from board-certified doctors about your health concern.

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Why is it important to choose a primary care doctor?

A primary care doctor can: Help you stay healthy by recommending preventive services, like screening tests and vaccines (shots) Treat many health problems — including physical and mental health issues.

Can I choose a doctor outside my network?

If you have health insurance, you may need to choose from a list of doctors in your plan's network (doctors that take your insurance plan). Some insurance plans may let you choose a doctor outside your network if you pay more of the cost.

How to diagnose a symtom?

1. Remember to be as specific, detailed, and descriptive as possible. Every person experiences symptoms differently, so remember to use vocabulary that is as specific, detailed, and descriptive as possible. This can help your doctor diagnose you and follow the progress of your care. Use adjectives as much as possible.

How long does pain last during menstruation?

For example, “I get bad pain right in between my menstrual periods that lasts about three days. ". Tell your doctor how the symptoms affect your daily life and ability to function.

Who is Kristen from WordStream?

Kristen is the Senior Managing Editor at WordStream, where she helps businesses to make sense of their online marketing and advertising. She specializes in local SEO, copywriting, and conversion optimization, and she finds life to be exponentially more delightful on a bicycle.

Do you have to wait for a customer to come to you to ask for a review?

You don’t have to wait for a customer to come to you to ask them for a review. More often than not you’ll need to strike up a conversation with them that will provide the opportunity. You can do so by asking questions about their experience with your store, services, or products upon checkout. Good questions include:

Is online review helpful?

Consumers find reviews to be helpful. In a study conducted by Podium, 93% of consumers said that online reviews for local businesses are as helpful as product reviews on sites like Amazon. Consumers see out reviews. According to Google, mobile searches for “reviews” have increased by 35%, and searches for “best” have increased by 80%.

Is customer review powerful?

To say that customer reviews are powerful is an understatement. A few sentences in a review can have more influence on consumers than an entire website. A difference of one star—or even a half-star—can be all it takes for a shopper to choose a competitor over you. But in order to get those sentences or that extra star, ...


  1. What stage is my cancer?
  2. Can you tell if this is a fast-growing type of cancer or a slow-growing type?
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  1. What tests will I have?
  2. What will these tests tell me about my cancer?
  3. How long after I have these tests will it take to get the results?
  4. Who will call me with the test results? Or, who should I call to get the results?
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  1. How many doctors will be involved in my care? Who are they? What are their roles?
  2. Who will be the doctor in charge of coordinating my care and the rest of the doctors?
  3. What other health care professionals can I expect to be involved in my care?
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  1. What is the standard treatment for my type of cancer?
  2. How many patients have you treated with this treatment? What were the results?
  3. How does this compare with other institutions?
  4. What is the future outlook (prognosis) for my type of cancer with standard treatment?
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Clinical Trials

  1. Are there any clinical trials or research being done on my type of cancer?
  2. Are there any clinical trials that you particularly recommend?
  3. Am I a candidate for any of the clinical trials that you recommend?
  4. Where can I find related research information?
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Financial Issues

  1. Will the required treatment require out of pocket expenses?
  2. Is there someone in your office (or facility) who assists patients with questions about insurance? Who would that be?
  3. If my insurance doesn't pay for a particular treatment or medication, will you recommend an alternative treatment? What if it is less effective?
  1. Will the required treatment require out of pocket expenses?
  2. Is there someone in your office (or facility) who assists patients with questions about insurance? Who would that be?
  3. If my insurance doesn't pay for a particular treatment or medication, will you recommend an alternative treatment? What if it is less effective?
  4. Who can I talk to about getting treatment if I don't have insurance?


  1. Where can I get literature about my illness?
  2. Are you willing to speak to my spouse or other family members about my illness and my treatments?
  3. Where can I find out about support groups?
  4. Can I speak to someone who has undergone this type of treatment?
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Side Effects

  1. Should I watch for any particular symptoms?
  2. How likely are they to occur?
  3. What should I do if I have side effects?
  4. Who should I call if I experience severe side effects?
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