how to appeal charges for dropped course uf

by Richmond Hammes 10 min read

Students seeking an appeal must complete the following: Complete a typed statement in letter format. In the header, included your UFID, UF email address and your name as it is displayed in the UF directory. Compile your supporting documentation into one PDF document with sensitive information redacted.

Typically, they will need to demonstrate an extenuating circumstance justifying approval of a drop after the deadline. After the last day of classes, students would need to complete a University Petition Request for a Retroactive Drop.

Full Answer

Can I appeal my UF admission decision?

We will consider an appeal only if it provides new and compelling information. Students who have been offered a pathway program to UF, such as Pathway to Campus Enrollment (PaCE), are not eligible to appeal. Possible reasons for an appeal and the required supporting documentation:

What happens if I drop a class at UF?

Students get two drops in their first 60 credits attempted at UF. Credits attempted are defined as: Credits carried excluding credits taken prior to the first term of degree-seeking enrollment, plus S/U credits, and repeats of satisfactory grades. Full-term withdrawals from all courses and dropped courses do not count in credits carried.

What is the drop/add policy at UF?

This does not apply to laboratory sections. After drop/add, students may drop a course with the approval of their college until the drop deadline listed in the academic calendar. A grade of W will appear on the transcript, and students are liable for course fees. Students get two drops in their first 60 credits attempted at UF.

What happens if I withdraw from UF while on financial aid?

You may be eligible for a partial refund of tuition and fees, dependent upon when you withdraw. Refer to the UF Refund Policy. If you withdraw more than once while receiving financial aid, you may be ineligible for additional aid in the future.

Can you appeal your UF decision?

How to appeal: If you have new and compelling information that was not included in your original application, contact the Office of Admissions by calling 352-392-1365 to discuss the appeals process. If you are eligible to appeal, an appeal form will be placed on your admissions status page.

What happens if a class drops you?

Once you have dropped a class, you no longer have to attend it, and you will no longer receive a grade in that course. Instead, there will usually be a "W" (for "Withdrawn") next to the course's name, instead of a letter grade, on your transcript.

Does dropping a class affect your GPA UF?

“Withdraw” means to remove all classes from your current schedule. A “W” will be posted on your transcript for dropped or withdrawn classes. A “W” grade does not affect your grade point average. Students are allowed two drops in the first 60 hours of enrollment at UF, and two additional drops after 60 hours.

Does a dropped course appear on your transcript?

Most colleges will give you specific deadlines to both add and drop classes. When you drop a class before the drop deadline, it's as if it never happened. This means that it won't show up on your transcripts and whatever grade you earned up until that point will disappear from your academic history.

Is it better to fail a class or drop it?

Failing & Then Re-Taking a Class Croskey notes that dropping a class is better than withdrawing, but withdrawing is better than failing. “A failing grade will lower the student's GPA, which may prevent a student from participating in a particular major that has a GPA requirement,” Croskey says.

Is dropping a class the same as withdrawing?

Important Definitions. Course Drop: Removal of a course from your schedule prior to the end of the first week of class. Course Withdrawal: Any removal of a course from your schedule after the end of week one using the online form provided.

What happens if I drop a class at UF?

Courses can be dropped or added during drop/add without penalty. Classes that meet for the first time after drop/add closes can be dropped without penalty or fee liability if the request is submitted by the end of the next business day after the first class meeting.

Does UF accept grade forgiveness?

UF does not have a grade forgiveness policy. The grades you earn stay on your transcript, even when you repeat a course.

What is a good GPA at UF?

Middle 50% Academic Core GPA: 4.3-4.6. Middle 50% SAT: 1330-1460. Middle 50% ACT: 29-33.

Do I have to pay back financial aid if I drop a class?

Federal regulations require you to repay a portion of financial aid funds if you withdraw from all classes before satisfying the 60 percent completion rule for the enrollment term.

Do colleges care about dropped classes?

In some cases, usually if you drop your class relatively late into the grading period, a dropped class will appear on your transcript as a 'W' for withdrawn. College admissions committees will indeed see this and know that you chose to drop the class.

Will dropping a class affect my financial aid?

If you drop or withdraw from classes, you may jeopardize future eligibility for student aid (including loans). If your enrollment drops below half-time, your financial aid awards may be adjusted, and the grace period repayment of loans will begin.

What to do if you are no longer a major at UF?

If the instructor is no longer at UF, the department chair may complete the forms. Students should complete the required interview with their major department regarding the nature of their petition. The major department will provide a signed statement using the Interviewing Officer Statement Form.

What to do if you are no longer a UF instructor?

If the instructor is no longer at UF, the department chair may complete the forms. Students should complete the required interview with their college regarding the nature of their petition. The college will provide a signed statement using the Interviewing Officer Statement Form.

How to request a refund from a university?

Graduate students who are petitioning for only a refund of fees should submit a University Petition using the following directions: 1 Carefully follow the instructions on the University Petition Form. Students should attach a one-page typed statement in 12 pt. font outlining the pertinent issues that led to the petition. All submitted documentation is subject to verification. Submission of false, forged or fraudulent information will result in judicial sanction. 2 Students who are petitioning to receive a refund should submit the Instructor Statement Form. Students complete the top portion of the form, and the faculty member or instructor completes the bottom of the form. If the instructor is no longer at UF, the department chair may complete the forms. 3 Students should complete the required interview with their major department regarding the nature of their petition. The major department will provide a signed statement using the Interviewing Officer Statement Form. Students may be able to arrange a phone interview if no longer in the area. 4 Submit all forms and the supporting documentation at one time to the Office of the University Registrar via the secure document upload. 5 Remember to keep a copy! The documents you submit will remain permanently on file with the university; they will not be returned.

What is a university petition?

A university petition is used to request: late add a course after the add/drop deadline, withdraw from select courses after the withdrawal deadline (nonmedical), if a student requests to drop one (or more) course (s) in a semester because of extenuating circumstances, yet wishes to keep other courses in that same semester, ...

What is a graduate education petition?

A petition is a request for an exception to a current graduate education policy, usually due to an unusual situation beyond the control of student, staff or faculty. Petitions must be initiated by the graduate coordinator, graduate program director, department chair, or supervisory committee chair in the student’s academic unit, ...

Does the University of Florida have a grade forgiveness program?

View Status. The University of Florida does not practice grade forgiveness, and the petitions process cannot be used as a form of grade forgiveness. Therefore, if the committee determines that the student earned the grade or grades in question, the petition will not be approved.

Can you petition for an excess hours surcharge?

Students who are expected to pay an excess hours surcharge can petition if they believe their excess hours should be exempted. A petition, or appeal, of the initial counter determination must be received by the end of a student's first term at UF.

How long does it take to appeal a citation?

Appeals must be submitted within 15 calendar days of issuance of the citation. If your appeal is received more than 15 days after the citation’s is issued, you forfeit your right to appeal, and the citation will be considered delinquent and will accrue a $10.00 late fee. Appeal Citation Online.

Can you appeal a parking ticket suspension at University of Florida?

Suspension of your parking privileges on the University of Florida campus may be appealed. Suspension appeals are in person appeals. You will be contacted to schedule an appointment after you submit your appeal. A successful appeal is the only way to restore this privilege prior to September 1st.

What does it mean to withdraw from UF?

Withdrawing from UF. Withdrawal is defined as dropping all courses, not individual courses, in a term. Students who leave UF without withdrawing formally will receive failing grades for all courses.

What is the Florida Statute for National Guard?

Per Florida Statute 250.482, if a member of the Florida National Guard is ordered into active service, no private or public employer, and no employing or appointing authority of this state, its counties, municipalities, political subdivisions, community colleges, or universities, shall discharge, reprimand, or in any other way penalize such member because of his or her absence by reason of state active duty.

What happens if you withdraw from a college?

If you officially withdraw or stop attending all courses, you may be required to repay all or part of the financial aid disbursed to you for the term in which you withdraw. Students receiving federal funds may be required to repay aid determined to be “unearned.”.

How much federal aid do you get if you withdraw?

That is, if you completed 30% of the term in which you withdrew, you have earned 30% of the federal aid you received. Once you have completed 60% of the term, you are considered to have earned all of your aid.

What is the late payment fee for University of Florida?

Any student who fails to pay all tuition and fees due or to make appropriate arrangements for tuition and fee payment (deferment or third party billing) by the fee payment deadline published in the academic calendar will be subject to a late payment fee of $100.00. (UF-3.037, Regulations of the University of Florida)#N#More Info

When is the drop add deadline for Florida University?

The fee payment deadline is 3:30 p.m. of the last day of the second week of classes.

What is the Florida linkage institutes program?

Any dependent child of a special risk member killed in the line of duty, pursuant to Chapter 112.19, Florida Statutes. A student enrolled through the Florida Linkage Institutes Program is entitled to a waiver of the non-resident tuition and fees pursuant to 288.8175 Florida Statutes.

What is formal enrollment in one or more credit courses approved and scheduled by the university?

formal enrollment in one or more credit courses approved and scheduled by the university; and. tuition and fee payments, or other appropriate arrangements for tuition and fee payment (deferment or third-party billing) for the courses in which the student is enrolled as of the end of the drop/add period.

What is material and supply fee?

Material and supply fees are assessed for certain courses to offset the cost of materials or supply items consumed in the course of instruction. A list of approved courses and fees is published in the Schedule of Courses each semester. (UF-3.0374 Regulations of the University of Florida)#N#More Info

Where are student accounts payable?

All student accounts are payable at the University Bursar office or on ONE.UF at the time such charges are incurred. Graduating students with outstanding financial obligations will have a hold placed on their records withholding release of a diploma, transcript and other university services until the debt is satisfied.#N#More Info

What is a late fee student?

A student who believes that a late fee should not be assessed because of university error or extraordinary circumstances that prevented all conceivable means of compliance by the deadline may petition for a waiver. Late registration fee: Office of the University Registrar; Late payment fee: University Bursar. The university reserves the right to require documentation to substantiate these circumstances.

We Receive Thousands of Qualified Applicants

While application statistics do not paint a full picture of our review process, UF received more than 60,000 applications for a class of a little over 6,000 students.

Our Decision Process

Our decisions are based upon a selective holistic evaluation. During our review process, we looked at a variety of factors including high school performance, academic rigor of course schedule, test scores, activities and personal statements.

Other Pathways to UF Enrollment

If your admission and/or appeal is denied, you may want to consider applying to UF as an upper-division transfer student, or applying to one of our excellent graduate or professional programs in the future.

Appealing Your Freshman Decision

Each application is reviewed at least twice and more often three or four times by the admissions committee using a holistic review process. Due to the thoroughness of our application review process, it is unusual for us to reverse an admission decision. We will consider an appeal only if it provides new and compelling information.

What happens if your appeal is not approved?

If your appeal is not approved, you will be notified and required to relinquish your position. You may resign from your position by submitting a letter to the next highest officer position of your organization stating your resignation from office.

How long does the appeal committee serve?

All committee members serve for one-year terms and may be reappointed. Decisions by the Appeals Committee are final. If a student fails to submit an appeal within (10) days of notification, the student relinquishes their office immediately.

What is the minimum grade point average for graduate school?

Graduate and professional students must also have a minimum of 3.0 cumulative academic average, or at least the minimum grade point average required to remain in good standing with the graduate or professional program in which they are enrolled, and otherwise be in good academic standing;

Can you hold an office in a student organization for more than one semester?

May not hold an office in a student organization for more than one semester. Students who have received approval from the Dean of Students Office or the Disability Resource Center to have a reduced course load due to a registered disability are eligible to hold leadership positions in student organizations.

Can you enroll in a course at another college?

Students will be allowed to enroll for one in-residence course at another college or university and have those credits count toward full-time status only if that course is a required course and is either not offered at the University in the current semester, or is full during that semester.


Second Level Appeal

  • Following the first level appeal decision, a second level appeal may be requested if you are not satisfied with the results. The Statement of Appeal to a University Hearing Authority must be filed with Transportation and Parking Services in writing either at our office or online within 15 calendar days from the issuance of the decision regarding the initial appeal. In order to request a second l…
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Suspended Parking Privileges Appeal

  • Suspension of your parking privileges on the University of Florida campus may be appealed. Suspension appeals are in person appeals. You will be contacted to schedule an appointment after you submit your appeal. A successful appeal is the only way to restore this privilege prior to September 1st.
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Impound (Boot/Tow) Appeal

  • If your vehicle has been impounded (booted or towed) you may request a Probable Cause Hearing. The purpose of the hearing is to determine if the vehicle was impounded according to University of Florida regulations. Impoundment appeals are in person appeals. You will be contacted to schedule an appointment after you submit your appeal.
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Notice of Judgment

  • Judgment decisions will be sent via email to your official UF email address. If you do not have an official UF email address, the judgment will be sent to the email address provided on your appeal form, or to your local address via US mail. You are responsible for contacting Transportation and Parking Services at (352) 392-7275 to check the appeal ...
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