how to add your course calendar in the safe company land page

by Ms. Opal Brown 3 min read

How do I add a calendar to my landing page?

Include a Calendar Event ICS File in a Landing Page
  1. In your landing page editor, click {…} to insert a token.
  2. Select the Calendar File token and click Insert. CAUTION. The following tokens are not supported on landing pages: member. webinar URL.
  3. Click Save. People will see a landing page that looks like this:

How do I add a course to my calendar?

Step 2: Import Course Schedule into Google Calendar
  1. Open Google Calendaron a computer. ...
  2. In the left panel you will see two lists of calendars: “My Calendars” and “Other Calendars”.
  3. Click Import.
  4. Click Select file from your computer and select the file you exported. ...
  5. Choose which calendar to add the imported events to.
Sep 13, 2018

How do I add an Add button to my calendar?

Create an Add to calendar link in an email message
  1. Step 1: Create an appointment. If you already created the appointment on your calendar, skip to the next section, Step 2: Send an iCalendar attachment. ...
  2. Step 2: Send an iCalendar attachment. On your calendar, click the appointment. ...
  3. Step 3: Add a link to the message body.

How do I automatically add events to my calendar?

In Google Calendar settings, go to Events from Gmail, and check the box next to Show events automatically created by Gmail in my calendar.

How do I create a calendar in Google Calendar?

Part of a video titled How to Create a Weekly Schedule Using Google Calendar - YouTube
In your web browser navigate to slash calendar log in using your Google login. AndMoreIn your web browser navigate to slash calendar log in using your Google login. And password. Your office calendar will be displayed in the top right corner.

How do I add a calendar to my Google Calendar?

Go to Google calendars and sign in to your account:
  1. Click the down-arrow next to Other calendars.
  2. Select Add by URL from the menu.
  3. Enter the address in the field provided.
  4. Click Add calendar. The calendar will appear in the Other calendars section of the calendar list to the left.

How does add to calendar work?

Once a user clicks on the calendar link in the email, they are redirected to the event description page with an “Add to calendar” button. Finally, the user navigates to their calendar to set up permissions and notifications.Nov 17, 2020

How do you send a calendar invite?

Add people to your event
  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Calendar app .
  2. Open the event you want to add people to.
  3. Tap Edit .
  4. Tap Invite people.
  5. Enter the name or email address of the person you want to invite.
  6. Tap Done. To find when your guests are available, swipe down or tap View schedules​
  7. Tap Save.

How do I create a dynamic event calendar in HTML?

How to use it:
  1. To use the component, make sure you have jQuery library and Bootstrap 4 framework loaded in the document. ...
  2. Load the latest moment. ...
  3. Load the calendar's stylesheet in the document. ...
  4. Create a DIV container to hold the event calendar. ...
  5. Import the loading spinner module if needed.
Jun 17, 2020

How do I add an event to my calendar email?

The Outlook app for iOS and Android smartphones has a “convert to event” option when replying to an email or sending a new email. When you reply to an email look at the bottom of the screen and click on the small calendar icon. You can choose to “Send Availability” or “Convert to Event”.Apr 6, 2021

How do I add a webinar to my Outlook calendar?

Register for the webinar. On the "You're Registered!" page, click Add to Calendar > Outlook Calendar. Note: If you are adding it to your Outlook web calendar, click and sign in to your account. The event will automatically be added, you can proceed to the event or close the browser.

How do I add an event to my Outlook calendar?

Turn an Outlook email into a Outlook calendar appointment:
  1. Click on the email you want to convert to a Outlook calendar appointment.
  2. Holding down the left mouse key, drag the email to your Calendar folder and drop it.
  3. The new calendar appointment dialog will appear with the email subject in the appointment Subject line.

Does Site Safe match your login?

Yes, Site Safe will endeavour to match your login with your company's membership status to ensure you receive the correct rate when booking. Please contact us if you are still not receiving the correct rates. If you are a member, you must make sure you have logged in, so that we can identify your unique login information.

Can a trainer change at short notice?

The trainer can often change at short notice so we do not advertise courses as being run by a particular trainer. If you would like an indication of who is likely to run a particular course we would be happy to help, please contact us.

How to view previous financial transactions?

To view your previous financial transactions you will need to login to the My Site Safe portal and then click on the ‘financial transactions’ tab. Or if you would like a full statement - please let us know your 'log-in email address' and 'company name' - email [email protected]

How do I sign up for a Scheduler appointment in the Calendar?

If your institution has enabled the Scheduler tool, you can sign up for any appointments that are created for your course using the Calendar sidebar. Appointments can include office hours, group presentation time slots, and lunch with an alumnus.

Select Course

If a course includes an appointment, the name of the course displays in the Course drop-down menu. Select the course where you want to look for an appointment [1], then click the Submit button [2].

View Appointments

View the appointments available for the course. Faded time slots indicate the time slot has been reserved.

Reserve Appointment

In the calendar, click the time slot you want to reserve [1]. In the appointment window, you can view the appointment time, calendar, and details. If you want to leave any comments for your instructor, you can type them in the Comments field [2].

View Updated Appointments

Once you have reserved a time slot, the time slot fades in the calendar.

Close Appointments

When you are finished with course reservations, click the Close button.

Unreserve Appointment

To completely cancel your appointment, click the appointment time [1] and click the Un-reserve link [2].
