how to add winter course umaine

by Aliyah Koepp 7 min read

ACC 201 Principles of Financial Accounting

This is an introduction to the organization, presentation and use of financial accounting information. Students will understand the elements of the accounting system - assets, liabilities, equity, revenues, expenses and dividends.

ACC 202 Principles of Managerial Accounting

This course is an introduction to the use and preparation of accounting information for management decision-making and analysis. It includes techniques that can be used by all businesses in evaluating, planning and controlling operations.

ANT 120 Religions of the World

A survey of the distinctive features of the major world religions and the most studied Native American, African and aboriginal Australian religions. Focuses on the fit between myth and ritual, the problems involved in trying to understand both "from the believer's point of view," and what generalizations can be made about religion in general.

ARH 155 Art and Visual Culture in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

Introductory survey of painting, sculpture, architecture, and forms of visual and material culture in their various contexts from the Paleolithic and Ancient Worlds to the end of the Middle Ages.

AST 109 Introduction to Astronomy

A descriptive survey of astronomy including contemporary views of the universe. Topics include the solar system, stars, galaxies, black holes, quasars, and cosmology. May be taken without AST 110. Satisfies the General Education Applications of Scientific Knowledge requirement when taken without AST 110.

BEN 502 Advanced Materials in Bio-inspired Engineering

This course will cover advanced materials inspired by nature using directed problem solving and hands-on exploration, building on information learned in BEN 403. Students will be exposed to the power of an integrated approach to engineering which draws on biological principles and materials science to create the materials for the future.

BIO 377 Medical Physiology

Physiological processes in humans with emphasis on the integration of organ systems. A pre-professional course for pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-graduate school, and exercise physiology students.

How many credits do you get in a winter session?

Normally students earn 3 credits in a course that is spread out over a full 15 weeks. This means Winter Session courses require a much larger time commitment each week. You should be prepared to spend 30-40 hours per week working on your Winter Session course.

How many credits are needed for a 3 week winter session?

How to Succeed in a 3-Week, Fully Online Winter Session Course. Winter Session courses are incredibly intensive. Plan ahead for success: Keep in mind that you will be earning 3 credits in a 3-week time frame. Normally students earn 3 credits in a course that is spread out over a full 15 weeks. This means Winter Session courses require ...
