how to add course to master record firefighting

by Aniyah Smith 9 min read

What are the courses in a fire science master’s degree program?

Unlike the four-year coursework of a fire science bachelor’s degree, master’s degree programs do not require completion of general studies classes outside the major. Students can choose among advanced theory and tactics courses in their public safety or fire science field without having to take a language or biology class.

How many firefighter courses do I Need?

The course numbers on the B list that begin with the letter Q followed by numerals are offered by NFA Online and the NIMS courses are available at EMI. NFA Online and EMI offer enough courses to satisfy the TCFP requirement of 16 courses for the two upgrades. Many departments require that firefighters have completed several NIMS or ICS courses.

How do I set up an unclassified master record?

If it becomes necessary to establish an unclassified Master Record, the user must enter the Department code, Agency/Bureau code, POI, and Master Record 888888. The system does not require any other data. Type data in the five key fields at the Master Record screen.

What are the key fields for the master record?

The key fields are used to identify a specific Master Record and are displayed on each Master Record screen. Complete the key fields as follows: 1. Function This field is system generated from the option selected on the Position Management System Online screen. 2. Dept-Cd/Agcy-Bur-Cd

How far can a master stream be lowered?

The master stream can also be controlled to be vertically lowered below the 0° degree plane. Most master streams attached to an apparatus will be able to be vertically controlled 90 ° below to 90 ° above horizontal. This is a wide operating range for firefighters to take advantage of.

Why extend master stream?

The other reason for the extension is for different angles of water application. With the master stream extended, it can apply water in a 360° rotation.

Why do firefighters need ergonomics?

There are two main reasons for this: for an ergonomic work environment and for the ability to achieve many different angles of water flow. The ergonomic reason is more so for the firefighter that will be assigned to operate the master stream.

What is a masters in fire science?

At the master’s degree level, fire science and emergency services coursework builds on prior college and departmental experience in fire safety, structural engineering, proactive protection, post-incident investigations and operations management. Students develop leadership skills in fields such as strategic planning, team development, public finance and performance management. Graduates are armed with leadership skills and organizational theory to advance to management roles within fire and emergency service organizations at the federal, state, regional and local levels.

Why is accreditation important for fire education?

Accreditation from an impartial, qualified association or fire education organization can be critical to the acceptance of the degree, its lasting value in the workplace, and availability of federal student aid programs such as student loans and grants.

What is a masters degree?

Students who have earned an undergraduate degree may transition directly into master’s degree studies, or they may work in their field before returning to complete a graduate degree. These advanced credentials are commonly referred to as Master’s of Science (MS) or Master’s of Arts (MA) degrees. Degree requirements usually include completion ...

Do you need software to do online masters?

The online format is often familiar to master’s degree students who may have already completed undergraduate work or departmental training via the internet. No special hardware or software is required to participate.

Why do I need a master stream?

A master stream can be placed so that lateral water dispersion will play into that attic space from the exterior. If a gable vent or soffit attack is unavailable, think about finding a space on the interior that has a narrow distance between walls to eliminate a collapse hazard such as a bathroom or a narrow hallway.

How to play stream through window venting fire?

Recommendation: When playing a stream through a window venting fire, place the stream in one window and keep steady in that window until you witness a significant change in the conditions, then move to the next window and repeat.

What to do when you have an attic fire?

When dealing with a residential attic fire, the common tactic is to get in, pull or hook as much of the top floor sheetrock, and flow as much water as you can. However, opening up the walls this much is a practice firefighters must move away from.


The Airport Master Firefighter (AMF) virtual series is an overview of the study materials designed to educate and challenge airport rescue firefighting personnel in preparation to earn the prestigious AMF professional designation. We are pleased to offer a discounted rate of the AMF Program Fee as part of the Virtual Training purchase.

Mr. James R. Nilo, C.M., ACE, IACE

Chief (Ret.) James “Jim” Nilo, C.M., ACE Jim started his airport career as a Crash Fire Rescue crewman in the United State Marine Corps in 1984. While serving on active duty he also became a volunteer firefighter and emergency medical technician in Northern Virginia.

What are the requirements for a structural firefighter?

The Basic Structural Firefighter certification is granted when an applicant meets the TCFP requirements for state certification and passes both written and skills tests. To receive higher certifications a firefighter has to satisfy two requirements: education and time-in-service. The education requirements for the Intermediate Structural ...

How many hours do you need to be a structural firefighter?

For the Master Structural Firefighter certification the firefighter must have 60 college hours, 18 of which has to be fire related.

What are the levels of fire protection in Texas?

The levels are Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, and Master Structural Firefighter. Many departments offer financial incentives for getting these certification upgrades. Many of the incentives are monthly ...

What happens after TCFP certification upgrade?

After TCFP has awarded the upgrade (s) the firefighter will send the information to the training division or other point of contact within their department for placement in their file and to start receiving the incentives. For more information about TCFP certification upgrades visit the TCFP website by clicking here.
