how to add course on khan academy

by Jevon Schmidt 8 min read

To add and remove courses from this view:

  • Go to your Learning Home page by clicking on the Khan Academy name at the top of any page when you're logged in (this is also the first page you're ...
  • Click Edit on the right-side of My courses.
  • A menu will display where you can un-check any subjects you previously had or check a subject to add it to your My courses display.
  • When ready, click on the green button on the bottom-right side of the window displaying the total amount of subjects to display

1. Choose your subjects

Khan Academy has thousands of articles, practice problems, and videos to help you learn a wide range of subjects. Click on the Courses tab at the top left of our site or search for a topic to get started.

2. Focus on specific units

Once you have chosen your course, you can look for the exact unit you want to learn or review. Select the main unit or an individual lesson to see relevant videos, articles, and practice exercises.

3. See what you already know

Once you choose a unit, you can take a quick unit test to see which concepts you’ve mastered and which you may need to practice more. Or, you can dive in from the beginning by doing the first practice exercises.

5. Practice what you learn

As you build confidence with concepts, put yourself to the test! There are exercises, quizzes, and unit tests in each unit, and a course challenge that includes skills from the entire course to help you demonstrate your understanding and track your progress.

6. Try a Mastery Challenge

Mastery Challenges are a way for you to review and practice skills you’ve previously learned in a course. It's also another way for you to level up or down in Mastery, in addition to taking unit tests and course challenges.

7. Build a routine

Set a schedule for yourself, and study at least a few times a week. That way, you’re more likely to remember the new things that you’re learning.

8. Remember: learning takes time!

And finally, be patient and persistent. We know that sometimes in your learning journey, things will be stressful and frustrating. You won’t always understand something right away, and that’s okay! Your brain is like a muscle: the more you use it, the more it grows. We believe that you can learn anything.

When a full class or course isn't necessary

When you first look at the Khan Academy website, you see a long list of topics that all look like a math nightmare from sophomore year. You might wonder what relevance this has to teaching leadership classes, or product training, or answering CRM questions.

Creating great, short tutorials

There are two things you need to do to prepare for setting up your own self-paced tutorials. First, you need to create a place to host the tutorials. This can be your existing intranet, an LMS, or even a password-protected Wiki or blog. The site does not have to be complicated. In fact, the simpler the better.
