how to add a new course codelab

by Lester Trantow 6 min read

Why choose Codelab for your online course?

Google Developers Codelabs provide a guided, tutorial, hands-on coding experience. Most codelabs will step you through the process of building a small application, or adding a new feature to an existing application. They cover a wide range of topics such as Android Wear, Google Compute Engine, Project Tango, and Google APIs on iOS.

How do I author a Codelab?

Stage your Codelab. Add your changes and any newly created files, then commit & push the changes. From your codelabs root directory, execute: cd solace-dev-codelabs git add . git commit -m 'Added or Updated codelab' git …

How do students use Codelab in canvas?

But first you must register to get a username and password and put yourself on your instructor's CodeLab roster: Go to this web site:; Click REGISTER in the upper right hand corner of the page. Choose the 'Student: I am in a course that uses CodeLab.' You will be asked for your Section Access Code.

What is a Google developer Codelab?

CodeLab-In-Canvas must be set up separately for each Canvas course to that uses it. Once set up, students interact with CodeLab just as the would with any Canvas assignment. They click on the assignment and they see the CodeLab workbench with its navigation tools, instructions, submission area, and status information.


You can also watch a video on how you can contribute to authoring a codelab by visiting this YouTube link or watching the video below

Option A: Download from source

Install Go, claat, and NodeJs from the links above if you don't have them already installed. You can follow the documentation on Go's website and the Google Codelabs github repo.


After cloning the repository as per the earlier step, from the root directory, run the init script as follows ./ <name-of-codelab>

Export & Serve Locally

Now that you have an initial codelab defined in your markdown file let's go ahead and generate the static site content. We can export & serve the content locally using the claat command that we installed earlier.

Export for production

When you're done, export your static web content to the codelabs folder.

Stage your Codelab

Add your changes and any newly created files, then commit & push the changes. From your codelabs root directory, execute:

Create a Pull Request

Now that your changes have been pushed to a new branch, navigate to your fork<Your_Github_User>/solace-dev-codelabs and create a pull request against master.

What is JSON LD?

JSON-LD is used for data in a simple JavaScript-oriented object notation and is Google's preferred format for structured data. JSON-LD should be inside a <script> element in either the <head> or <body> of the page. Tip: JSON-LD is case sensitive. Make sure to use the same casing as the examples.

Does Google search guarantee your page?

Note: There is no guarantee that your page will appear in Search results with the specified feature. This is because search features depend on many factors, including the search device type, location, and whether Google Search thinks the feature would provide the best search experience for the user.
