how to access course guides uga library

by Mr. Augustus Ferry 4 min read

Library staff cannot give out e-reserve passwords. Where is the study guide for the Georgia Constitution Test? On the online catalog webpage (, click on the “Search anything” search-bar at the top of the page. From the drop down search options, change “GIL-Find” to “Course Reserves.”

Full Answer

Are UGA libraries open to public?

Members of the general public may use public-access computing stations at the Main Library and Miller Learning Center (ask for login credentials at the security desk), as well as the McBay Science Library. Guest wireless on campus is available through the self-service UGA_Visitors_Wifi.

How do I download an article from the UGA library?

If no PDF is available, click on the UGA Access or Find It @ UGA button to check for full-text or a print copy. You can also use the button to request a PDF or a print copy from another library. Have an article citation/reference? Your best bet is to search for the article title in Multi-Search or Google Scholar.

How do I check out a book at UGA Main Library?

Login to your library account to make a request and choose a pickup location. All eligible students, faculty and staff can request delivery of eligible circulating books from the UGA Libraries, as well as from other libraries in the University System of Georgia.

Can you eat in the UGA library?

Map and Government Information Library (sub-basement level) – Drink containers with lids and snack foods but not meals are permitted. GIS Lab - all food and drink is prohibited. 3rd floor reading room – all food and drink is prohibited.

How many libraries does UGA have?

The Libraries provide their services at nine locations on the Athens campus, among them the Main Library, Zell B. Miller Learning Center, Science Library, Russell Special Collections Building, and Health Sciences Carnegie Library, which receive more than three million visits per year.

How many books can you check out at UGA library?

The Leisure Collection circulates for 14 days. Outside Borrowers can check out 5 books at a time. There are 2 automatic renewals for most items. After the 2 automatic renewals, books may be brought to the Circulation Desk at the Main Library to be discharged and borrowed again.

How do I order books at UGA?

Book Requests UGA students, faculty, and staff may place requests for circulating books owned by the UGA Libraries through the online catalog, GIL-Find. Login to your library account to request a book and choose a pickup location. Users are limited to 10 open requests at one time.

How much is room and board at UGA?

OSFA may also include the one-time cost of obtaining the first professional credential in a field that requires licensure or certification....Costs.GEORGIA RESIDENT UNDERGRADUATE (FALL 2022 & SPRING 2023)Room6,810*4,550Board4,0944,094Transportation1,2781,278Miscellaneous Living Expenses3,2924,1685 more rows

Can non students use UGA library?

Visitors are welcome at all UGA Libraries locations during daytime business hours. After 9 p.m., access to the Main Library and the McBay Science Library is limited to the UGA community (faculty, staff, students) and students with a valid higher education ID.

Is UGA a smoke free campus?

The University of Georgia is now smoke-free after a University System of Georgia policy banning the use of tobacco products on campus went into effect Oct. 1.

Does UGA Main Library have vending machines?

There are more than 500 vending machines located in over 150 buildings on the UGA campus, including the Health Sciences Campus. Vending Services oversees the distribution of newspapers, magazines, and student papers in many of the racks on campus.