how the red cell provides information that assists planners to develop course of action

by Miss Raina Jones Jr. 10 min read

What is the COA’s role in planning?

-Refine the Concept of Operations: Refined staff estimates and IPB products from the approved COA allow planners and supporting staff sections to proceed with functional and detailed planning.

How to prepare the reproduction area for reproduction?

from its preparations. Place the reproduction area in a tent or a built-up truck or trailer (in heavy units) so it can operate at night with interior light. This will also provide enough room for the person reproducing the order. Although moving the reproduction area away from the

What is the starting point of the action-reaction-counteraction sequence?

If the belt or avenue-in-depth technique is used, the starting point is the unit location (defensive positions or assembly area). Using a task force attack against a motorized rifle company (MRC), an example of the staff participation of the action-reaction-counteraction sequence is:

Why course of action development is the foundation of the plan?

WHY: COMMANDER'S INTENT Course-of-action development is the foundation of the plan. Eliminating or inadequately conducting this step produces inferior estimates which impact on the remainder of the MDMP

What are the functions of planning and plans MCPP?

MCPP is a six-step process (Problem Framing, Course of Action (COA) Development, COA War Game, COA Comparison and Decision, Orders Development, and Transition), guided by three tenants: top-down planning, single battle concept, and integrated planning.

Which of the following steps of the Marine Corps planning process is used to gain an enhanced understanding of the environment and the nature of the problem?

The purpose of problem framing is to gain an enhanced understanding of the environment and the nature of the problem.

What is the value of planning MCPP?

Among all critical factors bearing on military operations, time is defining. The MCPP helps Marines win the time fight through a promotion of intuitive understanding, commander's intent, and the use of task and purpose when operating inside an established paradigm.

What should the orders development step of the MCPP communicate?

The orders development step in MCPP communicates the commander's decision in a clear, useful form that can be understood by those executing the order. Define transition. Transition is the final step of MCPP.

What is the correct order of the steps of the Marine Corps planning process?

This planning process involves six steps: Problem Framing, Course of Action (COA) Development, COA Wargaming, COA Comparison and Decision, Orders Development, and Transition.

Why is information management necessary to affect command and control?

Information Management Defined Enables commanders to formulate and analyze courses of action, make decisions, execute those decisions, and adjust plans accordingly.

What are the two elements that must be expressed in a mission statement?

A mission statement is composed of two parts: a task and its purpose.

What is the purpose of the five paragraph order?

The purpose of the 5 paragraph order is to issue an order in a clear and concise manner by a thorough orientation of the area of operations. A 5 paragraph order gives subordinates the essential information needed to carry out the operation.

What is the definition of design in MCPP?

Activities: • Design. - Understanding the environment. - Understanding the problem. - Commander's initial intent and guidance.

Which troop leading step does the leader typically develop an initial plan of action?

Supervise is the most important troop leading step. During this step the leader ensures the order is carried out as intended.

When writing a five paragraph order which of the following acronyms are most helpful to remember?

SMEACThe five paragraphs are: Situation, Mission, Execution, Administration and Logistics, and Command and Signal. Again, this format is commonly referred to and remembered by the acronym SMEAC.

What are the steps of the military decision making process?

The MDMP consists of seven steps: receipt of mission, mission analysis, course of action (CO A) development, COA analysis, COA comparison, COA approval, and orders production. The MDMP offers a proven analytical process that assists the commander and staff in developing, integrating, and synchronizing their plan.

How to plan a plan of action?

Thus, the way planners typically plan follows the steps below: Develop the enemy’s most likely course of action. Develop the enemy’s most dangerous course of action. Develop a plan of action to counter the enemy. The above steps are out of order.

How to develop a friendly plan?

Develop friendly plan to counter the most likely course of action. Develop the threat’s most dangerous course of action (that exploits the weaknesses of the plan developed in step 2). Develop friendly contingency plans to counter the threat’s most dangerous course of action. Adjust the main plan as needed to allow for effective transition between ...

What is the correct way to plan?

The correct way to plan is first to develop the enemy’s most likely course of action, then to develop a plan to counter that most likely course of action. Only then is it possible to develop the enemy’s most dangerous course of action.

What are the two elements of military planning?

Many modern military schools teach planners to identify these two elements: the most likely course of action and the most dangerous course of action. However, some schools fail to fully understand the nature and relationship of these two courses of action. In many cases, planners develop both the enemy’s most likely course ...

Can you know the enemy's most dangerous course of action?

Thus it is impossible to know the enemy’s most dangerous course of action without first knowing the planned friendly course of action. When planners have developed the threat’s most dangerous course of action, they return and develop at least one contingency plan to counter that most dangerous course of action.

Is a contingency plan a different plan?

It is critical to remember that the contingency plan is not an entirely different plan but rather a way to adjust the existing plan midstride in the event that the threat deviates from their most likely course of action. If wargaming shows that transitioning between the main plan and the contingency plan is difficult or impossible, ...

How does MCPP work?

MCPP begins with receiving or anticipating a new mission. The commander and his staff begin the process by gathering the necessary information and conducting an initial assessment of products, personnel, and time available. The staff prepares by gathering the necessary tools to conduct analysis.

Why is planning important in MCPP?

Planning will not eliminate uncertainty, but effective planning will allow the commander to decide and act effectively by focusing on the mission and the threat —even when uncertainty is present. TENETS OF MCPP .

What is the purpose of a battle maneuver?

Maneuver is the employment of forces in the battlespace through movement in combination with fire, or fire potential, to achieve a position of advantage in respect to the enemy to accomplish the mission.

How does the commander use planning?

In turn, the commander uses planning to gain knowledge and situational awareness to support his decision-making process. The commander's staff and subordinate commanders use his plan, guidance, and concept of operations to accomplish the mission. The commander must always view the entire battlespace as one entity.

What is integrated planning?

Integrated planning is a disciplined approached to planning. It is systematic, coordinated, and thorough. Integrated planning is based on the six warfighting functions: command and control, logistics, intelligence, maneuver, force protection, and fires. Take a look at the details of each of the six warfighting functions.

What is the command and control function?

Command and control functions are performed through an arrangement of personnel, equipment, communications, facilities, and procedures employed by a commander in planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling forces and operations .

What is military planning?

Military planning, regardless of the branch of service, is essentially a structured, formalized version of what you do every day—in and out of uniform—to solve problems and achieve goals.

Why is it important to develop an action plan?

Developing an action plan can help changemakers turn their visions into reality, and increase efficiency and accountability within an organization. An action plan describes the way your organization will meet its objectives through detailed action steps that describe how and when these steps will be taken.

Why do we need action plans?

There are lots of good reasons to work out the details of your organization's work in an action plan, including: To lend credibility to your organization. An action plan shows members of the community (including grantmakers) that your organization is well ordered and dedicated to getting things done.

What is an action plan?

An action plan is a way to make sure your organization's vision is made concrete. It describes the way your group will use its strategies to meet its objectives. An action plan consists of a number of action steps or changes to be brought about in your community.

What are the targets and agents of change?

Targets and agents of change (e.g., youth, parents and guardians, clergy) Proposed changes for each sector of the community (e. g., schools, faith community, service organizations, health organizations, government) Develop an action plan composed of action steps that address all proposed changes.

What are the health and development issues that community partnerships deal with?

Most of the health and development issues that community partnerships deal with are community-wide, and thus need a community-wide solution. Possible sectors include the media, the business community, religious organizations, schools, youth organizations, social service organizations, health organizations, and others.

When should an action plan be developed?

When should you create an action plan? Ideally, an action plan should be developed within the first six months to one year of the start of an organization. It is developed after you have determined the vision, mission, objectives, and strategies of your group.

What is the purpose of accountability?

For efficiency: to save time, energy, and resources in the long run. For accountability: To increase the chances that people will do what needs to be done.
